No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

I don’t roleplay on forums, I have no love for either faction, what I do care about is the Devs expanding my ability to customize my character and my style of game play, so yep Void Elf’s should get it and not because factions or some fictional sense of pride for an imaginary video game characters faction, but because they only did the customization update halfway for Void Elf’s and now they need to add the hair color and hair styles. of course, if they never do I’m happy either way.


Oh god. Don’t remind me of this moment. It always bring me back how alliance call ‘‘unfair’’ and ‘‘horde bias’’ the fact that the horde can be mercenary… Even if it was add FOR THE ALLIANCE!!!

What you say also remind me of how they consider the alliance having more zone for vanilla,BC and Wotlk ‘‘fair’’ and how the horde taking some to make it even it ‘‘horde bias’’.


It’s your fault Blizzard added a feature because we couldn’t handle the queue times you always had! Horde bias!


I would just be happy with having actual white hair on my Velf, like every other race with a blue skin option has.


I’ve been saying this for a while now, sure I want natural tones and colors, but I’d rather those natural tones come from a race like humans, who while having the same colors as blood elves, have them in different tones, so that way those of us who want natural hair colors can have them and the blood elves can still be unique.

Hairstyles on the other hand I’ve been saying should be made from the ground up or maybe modified from an alliance race, and to make voidy void elves happy for every natural hair style given there should be one voidy hair style (an example being perhaps a regular ponytail and some form of void tendril topnot)


Your right, they shouldn’t get natural haircolors… Blizzard should just bite the bullet already and make playable High Elves on the alliance as their own race like they should have done to begin with.


There was also a lot of arguing about a bridge versus a hill in Alterac Valley.

Which I know the bridge was more OP but damn if that hill wasn’t annoying to fight through.

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I think they should have normal skin tones (or at least, the option) simply because Alleria also does. I know the means of which she transformed is different, but it still feels better to be able to at least resemble their leader. If you want.

Also, there’s no reason they couldn’t use the Void Elf stuff to push forward both the idea of void elves and playable high elves, if armor appropriate to both were added. Yes, you’re still playing a void elf, but there’s nothing stopping you from identifying your character as a high elf.

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This kinda loses it’s punch when you post it in every “somewhat controversial” thread…


They had their chance but they didn’t. Many of us wanted to see void elves developed and given their own spotlight / lore but it’s just not happening. Void patch is over.

They could have also made Void Elves look more different than Blood Elves but they chose the opposite option. I don’t really see the point of gatekeeping customization options anymore. Blizzard went halfway there and they might as well finish down the line, it’s really not hurting anyone.


Void Elves shouldn’t have been introduced in the first place, the whole concept behind the race is stupid and their lack of lore/cultural development doesn’t really help them.

When we farmed rep with the Krokuun, we should have gotten Broken Draenei instead of the blueberries.


While I think Nightborne need customization, the comparison is not spot on because Nightborne have been separated from the Night Elves for thousands of years, more than 10 thousand. They need their own.

Blood Elves and Void Elves have been separated for how long? Months?


Right? White hair would look fantastic on their blueberry skin.

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They shouldn’t have your skin tones either. Blueberry or nothing.


Well one assumes at some point we’ll have the eventual Light vs Void expansion.

Though i suspect that “Void Elf Lore” in that would just be a bunch of Void Elves giving into the void entirely to try to drive home the “void dangerous” point.

At this point with customization I don’t much care either way. I only want to get some more void theme customizations.

I really hope they don’t use all these high elf themed additions as an excuse to not give us more void stuff in the future, because I actually like the void theme.

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Void Elves were a mistake. A slapdash everyone loses compromise that no one asked for, but Blizzard made happen because they probably felt that making High Elves an option would have the same effect as making Batman an option - everyone would then be Batman.

And it isn’t like there isn’t precedent.

Yeah, it says “Horde” but if you look at the population distribution, it’s really the Blood Elven Dominion and their lumpy friends.

This has gotten better in recent years, sure, and it really is more the fault of Blizzard’s misguided obsession with making the Horde “unique” rather than anything approaching “appealing”. When you’ve a pit of festering misshapen ugliness and throw in “average” of course that’s going to take over, nevermind what happens when you bring, “ageless idealized beauty” into the picture.

Also… High Elves on the Alliance is… normal. It doesn’t fly in the face of the original theme and aesthetic, it isn’t like you’re going to have anything like the tsunami of grumbling Alliance olbies screaming, “NOT MY ALLIANCE!!!” like you did/STILL DO with the Horde and the Blood Elves. A flood of High Elves would fall comfortably in with the “classical” alliance motif, so there too the concern is misplaced.

Ultimately, the Alliance is not the Vanilla Horde, does have classically beautiful races already, and at this point the establishment and attachment people have to their characters is unthinkable compared to when the first expansion hit. The effect wouldn’t nearly be as drastic, and the fear grossly overstated. Blizzard foisted this out-of-nowhere nonsense on the Alliance out of paranoia and misapplication of history.

While it’s not impossible to see the thinking behind their apprehension towards the High Elves - at least in a non-disingenuous, “I don’t WANNA add boring NORMAL Elves!!!” sense, that thinking… is wrong. And it doesn’t justify the Void Elves. Not their invention, not their inclusion, and certainly not the shallow, half-baked implementation, explanation, or execution pf them.

So to the title… yes, technically, Void Elves should NOT have Blood Elf hair tones/options, but only because Void Elves should NOT exist in the first place.


If you look at the popularity of horde, it should be clear that changes over the years have had the effect of making that faction appealing.

The only reason the horde got to be super popular was the racials changes that made the horde better gameplay wise for the top tier players, which caused low end players to follow. Now , while racials are balanced, the horde is pretty much the only true option if you want to play the game at an acceptable level due the population.
Oh and of course all the pissing they took on the alliance during BFA.

Otherwise the Alliance is still much more popular for RP and just the feel in general.

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