I’m already playing both sides, baby. I like elves.
This is a dumb comparison because you can’t use any customization option from normal Dwarves on Dark Iron Dwarves or vice versa so I’ll just throw that argument into the trash for you and you along with it.
If we’re going to be stuck with them velfs should have to look more voidy not less.
Otherwise it would be like me putting leaves in my hair and painting myself purple and pretending to be a night elf.
Velfs are the best race, I feel they’re skin tone really shows how much they’re connected to the void and that’s why I love velf
(Edit: I had to re-post this on my Void Elf profile)
I agree. Let Belves and Velves remain visually distinct from each other.
I personally think that blue eyes are our right more than the blood elves right.
I love that VE now have BE skins and they both get BLUE EYES! High elves acquired for both factions thank you!
It’s okay to be wrong so.
please leave me alone you moonguard stripper
There is absolutely no reason to be rude. And yes, that is a good comparison. we’re talking lore, not customization options.
Dark Iron Dwarves are still Dwarves (just a different family branch). Void Elves are still technically Blood Elves but AGAIN, just a different branch.
Me leaving you alone isn’t going to make you any less wrong that’s why we have the High Elf customizations and you don’t.
You trying to justify Void Elves getting Blood Elves customizations by saying they are the same race is as I said dumb given they aren’t and using the two you are makes it worse because they share zero customizations, I’m not sure how you didn’t understand that from my first reply but hopefully you’ll get it this time.
Literally posted a WoWpedia article about this very thing.
You want to argue, okay: argue this: BOTH races are technically High Elves. They are the same darned race: just one is being evolved by the void. And this is why they share customization options.
I’m right. you’re wrong.
I can alt hop too.
/mic drop
(I’m not saying I disagree on certain points of the original post. But schematics are schematics. I’m a goblin, we know schematics.)
You aren’t right, just because something is a same race doesn’t mean it’s entitled to share the same customizations, you are rejected if you actually believe it does.
When someone has to results to insults you already know they lost the argument
okay look, I would absolutely love it if Bliz gave me Gilblins- especially since I’ve seen the females in game. They would end up being an offshoot of Goblins (one could argue legit lore reasons on how they came to be a race).
However, they have also had thousands of years of evolution of lore they could add considering how Azshara was made.
Void Elves are really a more newly created race. Who’s to say the RP doesn’t apply here? Since Void Elves are in the first stages of evolving. Who are you guys to say that I can’t play a BE with the beginning stages of the Void?
Hair color is also much less an argument point than skin and eye color. If they never gave the belf skin tones, fine…you can argue they wanted to preserve a clear distinction (identical model aside) between the two. Once they caved and shared the skin tones and blue eyes though…why quibble and moan over hair color? Hair dye IS a thing in virtually all societies. Blood elves still have gold/green/heterochromia eye options, far more hair styles and jewelry that velves won’t get. And frankly who cares about blonde hair? Give me actual black hair and I’ll be happy.
Blizzard says I said a couple posts back we the Blood Elves have the High Elf customizations, Void Elves don’t if Blizzard wanted them to have them they would have given them to them from the get go.
I laughed about that kind of like the I’m right, period. Haha.
What do you mean with high elf customisations? Female void elf have more elegant hairstyles than blood elves, not all high elves have natural hair colors, some of them have blue, just like void elves… Alliance now have two race fantasy in one. High elves and void elves.
You mean blue like this? Haha.
It don’t have to be the same tone.