No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Number of slots to customize is more important than the total options (which LF and HM still had more), specially when most of them look the same. The best velves had was their hairstyles.

Velf actually had less faces than they do now, they had way less than belves and again, they looked the same since the rigging was broken.

As for racials yeah NB and LF suck, but regardless, Velf is only good for casters just as HM make for excellent tanks.

I’m glad that you are so proud to let everyone know that you are completely cool with 3 out of 4 of the first allied races being completely shafted for Void Elves to shine and that you still try to justify it even now, you must be super proud to be an Alliance player where you just get everything handed to you.

do you realize most of this crap happens because some alliance players are getting their panties tied in a knot right? o you think its us who are against giving all the customizations of blood elves away and not the ones since tbc asking another faction race?

if this is so meaningless and everyone play both faction anyway, why not let things as they are? if you want a void elf , alliance, blonde elf horde.

DK is another entire different subject

Again, you do not realize the can of worms you are getting into, because every other race should get the same undead options in their own race, that would be nightmare,

Things are fine the way it is, void elf player just need to realize they should not get every single blood elf customization, they should get now more voidish options

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Well they are coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’d like to have more hair styles, and eye color options and some of that jewelry

Lann, lol, they’re two different things. Saying they’re part of our faction identity doesn’t = me saying they’re part of our core faction identity. This is just your bad attempt at making me look like I’m backtracking :yawning_face:

Not that it matters though huh cause we got to the bottom of it :heart: they aren’t a core part of your faction identity at all.


Adding topical gifs isn’t really helping your point? How is it the same thing?

No, but they’re still part of our faction identity. I don’t even know what point you’re trying to make? Are you saying they have to be part of our core faction identity to be a candidate for a playable race? If so, how are you going to also be asking for UR at the same time?

By whose standards?

You keep bringing this up like a gotcha moment but you’ve never been good at those, and it’s moot because any Undead Elf is Horde, its a Horde request, on Horde, for Horde.

Your continued requests infringe on Blood Elves, a Horde core to our faction race.


Void Elves really did have blue eyes even before this so it’s not wrong. We just got more shades.

By whose standards? They’ve been in the Alliance since vanilla WoW? They’re objectively a part of the Alliance identity :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No, I’m literally just wondering how you can be so plainly biased, lol. You’re not even trying to hide your double standards. But it’s literally the exact same concept. I’m asking for Alliance things, I don’t want Horde Blood Elves or Horde High Elves - I want the Alliance High Elves who have always been on the Alliance.

No, it doesn’t. Blood Elves have absolutely nothing to do with the Alliance-aligned High Elves we want. Most of us want brand new High Elf assets for our Void Elves to further separate them from resembling Blood Elves, too; because that’s the only thing they have in common. I, and many other Helf fans, want nothing to do with Blood Elves. :man_shrugging: We’re solely asking for characters that have only been represented through the Alliance.

Seems Tarrok addressed everything on this already. And that last part especially, as this was a compromise, the hair and additional requests you aren’t entitled to.

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: -yawn-

Blood Elves are High Elves, and you can now to the best of your abilities on a Void Elf be a Void Elf who uses the skin tone and you can say you’re a Wayfarer, the entirety of the High Elf theme isn’t something you as a VE player are entitled to.

It doesn’t matter, this is what happened Void Elves, now skin tones, but no hair is the compromise, lets find more Void stricken hair ideas I would support that :heart:

I support asking for those characters to be merged into Void Elves as well, that seems amicable.


Ooh, I do support more void for the void elves. I really want markings. Like void tats or something. I got a void elf with pale skin, so that’d show up really really nicely.

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Glowing void tattoos with the same effects as the hair. Also more (different from blood elves…maybe stars or something?) earrings other than ‘pointy piece of metal’ ‘slightly different pointy piece of metal’…stud.


That would be very cool. Yes, I agree. The void aspect can look really pretty. I definitely want to see more of it. Also there were a few non void hairstyles that I think would look really good with with void added in.

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Umm, we can see High Elves sporting the Alliance tabard and colours on multiple occasions? We’ve seen them fighting for the Alliance, we’ve seen Vereesa mourning for Varian (someone she refers to as her king) and we now see more High Elves in the Telegrus Rift.

Are you working for Blizzard now? You’re making their final decisions? Cool.

:roll_eyes: I was just waiting for you to start arguing like this, lmao. Whether you like it or not, there’s proper Alliance-aligned High Elves. Giving us hair colours and styles to emulate that isn’t going to do anyone harm

If you think stealing a Horde race 100% is okay or that it’s going to save your dying faction you are wrong, dead wrong.

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The fact that merging High Elves into Void Elves totally shows two things, one that old “We’d love Void Elves if they just came from High Elves!” argument was a lie, two its not about the background of Alliance High Elves they are concerned with but 100% the look.


It’s nice that you think so highly of my status, and really it’s neither here nor there, but I can confirm that no I do not work for Blizzard much like you know yourself.

I don’t think they’ll ever do that 100% because Alliance people would cry way too much about it but I also don’t think they’ll ever give them 100% Blood Elf/High Elf customizations because they’d cause a lot of issues with Horde and Horde players and given we are the biggest playerbase in the game that wouldn’t be very smart financially. Lol.

Good thing I don’t believe either of those things is true? How is something that’s entirely represented on the Alliance a Horde thing? I’m only asking for Alliance characters, that’s it.

So you don’t speak for them then? When you’re arguing against my points, it’s probably best not to speak on Blizzard’s behalf for your arguments, maybe?