No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

I think that this could be a cool idea. Maybe even silver-strained colors, with multi colored hues.

The issue with that is that every race may have to get some multi colored hair.

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This isn’t about the “High Elf” fantasy Alleriara, you can now be a Wayfarer for all Blizzard cares. Black hair compliments the Void aesthetic.

Iam 100% unhappy with Blizzard changing it’s stance all the time for the Alliance and it’s FINE and we get treated like crap and the Alliance still whine HORDE BIAS.


Yes. Because they were Belfs. It made sense. There wasn’t exactly thousands of years for them to change.

I wouldn’t care, personally. Though I doubt that will ever happen.

I will never wear down. LOL The Velf customizations were most likely their compromise. And I really need to write that storyline for these new looking Velfs…

Therein lies the problem since they’re the same race, sans beliefs. But… I don’t wanna get into that. I’m sure this already triggered someone and I refuse to get into a Helf debate. Hehe

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At least if we see differently, we can do it respectfully. :sleepy: So often these Void Elf/Blood Elf debates go downhill and turn sour.


AND you should have NEVER ever had Void elves cause it blurred the faction lines they could have made a new High elf or Half elf model instead BUT no the company took the easy way out and caved in.

That’s why if they get anything they should get stuck with black and white like Nightborne and Night Elves have. Lol.

I understand completely, it’s why I don’t support them getting anything at all anymore, I used to but they soured me so much that I didn’t and now I just don’t think they deserve anything at all because I know they will just end up crying and complaining about something else after.

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Last Year a bunch on here were demanding Silvermoon be a Alliance city.

It’s fair because you got our night elf model. And we had to wait until now to get our request, which is very old, finally filled. But missing all the hair colors.

Indeed they do. Which is why I usually stay out of them. But my brain is so whacked from COVID that I forgot I don’t reply in these threads. >.>

Kinda like the passion in responses has already started…


They are still doing that, literally there was just a thread about that yesterday or the day before and if not an Alliance city it should be shared with them. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


I came back to the forums for the first time since Mists when COVID started. I got so bored I was cleaning the trim of my apartment every week. :sunglasses:

REALLY have looked at how trashy the NightBorne are? they have the same Broken issues as the Night Elf model and they LOOK NOTHING like the NPC’s, so tell me again we did NOT get an open screw job, and yet the alliance was handed our most popular model


If you don’t like my response or reply ignore it. But many of us are fed up with void elf players and there constant demands.

I’m not against natural hair colors, but void elves don’t need blonde hair to look like high elfs. White would be close enough. Every race should have black hair.

People should be angry at blizzard for this, and not with people asking for options. Both are the same race, they will inevitably look similar. Also i blame blizzard for giving blood elves poor customisations choices, if they were happy with how their race look they wouldn’t be so bitter about velf options.

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You don’t need to get so defensive. I didn’t say you were raging or anything. I said people are getting passionate. There is a difference. No one flipped out. I wasn’t being a jerk. It’s really okay. :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

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Rightfully so, if we don’t defend our race and our races customizations we aren’t going to have anything left that’s just ours because they will take and take and take and take.


Thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Someone who gets it! Making them exactly the same is the wrong direction.


Someone who gets it! Yes!


Thank you! :heart: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:


you quoted me so I replied I am not mad but openly frustrated at the fact Void Elf players want everything Blood Elves have and were not allowed to say NO you can’t. We did not get any of your hair styles or beards hair colors and we should have if you get ours .

But that would cause more people to Yell HORDE BIAS

I think giving them flesh tone skin colors is enough.