No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Well Silvermoon is a Horde Capital, so yes I’ve seen Elf statues in Horde capitals.


And Vanilla too? ^^ You are so blonde

Eh, they probably had statues of elves around Undercity. From when it was Lordaeron.

The statue was there in Stormwind since before vanilla at the start. It’s proof the Silver Covenant was in Stormwind since second war ended.

Awe you’re moving the goal posts thats not what you asked originally ^^

But to answer your question on the status of Silvermoon in vanilla, you’re right it still wasn’t Alliance at that time :hugs:


This is false. Alleria Windrunner was not part of the Silver Covenant. That would be Vereesa Windrunner.

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This is not a reply to what you are arguing about but I’m glad you are back now dearie. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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velfs should be moved over to horde if they are going to keep them in game. the race fits in much better with horde then alliance and if you want to play a helf there’s belfs with blue eyes.

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Same… arguments different thread xD

I haven’t checked this one much tbh I kinda just skipped to the most recent replies

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Natural dyes , wigs … tons of reason hair color should have 0 restriction . ./. .

I mean we can magicly change the appearance of our gear , even gender switch magicly at a barbershop yet are restricted on hair color 0.o


Yeah that’s what being a Void Elf does I guess, try a Blood Elf otherwise. The hair styles on the two are different for a reason, and thats the compromise, the model, the skin tones and the ability to say you’re a Wayfarer is already yours anything else skews it more in favor to VE’s than it already is.

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It’s literally the same thing, rude people trying to justify why they should get all of our races options for Void Elves and the change in this one is how they are High Elves but we aren’t so they have a right to them. Lol.


Makes sense from a gameplay perspective. Devs want to keep all of the individual races visually distinct.

They weren’t in the Alliance, they were a part of the Lordaeron Alliance. Of which Night Elves were not a part. And Dwarves were.


It’s sad to me I thought once the HE community had a victory on a compromise that was more suitable for them, they would respect that and the validity of Blood Elves at that point.


They never left Stormwind. A lot of hunters went there and fromed Silver Covenant then went to Dalaran to protect it from Sunreavers.

It’s like I said other day in that other thread, I don’t think they’ll ever stop the type of people they are pretty much speaks for itself.


Ok, then, Lan. What’s your reason for wanting Undead Rangers if npc presence is meaningless? And not all of the High Elves left the Alliance :man_shrugging:

Not all :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

It’s not a stretch. You can see quests in vanilla referencing the brotherhood humans and thalassians shared. And I wasn’t even claiming it as a core identity to our faction :no_mouth: The current Blood Elves might be more pro Horde than they ever were for the Alliance, sure, but the current High Elves with the Alliance (the people we want to play as) are obviously fiercly loyal. :hugs:

They’ve been part of both the Alliance of Lordaeron and the current Alliance. In BFA, the most recent expansion, you can see 7th Legion High Elf mages fighting against the Horde. Vereesa and Alleria, some of the most important thalassian lore characters, are both aligned with the Alliance. She mourns the loss of her King (Varian) in one of the quest dialogues when told to work with the Horde.

The High Elves we want to play are 100% pro Alliance, and they always have been.


This is also kind of false. The SC was formed from Dalaran High Elves and others during the events of Lich king as a response to the Sunreavers entrance into Dalaran. However, while they were friendly with the Alliance, they were not working under the Alliance at that time and were not officially associated with Stormwind…at all.

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Those were just NPCs, refuges, and outside of Alliance quest hubs they have generally been friendly or neutral to both Horde and Alliance.

They are our Quest givers also.

Now the Silver Covenant is mostly neutral. Thalassian NPCs are further removed from their High Elf heritage by the inclusion of purple eyes, while Blood Elves (and Void Elves with them) have reclaimed their heritage through the renewed acquisition of their blue eyes.

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