No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Be careful with the “you” and “we” here. Rhielle is kind and on our side.

I have to take issue with being expected to be grateful for something no one ever asked for. Why should I be grateful for something I didn’t ask for?

No one asked for Void Elves. Void Elves did not exist. Alliance High Elves were what was asked for, and Blizzard mistook that for wanting the model. In truth, there were many suggestions in the High Elf megathreads of using a modified model (which ended up being the route Blizz went with playable Nightborne) so as not to be identical to Blood Elves.

As to who deserves what… well that’s Blizzard’s call to make, not ours. Also if you want to bring up “stealing”… just remember that many Blood Elf hairstyles were “shared” from Humans. Many hair styles and hair colors are shared between races and even cross faction. So there is precedent for the sharing of hairstyles and colors across races and factions:

So if your argument is that hair colors can’t or shouldn’t be shared across races or factions, I’m afraid that argument falls flat on its face if we go by past proliferation.

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but it’s true how come blood elf players defending OUR identity is so wrong and yet Void Elves can demand and get our customization freely. I am not mad at her or anyone else I want people to see the double standard being throw in blood elf players faces.

The very fact people are saying we got the night elf model is a JOKE it was reworked into a open abomination with the same broken issues as the NE model.

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This I can agree with.

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Some Blood Elf players have requested Void Elf hairstyles (with tentacles removed) proliferated to Blood Elves and I think that’s an entirely fair request. They also look very nice:



Leave Blood Elves alone. You’ve already done enough damage. Go rob someone else.


My argument is I no longer care what Void Elf players want because they have shown nothing except wanting to take and take and take and take from my race as well as other races, you can say whatever you want about not asking for Void Elves but you got them and you like many others have done nothing but complain about them and what makes it worse is you try to justify it like it’s okay when it’s not, there is literally nothing wrong with Void Elves as they are.

Furthermore something I said other night to someone else is if you really disliked Void Elves so much you wouldn’t play them and yet here you are, where other people who don’t like races don’t play them that is why Nightborne aren’t played much is because they are horrible looking, have horrible customizations, horrible racials and so on and so on.


We will never get them i can assure you of that. No matter how much we ask for them and personally I don’t want them I want our customization for blood elf only, not void elf and vice versa.

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Then the clear solution is to take Void Elves away since no one wants them.


We never will get proper customization treatment from Night Elves to Nightborne and yet they will still be screaming and crying about Horde bias.


I have 2 and I love the race I hate how DOG UGLY they are even the bust on the females is so incorrect if you look at them from the side the very Breastbone is sticking out farther than the Bust. plus WTH is with the weird stance the shoulders are drawn so far backwards any shoulders look so out of place and are floating so high.

I would support this, I have said multiple times in multiple threads they are ungrateful and that they never should have gotten our model so if they took away the Void Elves they’d just readapt to whatever they played before they were added.

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There’s nothing wrong with complaining about a product you aren’t happy with, that you didn’t ask for, and did not fulfill the request you actually made.

There’s nothing wrong with Void Elves on their own, I agree. But when there was a noticeable call for playable Alliance High Elves, and many suggestions were made on how to implement them without copy/pasting from Blood Elves, and instead we got the unaltered Blood Elf model with a theme that was nothing remotely like the one being asked for, then Void Elves end up catching flak for that.

And since Blizzard seems to have pivoted away from derivative allied races, and now seems focused on delivering derivatives via customization options, that became the avenue through which those seeking playable Alliance High Elves have directed their efforts.

Indeed Blizzard seems intent to finally answer that request, beginning with the skin tones. That doesn’t mean we need the Blood Elf hairstyles and colors though. The request can finally be answered with options shared wholly within the Alliance races and still preserve distinction between Void Elves and Blood Elves.


I don’t know, I have three myself and the only one I really like the look of somewhat is the Death Knight and that’s mainly because I did black hair with the super blue skin, the glowing blue eyes and the heritage armor. Lol.

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Well we both know that’s not going to happen :woozy_face:

Basically I’m happy that Void Elves got the skin customizations because I have a few friends who wanted them.

I’m not really opposed to Void Elves getting natural hair colors.

What I’m opposed to is even more assets being taken from the already degraded Blood Elf identity. There are other races to inherit hair textures and styles from so there’s still some distinction between the two races.

Please for the love of Jesus and cute fuzzy kittens just leave Blood Elves alone.

What makes me say no is how insufferable and petulant the people whining and making demands are. You do not earn yourself allies by acting like entitled jerks.


I agree with you whole-heartedly here.

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Shame it won’t because it should.

The Horde’s identity was originally “We’re outcasts and decidedly not like the alliance.”

It makes perfect sense that the Horde not get things from the Alliance, blood elves are and always have been a bad fit for the Horde. Their inclusion has actually hurt the Horde- most of the Horde are a bunch of Blood Elves so we’re left with a goofy narrative where the most popular Horde Faction is a minority in it’s own lore.

Garithos was one person and based on the extended lore of World of Warcraft he was good and truly a man alone. And it’s just The Frozen Throne. For all of the core campaign the High Elves are members of the Alliance.

it just bothers me were suppose to be happy with our jacked up race and were to deal with it. We should have been handed Eredar outright and the Nightborne with all it’s flaws gone to the Alliance this would have been the better option.