No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

I think encompassing what they have encompassed for Void Elves is the best solution. Void Elves don’t outright encroach on Blood Elf themes the way High Elves do. And yet aren’t entitled to the full theme of High Elves either.

I think to continue to encroach on the Blood Elf main theme when so little has been done for Blood Elves, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Blood Elves are High Elves, that is the main and only theme, Void Elves now have two visual themes, and I don’t think Void Elves are entitled to a complete picture when it comes to High Elves.

Blood Elves have nothing to show for this “compromise”.


Asking for:

Hair Colors:
Void Elf male using Kul Tiran hair textures:

Void Elf male using Human hairstyles:

Tentacle Toggle
Void Elf male with hair tentacles toggled off:

Is not “encroaching on the Blood Elf theme.”

But I do agree Blood Elves need more. And if sharing Void Elf hair assets assuages some of the “hurt”, I’m all for it.


Lol, the day they actually take something from Alliance like take it for real will be the day because Alliance would cry and cry and it would never end.


This is mine (Sledgehammer).

He’s also my very first ever max level mage after like 13 years of playing.

I like him a lot, silly face and all. I’d love to see more choices for him eventually.

BUT your stealing from other races that is the Issue people are saying. Void elf players just keep demanding for more and more.

I love how some of the people in this thread are talking about how Void Elves have stolen from the Blood Elves and in response they seem to be okay with the idea of completely getting rid of the Void Elves on the basis of “no one asked for them”.

No one really asked for Blood Elves to be a Horde race either, but they ended up as one.

Doing that would honestly just make the (former) Void Elf players even more upset. Honestly, myself included.

Again I refer you to:

Sharing hairstyles and colors across races and factions is not without precedent.

It’s not stealing, and nothing is being taken away from anyone. If you want more examples of “cross-pollination” with hairstyles I’ll be happy to oblige.


Although you haven’t liked hearing this previously, in a proper customization trade you would look like a male Night Elf and we’d have Night Elf skintones already shared with Nightborne from Night Elves but here we are with the botched models so I guess if you and other like them that’s cool but even as someone that has Nightborne characters I refuse to settle for the unfairness that Horde has to put up with.

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they sure were not part of the alliance when they went to the horde but Alliance players keep saying what is left in the alliance is different from the blood elves when ION already said they are the SAME just different political views.

it is stealing you just refuse to see it. you want other races hairstyles cause your not happy with what you have. you want other races skin tones cause they do not fit the Aesthetic void elf are demanding.

Be happy with what you have and leave it.

You do have to admit that nightborn took more work than void elves and bring a lot more lore…

And have much more active NPCs, for that matter.

I’d love to get some night elf things for my boy down the line, though. And some general model fixes. We’ve gone over this a few times. You know by now I’m happy to share night elf assets. I prefer unique, but I’m also a realist.

…at least no model has ever been as bad as female worgen were, so I’m philosophical about it…

I think it is more reasonable to see Alleria, and other NPC’s in the rift reflect the current Void Elf player options. While developing more Void hair options.

Why should Void Elves not be Void?

Why is there entitlement to the main theme of Blood Elves from High Elf fans?

I support what is the current compromise but it is unfair to keep requesting things that skew that. So you didn’t get everything you wanted? What have Blood Elf players got?


I honestly see nothing getting fixed for a long time with Activision more in control now and that is going to be the sad reality.

It’s funny you say that because I always reference Worgen and Goblin models getting fixed 10 years later for the Nightborne because I don’t care how long it takes as long as they get fixed and aren’t unplayable.

Blood elves got a lot more than Pandaren, so there’s that.

I play mine for the lore.

And to have a skinny male caster.

Also for his sweet tattoos.

Okay so its a race to the bottom with core races?

Is that the point you’re trying to make?

Blood Elf players have extremely lack luster customization I’m not even going to engage anyone who would try to talk it up.

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I agree. And for what i’ve seen almost everyone agrees. Copy paste belf hair colors or hairstyles isn’t what we want.

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I’m just saying.

Blood elves are pretty middle of the pack as far as core race customization goes.

Could they use more? Absolutely! I’d love to see it. I’ve popped into a few of these threads supporting more customization for the Silvermoon crew. But they’re not, even the males, exactly as hard done by as some of the other races.

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there should BE not customization for Void Elves anymore till some of the other races get some serious over haul and redo Night borne being the biggest joke in game. some of the other Core races hardly were touch and that is not fair at all
Why can’t worgens have tails something that has been requested for so long and is still not allowed.

I mean I am all for customization 100% just stop pandering to Void elves and ignore them and fix the others first.

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