No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

I’ve mained Belfs in RP since they were first released. I love them. I have background stories that could fill novels. But I don’t see the Velfs as stealing anything. I still think there’s an identity there. But I’m sorry you feel that way. :purple_heart:


Oh. Well, that’s neat, I guess.

In an ideal world, I’d love to see Velves get more monstrous customizations. White and black hair for sure, additional eyes, maybe even claws or fangs or something. I want to see the dark, gothic elf.

And then I think that High Elves should get a brand new model; or at the very least, one that is different enough, such as the contrast between Night Elves and Nightborne. :heart:

Just give us the hair colors. Blood elf and void elf are like the horde and alliance pandas now. It’s over no difference and same race.

Sorry :frowning: you have to be level 3 I think to post pictures? Or at least level 2. But either way, with 30 posts, you’re probably around level 1. :heart:

Void Vulpera. We are coming for you. The void is NOTHING to the power of uwu. Darth uwu.

I think that’s a bit harsh. I think every race deserves a fair amount of customization. But I also feel that Blood Elves did NOT get a fair amount during the core race customization pass compared to some other races (especially the males) and should be revisited with more options.

And I won’t even begin to get into my tirade on the Nightborne. Suffice it to say, Blizzard better do a fracken glorious job on Nightborne when allied races get their pass or else I will have… words. Very strong… words.

I’m grateful for the skin tones added to Void Elves. Moreso, I’m especialyl grateful that they got them now instead of having to wait like most other allied races have to. Don’t judge us all by a handful of people on the forums.

Also keep in mind that asking for the final touches to fulfill the High Elf aesthetic isn’t the same as being ungrateful. I want some traditional hair color options myself, but I would prefer them to come from the Kul Tirans as their shades are different from Blood Elves and it would preserve some distinction from Blood Elves. The same goes for hairstyles.

I push for that option because I want to encourage Blizzard to go that route rather than take the easy/lazy/low-effort path of just copy/pasting stuff between the two. And that’s a tempting thing for Blizzard to do since it would take so little time or effort to do.

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Just let us have this. The fantasy is filled and no more spam.

So more like Sha options? If it was options, then sure!

That’s a sore point for me. I am vehemently against Helfs.

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you were given the blood elf MODEL which made faction identity a very blurry mess then you were handed our customization.

I can imagine the outrage the Alliance would have if the Horde got the Eredar and all the Draenei customization.

I really am too, but I’m sort of so worn down at this point with Helfers that I would like to see a compromise. You have to get High Elves? Fine. But don’t make them look exactly like me please.

Considering Void Elves already got customizations in the core race pass and they aren’t even a core race and worse they were stolen from my race, they really don’t deserve anything more.

In the case of being ungrateful, they gave Alliance a copy of our number one model and us a botched version of like the third on Alliance, further they got even more customizations from the get go than Nightborne, Lightforged and Highmountain.

Another case of being ungrateful is instead of accepting that you got Void Elves as Void Elves you and many others have wanted to change them and change them and change them by stealing things from other races whether mine, Kul Tiran, Humans, etc.


Unfortunately I don’t think that will necessarily stop all the spam.

We’ll still see hangers on asking for a High Elf allied race even though that’s more unlikely now than it has been at any point before.

We’ll also still see people who like to stir the pot on the forums and make topics trying to instigate arguments about who the “real” High Elves are.

The fact is, Ion is on record as saying:

Blood Elves are pretty much High Elves… Void Elves are also pretty much another flavor of High Elves

Both are High Elves… and neither of them will have the High Elf racial tag in game.


Just give white and blonde hair call it void elf not high elf and that’s a fair compromise we been waiting for so long and fair for all.

I disagree with blonde. But I do think every single race deserves white and black hair.


We don’t need black. We have enough dark colors close enough. Need blonde and white to fill the fantasy.

This 1000% and it’s never stopped since they were created. I wish I could upvote you a lot more.

We are just going to have to see things differently.

I would personally like more “dirty” colors. The only way I can describe the hair color I’m using right now is as a “dirty purple”.

I’d like to see a “dirty black” which is mainly black but has a brownish/silverish tint to it. Things like that.

Thanks, I’m pretty real about how people are about things and my opinions.