You and many others doubted for years that we will get a second Thalassian model. Yet it came.
You also doubted about healthy skin colors and blue eyes.
Still, it happened.
We are not Blizzard, no matter what we doubt that will happen or not.
But honestly, the odds here are not in your favour given the current situation.
It’s clearly visible that Blizzard wants to shut down this subject once and for all.
A couple of normal hair colors is not impossible at all.
Why they didn’t add new hairstyles and colors already then? Well maybe because they weren’t ready. Surely, a simple copy paste of skin colors to the same model was way easier than brand new hairstyles.
Anyway, when the day of AR updates comes we will all find out won’t we. You may be proven right after all, it’s possible.
And believe me when I say that I hear you. This is not an attack to you or any BE fan. I don’t really support any side, this is just the way I see things going. Pure speculation.
What a dumb difference. So they are one spray paint away from race change…
Hum… because they have basically nothing in common? They have a bigger difference then just a color pallet one.
Because they are not into nature and stuff?
Yes, unlike the blood elves and void elves.
Oh just like Aleria… oh wait…
Well, not exactly the same, just like Aleria is not the same after being voided.
No, because I don’t want to play Horde.
Oh what about the players who want to play High elfs? They don’t even get to have the race at all. Having their race playable might maybe make a blood elf player not feel as unique, and we can’t have that right?
Thank you Blizzard, now I can be even more annoyed at how my VE is almost there but not enough.
I feel robbed of my identity. The idea of them robbing us of all our hairstyles and hair colors while sharing nothing back in return is not a pleasant one.
They could take hair colors and styles from the Kul Tiran and not harm Blood Elves any more than they already have. But they don’t want that.
They want to hurt Blood Elf players as much as possible with their gimme gimmes.
They have bland taste.
There is no High Elf playable race and there never will be. There are only Void Elves and held stans will have to get over it.
Void Elves have never said anything about sharing anything back in their incessant demands of robbing my race of what little distinction it has left.
There are Alliance races that can have their hairstyles and colors robbed instead of victimizing Blood Elves.
They already have pale skin. That should be enough.
The problem is that most high elf fans in these threads are incredibly selfish and can never be satisfied. They were given a gift at the Blood Elf players’ expense. All they can do is demand more more more more more.
I’m hoping that they can take from another Alliance race instead of harming Blood Elves any more and still be happy.
No, I just don’t believe you. If you say absurd things people will likely not believe you.
I don’t think a single one of them are closed to the idea of sharing in return.
But if you got human hair colors it would be the same thing as having belf hair colors.
That is not enough. It will never be enough until high elfs are playable. Even if they are carbon copies of blood elfs, it will still not be enough until a proper high elf race is created, with proper passives and stuff.
Making them more similar to blood elves will just increase their frustration of not being able to play the real thing. It will just foster that feeling of almost there but not enough.
All they want is for the race they like to be playable. It is really not that much to ask and they will be very unsatisfied until they get it.
Blood Elf visual identity is the customizations that Blood Elves have.
Some of our distinct traits were brutally robbed from us with no compensation and I feel that the Blood Elf identity has been robbed.
It feels bad. I don’t expect someone who can’t feel empathy to understand.
They are. They hate Blood Elves because they’re mad at Blizzard for not giving them their basic bland blonde hair blue eyed perfect pure ary elf fantasy back in BC.
The Kul Tiran colors are different than the Blood Elf colors. They’re cooler in hue.
Of course it will never be enough because they’re selfish.
It’s not my fault they find the most boring and bland race ever to appear in Warcraft desirable. It’s like they’re going to a fine steak house and wanting an Oscar Mayer Hotdog instead of a big flavorful juicy steak. They have no taste at all.
But I shouldn’t be forced to not have steak because they want a hot dog.
Void Elfs don’t have different histories then blood elfs lol they were there when Arthas attacked. They tried to find another power for their race. They found it. Void Elfs should have everything Blood elfs have plus more. Anything new the race Blood elfs come up with sure it can be different. But their heritage is still there.
Using Nightborne and Night elf as an example is dumb. Their different races at this point. The Nightborne were locked up for 10k years in their little bubble. Night Elf were the lower rank of their race at that time anyways. of course their different.
Visual Identity is not the same as Identity. A Blood elf can look the same as a High elf, but they are VERY different.
I don’t believe you.
Oh just like you don’t feel empathy for the people who don’t even have their race playable? Amazing.
They are not. Stop saying absurd things about people.
No they don’t, stop that.
Yes, they are mad at blizzard for not making their race playable. that is very different than being mad at blood elves and wanting to punish them by wanting to look like them.
They want their race playable so they will want every bit of customization that would move them closer to that goal. The goal is not punishing blood elves, it is making their race playable.
Sure, dude, it can be a different color pallet, just something that is not blue, blue and more blue. Velves don’t even have a black hair color option.
I would care a LOT. I’ve been really disappointed they’re blurring faction differences by giving alliance a blood elf look alike, I do not want us looking more alike.
We never wanted void elves. Just give us the hair colors and it will be fair compromise. It will fully fill the high elf fantasy of a major alliance race and finally have the holy trinity of humans, dwaerves, and high elves.