No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Stuff like this doesn’t justify a race either, actual playable races vs unplayable npcs are super different, more so when they already exist on the other side.

I would have just merged all High Elves into Void Elves at the same time they announced this compromise with a blanket statement of like “yeah they’re joining the Ren’dorei ranks and it’s changing them all” and that would be the end of that.

They could still do that who knows.

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Nope, but I just like to point out that the Horde does stuff with High/Blood elves in Vanilla as well, and I’m amused at how loudly they shout that the High Elf that wants us to kill Alliance troops is totally neutral and doesn’t count the same way that whatever elves hang out with the alliance do.


Sadly I doubt it would stop the annoyances that cry about how they deserve this or that because they want it, they see an npc here and there, etc. because the entitlement at this point is unreal.

By this logic we could justify taking races like Kul Tiran because we worked with them and we have them in our port in Tiragarde Sound so.

I could say the same thing about belf players. Nelf players lost their model exclusivity, they lost their capital, one of their themes and they complain less than belf players.


First Night Elves didn’t lose anything because Nightborne look nothing like them.

Second the people that complain the most are people like you or you wouldn’t still be doing it so long after Void Elves were added and yet here you are still, so the award for the biggest crybabies goes to Void Elf players like yourself, Alliance players like yourself and High Elfers like yourself. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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I had to laugh when it was said.

I do hope they get some Highborne stuff but I wouldn’t say NE customization is lacking either.


I don’t think it’s fair to just ignore all the hard work some Night Elf players have put into complaining to leave them out of a list like that.


As I’ve said multiple times today, grasping at straws, what’s worse is they aren’t even trying hard so it’s so easy to shoot it down. Lol.

They count as Alliance players but I can start listing them directly from now on. Lol.

I’m just scarred from my occasional forays into the Story Forum

They should at least have some kind of jewelry, if not the same kind that blood elves have.

Who is here making a lot of threads because their lost their race exclusivity? I’m not “crying” because i already have my void elves, and my high elves. I’m just asking for more options like everybody. You take this game too serious, being rude with others because of elves in a video game. This is sad.

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I’ve never been there but once or twice I should check it out more! I’m curious

I just said ewww out loud when I read that so good job with getting a legit reaction from me. Haha.


And so starts the requests for Blood Elf jewelry.

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If you can’t handle being called out on the forums you have bigger problems and you should probably get off the internet because clearly you can’t handle being told the truth about things so.

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I think if you can’t be civilized, you should take your own advice and get off the internet.

Being harsh with ones opinion isn’t being “uncivilized”, and she’d probably be nicer to you if you had respect for other players, Blood Elf fans don’t have to sit here and just be content with people being insulting while they ask to steal more of Blood Elf things.

Literally this, lol

Still one of my favorite posters :hugs:

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