No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Most people don’t have an issue with me, only people like you that seem to think it’s okay to want to steal our race and our races customizations 100% and then cover it or justify it by saying you want it, you deserve it, you are just asking for more, etc. so really give me a break you and people like you are the problems not me or people like me, I’m not the one chasing people away from my faction because of stuff like this whole High Elfer obsession however you and people like you do I have seen it in multiple threads where your own faction players will end up so disgusted they’ll switch factions to mine from yours so.


Frankly giving blue eyes to the Blood Elves could be argued as removing their racial identity since eye color has been one of the major identifying staples of the elven races for a while. High Elves have blue eyes and Blood Elves have green eyes (and more recently gold eyes). One of the arguments I’ve always made against playable Alliance High Elves has been that they’d pretty much just be a copy/paste of Blood Elves but with a different eye color. Even then they’d still be separately identifiable based on this.

Alleria Windrunner is my evidence for why Void Elves are fine getting normal skin tones, eyes colors, and hair colors. She uses two forms basically. Her normal High Elven form, and then a void form which I guess is her version of entropic embrace. Speaking of that passive, that is one of the main identifying staples of playing a Void Elf, the fact that you can get a proc which makes you turn blue-purple for a bit in combat. That and the void-themed customization options which people are still free to use.

I just want like two or three natural hair colors for Void Elves to use, since there is little that actually matches the normal skin tones at the moment. Right now we have like two very similar silver colors and then this purple one I’m using right now. I think it’s unfair to claim giving a few normal hair colors to voidies would be removing racial identity from Blood Elves. You guys still have your uniquely green and golden eye options, on top of variations of those same colors as well as blue eye options just like voidies got. You also have ear size options, jewelry options (if you’re playing a female), and new hair style options.

Frankly what’s unfair is saying we shouldn’t get anything else when Blood Elves already got a plethora more options for customization comparatively.

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You are sweet and you are one of my favorites as well dearie. I’ll have to backtrack through this when I get more likes but for now here’s some hearts in the likes stead. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

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I have. She literally said she would send the person to trash alongside with his arguments. She has been rude all day.

You don’t have, but you can express your feelings without being disrespectful.

That comment was legitimate whether you liked it or not, a race being the same or similar does not justify you getting it’s customizations or it getting your customizations, like I said you are far too sensitive for your own good.

Why hasn’t she ever been rude to many people myself included then? I’m inclined to believe there was a reason at some point for a harshness in tone.

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Because you agree with her? Just like some helfers accept bad behavior from people who agrees with them, you defend her because she agrees with you.

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That is quite the accusation and assumption, I call out bad behavior when I see it, but I don’t think being harsh is bad behavior?

I know her to be decent in character and yes we get along what is wrong with that? The two don’t correlate I try not to blindly defend anyone.

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Him and I don’t always agree so not really true.

Case and point yesterday about Calia everyone was on me for liking her but I accept they don’t like her and I do, even if some of them were harsh about why they dislike her.

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I’m afraid you are mistaken on this point.

The three blue eye options added in 9.0 are identical for Blood and Void Elves. They weren’t the same initially, and Blood Elf blue eye options tended more towards Cyan than actual Blue. I believe Blood Elf players requested the more “blue” eyes and Blizzard decided that both Thalassians would have the same options.

Visual Reference Provided:

You can see for yourself in character creation that Void Elf eye color #5 and Blood Elf eye color #10 are identical. The same goes for Void Elf eye color #3 and Blood Elf eye color #9, as well as Void Elf eye color #2 and Blood Elf eye color #8.

The only outlier is Void Elf eye color #4 as that’s the “default” eye color from before pre-patch hit. The Devs are also on record as calling these “High Elf Customization Options” for Void Elves and Blood Elves.

With that said, as I mentioned earlier in the thread, I don’t think it’s necessary for Void Elves to get more copy/paste stuff from Blood Elves.

Requests for additional hair colors for Void Elves in the more traditional ranges can be answered by sharing the Kul Tiran hair textures with them (which have been shown to match Void Elf hairstyles perfectly for some reason). Requests for more hairstyles can be answered by Sharing some Human hairstyles with Void Elves as well.

This preserves some level of distinction between Blood Elves and Void Elves, while still answering calls for more hair colors and styles. It also avoids more copy/paste from Blood Elves.


Ok then. You will feign ignorance.


See and here we see Alliance Bias the whole give me, give me, day in and day out the fact not a single alliance player can ever be happy with what they have is a sign the Developers just need to put their foot down.

Been here since 2007 and the argument has never changed or altered the fact any void elf is even asking for more is a huge disservice to the horde players you wanted our orcs, our tauren, and yet the company Went against its very Mantra from WtLK that assets will not be shared with the other faction. Yet here we are the company did so and now we have this topic every day and everyone said once the alliance gets them they would NOT stop till they had it all.

And lo and behold here we are were not happy we want more. GIVE IT to us NOW WE don’t like this QUEST change NOW do you all see how petty you all sound and act? Hell We got the most screwed up model the Night Elf with a pretty poor attempt to make it something different that LOOKS NOTHING like the NPC.

Yes, I am not happy that Blizzard constantly caves into the alliance and gives them everything they want. I am on the Oceanic server and NEVER once has the horde had the war mode bonus cause were tapped into the US servers. BUT the alliance are sure not complaining about it.

People will look at that photo and then still ask that Velves need more Belf hairstyles.

Uhhh… look at that. Don’t they have them? :grin::heart:

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I know we have chatted before but at this point due to the last few days of these threads I don’t think Void Elves deserve anything new customization wise, actually I don’t think Alliance even deserves Void Elves now because of how ungrateful they are about them and ruining them it’s disgusting.


It’s true that several Void Elf hairstyles are variants of Blood Elf hairstyles already. For example:


I feel like I’m a Velf with my fairer skin tone. I still get that swank racial where I turn into a blueberry. And I still have the widow’s peak hair.

I’m glad they added more Velf styles to be similar to Alleria’s change. It’s not like they could make more Velfs by having them get trapped by a void god. In my mind, this means the scholars in Telogrus Rift found a way to create more Velfs by similar methods as Alleria. But it still changes them some.

That makes for more Velfs to have the lore make more sense. I mean… can you imagine how many of the original 30ish probably already died? To me, this is like how they expanded the population of Undead when they updated their story.

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I agree. It really sucks for Blood Elves :frowning: I wish people could see how hurtful it feels to have your race completely given to another faction. I’m not opposed to High Elves, but I’d like a different model/skeleton so it doesn’t feel so much like a copy+Paste.


Hey, I just wanted to ask a question. I can’t seem to link or upload any images with posts I make. How are you doing it?

Your trust level is too low :frowning:


That’s why I said other day they should get stuck with the ugly pale vanilla model Night Elf/High Elf model. Haha.