No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

It’s silly when some of the adamantly “no more stuff for void elves” people do it, and it’s silly when he does it.

At the end of the day, it’s just a few options in how we make our dolls look.


Cezol’s just always stuck at 11 in that regard. I get along fine with plenty of people on the other side, that one is just always super agressive.


If void elves are getting everything a belf has belves should get access to void elf skins and hairs

That would defeat the point of them getting kicked out of Silvermoon, don’t you think?

Yep! In general, I’m in favor of parent races and their allied races sharing back and forth.

Ideally, you shouldn’t be able to make your void elf precisely identical to your blood elf (or your Highmountain just like your Bloodhoof, for that matter), but some sharing is low effort, high reward for a customization junkie like me.

Yes Blizzard has started to listen and the secret truths are now being revealed. Once we have the hair colors. I hope we all work on getting our alliance Silver Covenant paladin class. Then we need a true elven magic city that is not a tree or rock.

Generally not a problem, but I think there’s some aspects where it doesn’t work as well. I think there’s a few races where the AR has a strong theme that doesn’t work as well with some aspects of the core, void elves, mag’har, mechagnomes and maybe Dark Irons. They have strongly changed themes that emphasize what makes them different from the core, and letting them be too close to core can do some harm to that theme (and just personally, I don’t get the point, if I wanted a fully fleshed gnome, I’d play a gnome since it’s already what I want there’s no need to distract from the cyborg theme of the MG to get that)

(Commentary): To be fair, I don’t see why Mechagnome Hairstyles, Haircolors, jewelry/facial hair, etc… isn’t shared with Gnomes, or why Gnome options for those categories aren’t shared with Mechagnomes. The only difference is the mechanization.

(Commentary): To be fair, I don’t think I’d have much issue if certain fleshier skin tones from Mag’har became available to standard Orcs. We’ve been told that, like Blood Elf eyes, Orc skin colors should go back to normal over time.

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Ya know I find something odd. When blue eyes weren’t available for BE and blue was the only one players noted so many insisted it was a sign of arcane, and they just HAD to have them. Once purple popped up on VE NPCs now both colors apparently are arcane?

(Commentary): Both colors have been associated with arcane for a long time if we’re honest. Blue is the color of mana whereas purple is the color of arcane. Or at least, that’s my personal headcanon.

Yeah I didn’t get that either, I always associated purple with arcane but Idk :man_shrugging:

Both colors look great on both races though so idc either way

That headcanon makes sense, I hadn’t considered the mana aspect!



The entire HELF community in a single phrase.

Agreed there, that’s something that doesn’t counter the uniqueness of the race or AR

I’m thinking more the reverse in that it would make no sense to give Mag’har green skin as the whole point of the AR is to present Orcs without that condition.

And I left it out of that post, but both of these are also covered by the fact that they are also on the same faction and thus not duplicating things that had been unique to one side on to the other.

You know what I find odd, that all the people who were yelling about how it’s not good to lock some cosmetic options behind faction lines are pretending an eye color that doesn’t even have the level of game shorthand for faction allegiance that green and blue had is some gotcha after the fact.


(Observation): Not really. Plenty couldn’t care less what the Horde has (further evidenced by no hissy fits over the recent purple eyes being shared between both Blood Elves and Void Elves). A generalization like that is like me saying that the entire Sethrak community hates Mechagnomes; no, they all don’t. Just a vocal group that gives off that image.


If hair is all that differentiates your race, then that no longer is a difference between “races”.

The only actual difference between Blood Elves and Void Elves are their political alignments. And the fact that Void elves don’t have a problem with using the Void to do good/get more power (which is still a political stance in itself).


Not according to all the fighting back before customization when players were asking for a HE AR. The sun well and the arcane meant they HAD to have blue eyes. Then purple eyes popped up on NPCs and suddenly it was both. BE need both to represent their arcane.

Not really. I don’t care if no one got them. I just don’t think elves belong on the horde. Should have got Ogres.

Don’t need to be Sin’dorei option just give em alliance colors and styles since they been with the Alliance and a option to turn off mutations’ Easy Fix.

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(Commentary): True, but then we have Night Elves and Nightborne; both races are purple skinned, white haired elves. So, sharing a cosmetic/thematic between two factions shouldn’t be unreasonable. Where these two races shine is that despite looking very similar, they each have their own strongly defined aesthetic. Void Elves have this, but the Blood Elf aesthetic needs more work. The direction of their racial narrative is about the Sunwell and the Light, and they really could use more light themed customizations to reflect that.

(Speculative): Actually, it’d be pretty neat to see a new faction of Blood Elves transformed by the Sunwell somehow, maybe in an attempt to make a strong counter to the Void Elves. Suddenly Blood Elves could have, say, marble white skin like the Lightforged Draenei, or instead of hair a kind of golden energy that resembles hair.

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