No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Kul Tiran hairstyles and colors would look great :relieved: They already share the same hair textures anyways

Some human hairs would also look great

It makes sense, after all, since they are an Alliance race they’d start wearing their hair in Alliance styles :stuck_out_tongue:


(Commentary): Colors, yes. Hairstyles? For female Void Elves, yes. Male Void Elves need better long hairstyles. Some borrowing from Night Elves or Draenei might help.

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I would recommend Human Hairstyles since High Elves favor human mates Kultarians would be good also.

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It’s also frankly about time Blood Elves got Horde inspired hair cuts.

You wanna live in a bone-hut you better start looking like it.

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See I’ve got two problems with the SL additions to Void elves, the first that they overlap on the blood elf aesthetic to a degree and introduce problems with the Blood elves by making them in a way inferior after the fact. I think the Blood Elves wouldn’t be seen as in as bad a state if they were still the only human skin toned elves in the game, but with Void elves getting what they got, it’s made that a problem. So now more than just needing some refinements that would make the blood elves shine, they feel like they need an overhaul with an addition that’s flowing more from catching up to the void elves than flowing organically from the progression of the story.

And on the other side there is the void theme. I’m a fan of it, and this is a bit worrying to me for how that will be handled in the future. While there’s no game engine or storage limitation to how many options are available, there is the issue of artist time and other considerations along that line. The void is what sets them apart from the blood elves, and for me it feels to be a waste to pad it out with blood elf assets that detract from the void theme. And there’s some requests out there that want to take it further away from what they started out as.

Of course you would think the Horde is about this.

Blood Elves are High Elves, our hairstyles are our own in that regard.

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Sorry, the Horde isn’t about lavish hairstyles and human-esq aesthetics, as much as Blood Elf players like you want to make it that.

You should want additional hairstyles inspired by your faction, thats how you keep your “unique” aesthetic, not by rallying against other peoples requests.


(Commentary): I see what you’re saying, I just don’t agree with it. If the only thing preventing Blood Elves from being, ‘inferior,’ was their skin tones, then the race has infinitely bigger issues than lacking a second visual theme. Unfortunately, that’s probably not entirely off the mark, much as I hate to say it. Blood Elves have featured in almost every expansion since their inclusion to the game in a significant capacity. More unfortunately this has almost always been them interacting with Alliance races either in a friendly or hostile manner as the expansion’s faction conflict dictates.

(Observation): The Blood Elves need a significant storyline, more development, etc… Just look at their roster of characters. Halduron Brightwing is their Ranger-General. The Ranger-General used to be this massive important figure in Quel’Thalas! Now he may as well not even exist. Rommath is the Grand Magister of Quel’Thalas but for all he ever does, he may as well not exist! Liadrin gets pushed to the forefront of most Blood Elf activity, and that’s not entirely bad as she pushes the Blood Elf light narrative, but damn she needs to stop talking and acting like a human paladin.

(Speculative): I’m hoping that Kael’thas’ role in the Shadowlands grows into a storyline for the Blood Elves. Between his incoming redemption, Sylvanas’ fall from grace, and seeing how Night Elves are treating their undead kin, it’d be great to see Lor’themar and the rest decide to reach out to the San’layn/Dark Rangers, to bring them home. It’d make for a nice questline to unlock some new customization for Blood Elves. Maybe they could revamp Windrunner Spire, or better yet, Deatholme.


I’m know at least a few Blood Elf players who want Void Elf hairstyles. They look quite nice with Blood Elf hair colors too:


Blood Elves are High Elves.

And the Horde unlike the Alliance doesn’t have some weird NE level assimilation into Human culture. Why don’t you play the NB scenario again and recognize what Thalyssra pointed out that Horde players already knew, they value each individual societies culture.

(Suggestion): You might be best off putting him on ignore. I’m pretty sure he’s just provoking you on purpose at this point.


He twists my words enough I want to be able to defend myself when he does.

But I already note which of his comments warrants a reply and which do not. This one did though it wasn’t directed at me originally, it was incredibly petty and fed into the stereotype of HE fans wishing poor customization options on Blood Elves. It’s not the first time I’ve seen it, I doubt it’ll be the last.

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High elves? Kinda sorta.

Wildhammer? If you squint.

Forest trolls? Barely.

Ogres? WHEN

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In race-name only, not in group.

Sorry, there is a difference, sorry you ignored the game enough to think otherwise.

Doesn’t have to be assimilation, it adds to the blood elf flavor, it gives them a theme, Horde Elves.

Why wouldn’t you want awesome Horde inspired hairstyles.


We had that conversation, he unfortunately will never.

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(Commentary): Well, speaking for myself, I wouldn’t respond to that kind of trolling. Responding just proves it’s a point he can force you to talk on. Likewise, I wouldn’t worry about him twisting your words. More often than not you come off looking better for not responding, just in my own experience.

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I did that a while back, just forgot to make it forever fixed it yesterday :crazy_face: :beers:

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Lucky you, I just cant shake my relationship with Lann.

It’s the lore-skewing and telling people what they should and should not be asking for, for me. :face_with_monocle:

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Nah nah nah listen - hair can and should be the same. Everyone’s got access to the same dyes.

But Void elves get the void-related skin tones, and Blood elves can get the fel-corrupted skin tones!