No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Dang, I was gonna ask if I could get some free stuff. Haha.

I could not care less about the hair COLORS. What chaps my Void Elven hide is how crummy the hair STYLES are. I just want an updo with hair totally out of the face. That’s it. I want a freakin’ bun or a freakin’ braid that doesn’t have hair hanging in my toon’s face like some kinda goth kid with a peroxide & blue kool-aid dye vibe.

I love my Void Elf. I love that she’s a Void Elf. I like the void tendrils in the hair. I like the purple junkie look goin’ on around the eyes. What I don’t like…is the hair styles. I don’t want blonde or red hair. I just want her hair–whatever color it is–to not be in her frickin’ face.

I think both races should be deleted.

Problem solved.

Awe is that what you thought I was doing? You’d be mistaken, again per usual, all good though glad I cleared that up for you :hugs:

It’s not entirely represented on Alliance you and people like you blow up a few appearances and a few npcs here and there to be this big thing which to be honest is both sad and laughable which is probably why so many look down on you.


Literally you speaking on Blizzard’s behalf, lol

They already had their victory too it is just sad at this point to keep wanting to steal from Blood Elves.

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Well just next time use common sense because I didn’t say I was speaking on Blizzard’s behalf and I didn’t know I needed to make that obvious.

I’m always fond of how they want us to know that the one who has us killing alliance troops is neutral and thus doesn’t count as horde working with them.

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Well although you are usually nicer than me in these threads, I guess you are starting to see why I’m not nice anymore because we are literally dealing with people where all they want to do is take and take and take and take until we have nothing and they try to justify it by BS means.

:rofl: Apparently from now on we must put under every comment “I do not work for Blizzard these opinions are my own”

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Neutral npcs are a blight, it’s why people hate Calia, Baine, Thrall, etc. the game was in such a better place before they started adding neutral stuff and at times having us work together because really who wants to work with Alliance players, these threads give a good idea of the type of players you are dealing with.

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How are the exclusively Alliance-aligned High Elves not only represented on the Horde side? I guess you guys see some of their representation when you’re killing them? Other than that, they’re our NPCs and represent our faction.

I don’t know what this has to do with anything, lmao. But, like, is that even true? Last I checked we had a pretty big youtuber on our side :man_shrugging:

Oooo so scary :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Has he or she been on your side this whole time and it still took 10+ years?

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Are you really bragging about one person when we have tons, I mean seriously? :joy: :joy: :joy:

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I was literally just using an example of not everyone hating us, because according to you guys it seems to be the case. :woozy_face: You’re really funny sometimes, dude

The horde should have never got elves. End point.

They killed you horde for 3 wars…then for some reason join you.

Take a page from people talking about legal stuff with the less amusing acronym IANABE (I Am Not A Blizzard Employee, sadly much less funny than I Am Not A Lawyer)

Well this is neutral as in they are in Ratchet which is neutral so they character is either yellow or green in game to both factions.

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No one said everyone hated anyone? Seemed to be more commenting on apparent lack of self awareness and behavior displayed but that doesn’t mean anyone hates you, I hope that isn’t the case my goodness, its just Elves in WoW.


LMFAO! My opinions are my own if I actually worked at Blizzard I would of pulled Void Elves as soon as they first complained about them because it’s ungrateful and that would of just annoyed me like it does now.