No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Yeah, sorry. Obviously I don’t hate EVERYone who wants that…It’s just I had so many all out fights with people who wanted to argue with me over things that had NOTHING to do with high elves.

Didn’t meant to take my frustration on everyone… :confused:

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Hey, that’s where the fun of these threads is at.

When we can all enjoy ourselves and talk about what we’d like to see (or not see) without too many insults, hyperbole, or fit pitching.

I’m a relative newcomer and I can tell it doesn’t always work that way, of course. But ideally.


What do you mean with “people like you”? Sometimes i think you guys don’t want a conversation, just a punching bag for your frustration.

When you people make disingenuous arguments, which by the way is uncivil, there’s no reason for discussion.

The spammers that spam the same topic and stuff over and over trying to justify something you have no right to.


I mean you were advocating for bullying to take place, idk maybe that might be it… like?

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No when we try to talk we get shouted down mass flagged and abused as people have posted above I saw the high elf discord and it was reported and nothing was done. The very fact people were targeting people on the forum should have been a good enough reason.

Also what Aed said

Nic hasn’t argued void elves should be first (or even early) to get new customizations.

I think both of you agree that they’re probably going to get less whenever the allied race touchups come, too.


I’m not one of the people “spamming up the forums”. You’ll be hard-pressed to find any “High Elf” topic started by me.

But I’ll tell you this much… if you don’t think all this talk hasn’t gotten me anything I wanted, then you haven’t looked at my forum avatar close enough.

I’m confident that at some point before Shadowlands concludes, I’ll get some traditional hair colors and some more hairstyles. But I am hoping, and making posts requesting, that they are NOT a copy/paste of Blood Elf hair colors and styles.

I can have what I want without copying it from Blood Elves. Heck I can have it without copying it from any existing assets. But asking Blizz to modify an existing asset has a better shot of getting a yes, than asking for completely new assets to be made, so I go towards the path of least resistance that also doesn’t encroach further on Blood Elf specific assets.

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Well if no one else will do it


I never made a high elf thread. So i’m not a spammer.

You know what i meant. I already explained for you, but you are pretending you didn’t read and i meant something i don’t. This is vile. I never expected that from you.

You say that and then say that antis made no difference too.

They could have been all that kept you from hair.

Blood Elves would still have lackluster customization but at least some part was protected.

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There’s a lot of generalizations coming out in the thread.

Not everyone in a group wants the same thing. Not everyone necessarily has the same stance on something just because they agree with something.

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Good for you if it happens, doesn’t mean you deserve it or deserved it and after all the spamming, crying, complaining if Blizzard was smart they wouldn’t give Void Elves anything, you can say I’m harsh or mean or whatever but seriously you guys don’t deserve anything more like ever.

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Not just generalizations. Lies, insults, and vile behavior. I’m out, see you in another thread Sledgehammer ^^

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they get nothing till everyone else is done that is fair since they did get 80% of our customization and we got nothing back but laughed at and made fun of. That is my Personal View and I am sticking with it if it bothers you that is on you but I am done with blood elves being a poster child for stolen model and customization I’m fighting back.

The only way blizzard could make this fair is give us Humans and Draenei models.

I’ve been holding back on that. There’s been more than a few on both sides going, metaphorically or literally, “you people” and applying a broad generalization to “those people” that’s easy to argue with. Also possibly inaccurate.

And every time I’ve been tempted.

Thank you for giving in.

You literally said just that, and I have no idea who you are, so I guess I never expected anything from you at all.

Well since we just had some actual “What do you mean people like me” going on, I had to.

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Pretty much this. I support the full list everyone has put forward and that is where everyone should be focusing. In the past years most of the focus has revolved around a certain controversy and that’s all that was really addressed by the devs. These topics get way too much traffic, when a lot of that time and energy could be put elsewhere, such at the San’layn thread, the Dark Ranger thread and the dedicated Blood Elf option thread that died months ago. If you stop asking for said options you’re likely never going to get them.

So let’s get another dedicated Blood Elf option thread going instead of taking the issue to the myriad of Void Elf threads popping up, which also needs to stop by btw as there should be one dedicated and impartial thread dedicated to requests for that race too.

And as for the actual OP, I agree that we don’t need any more Blood Elf assets, but I disagree with continuing to box Void Elves into a one dimensional aesthetic.