No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Eh, I would argue that the remaining members of the SC have actually become more involved with Alliance politics. Though, I agree with the rest of your points.

Horde Npc request on Horde?

Okay I guess those 2 portal trainers, did I get them all now?


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And everyone else, yeah.

Literally me saying two different things, lmao.

Well I hope you can be more clear in the future because it looks like you’re backtracking to me, but if you admit they aren’t core to your faction identity then I guess that’s good enough for me.

So, Blood Elves kind of are High Elves with different eye colors and backstory in terms of their relationship to magic in the Sunwell. But if you want to be a fair-skinned, light, blonde-haired, tall, majestic, elf… That is a Blood Elf.

This is nothing new, though the nature of the reply leaves much to be desired. It is widely acknowledge by all players, those in favor of High Elves and against, that the different eye color and relationship to the Sunwell is at the heart of the difference between Blood Elves and High Elves. No one disputes this, nor is it a point that needs to be disputed as it is the similarities between the two races which makes their unfolding story of conflict with one another both organic, and interesting.
That said, there is a clear logical fallacy in the words, “But if you want to be a fair-skinned, light, blonde-haired, tall, majestic, elf… That is a Blood Elf.”

This is like saying, “If you want to be a purple-skinned, muscular, white-haired, tall, majestic elf… that is a Night Elf.”

As one can immediately surmise, that description also applies to Nightborne, a Horde allied race. Did the Alliance have a monopoly on that appearance as this reply would seem to suggest the Horde has a monopoly on the appearance shared by High Elves and Blood Elves? The answer is no.

Why should the Horde be given this preferential treatment over the Alliance? Why should the Alliance lose it’s night elven aesthetic to the Horde, but the Horde maintain a monopoly on the Thalassian aesthetic?

There will never be an answer to that question which will be acceptable. The box was opened with Nightborne. It cannot be closed. The Horde has no right to preferential treatment over the Alliance. The scales may not always be balanced between the two factions, but in this case, there is no reason to leave them tilted.

One hardly thinks of Nightborne and says “awe yes Horde preferential treatment”

Funny :face_with_hand_over_mouth: but a joke all the same

You have an exact copy of our most popular model, we have what ever Nightborne are which aren’t Night Elves.


Void Elves should have stayed Void Elves. They were actually pretty cool.

Now everyone is just gonna larp another group of boring high elves.


sunreavers were already there in charge of their original district and with a member on the council of six prior to the start of wrath. the SC were most likely ‘formed’ from farstriders who did not want to join or support the horde and vereesa was able to help them settle in dalaran. and no they werent ‘standing around in stormwind’ or we would have seen them and there would be no point in migrating to dalaran to join a city that revolves around magic

Would explain how they are neutral so I can book mark your post on it, I needed it in another thread the other day.

I get your sentiment, except that the NB aren’t a carbon copy of Nelves. Which is kind of what’s being asked for the whole V/H/Belf thing.

It’s not quite a direct comparison.

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Compromise ? Don’t think we’re playing the same game , are you one of those special snowflakes that are pissy because alliance got bloodelf models too ? 0.o

Im talking every single race should have loads of hair color options , tons of herbs , plants , insects to magic to switch hair color that there is no lore reason to not be in game …not just for void elf , every race … There is no lore preventing this and its 100% more credible than being able to switch gender at a barbershop !

It’s actually funny because Nightborne being too similar to Night Elves in facial appearance is like one of the biggest complaint of Nightborne players.

The Nightborne we saw in Legion looked nothing like Night Elves.


LMFAO! For anyone to think us getting Nightborne is a win is laughable, however as I’ve said in other threads we could petition Blizzard to take Void Elves from Alliance and give them to Horde and take Nightborne from Horde and give them to Alliance, let’s see how long they keep pedaling that we won. Haha. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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This name calling tells me all I need to know.

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AInt a name calling if i asked a question , idk you may not be part of that group :wink: but yea thanks for proving me you have no argument against mine twice in a row !

Edit , yea once again ignore the part of my suggestion in the 1st and 2nd reply and focus on the question i asked you personally :rofl:

The faction tribalism is getting pretty stale, and bad for the game overall.

I’m not for abolishing factions, but this petty “win and lose” crap needs to stop.


You’re not really serving much of an argument, just some telling insults that are more reflective of you saying them.

Fair points. I think my post still stands, but you are probably correct in your assertation. My thoughts were that the SC didn’t exist in any real sense until WotLK and certainly weren’t members/affiliated with Stormwind.

As I stated before. Options are good, but options that lead to too much visual homogenization is messy and bad game design. In my opinion, of course.

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The Nightborne comparison being the equivalent of Void Elves is a joke I don’t even know what to do with it.

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