No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

This is Alliance High Elf Discussion common sense don’t apply.

If someone says something ludicrous, annoying or obviously provocative, I usually choose not to engage.

I like how low stakes this argument is. It’s part of what makes it fun.

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Okay so for the Alliance high elf argument - we have canon high elves in the alliance. Tis canon. You can be a high elf in the alliance, you’re just a wee-bit void-touched. Nothing wrong with that!

Can’t be a paladin, but I mean, after literally decades of being outcasts and murdered by your supposed allies, would you have any faith after that?

Is that all you guys do is fight about Blood Elves and Void Elves?

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This is my life.


Welp, personally, if you’re going for the very purest definition of high elves, a.k.a the Quel’dorei,

Then the oldest living relatives are the nightborne, the Shal’dorei. They existed 'round queen Aszhara AND got tons of magic. Totes High elves.

See that male Nightborne? That is PEAK high elf right there.

Not really most of us talk about how enhance to void elf for the High Elfs fans since Devs are making a attempt to go that route and people come and say no for various reasons. I still think the Human Hairstyles and colors would be best route.

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But why aren’t you guys pushing for nightborne customizations? :sob:

I know they’re horde but like, you guys didn’t give them any love in legion…

Nah, I also go around blowing up spaceships in between crashing into walls and ending up flying into nasty space clouds that blow you up after blinding you so you can’t get back out

I just want white, black, and blonde hair colors for some of my Velf toons :man_shrugging: Idc about paladins or racials or cities or any of that stuff

Many of us have advocated for more Nightborne customizations many times

Mana hands and hair options, tat and skin and eye and hair colors, slanty eyes, etc.

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For me too, it’s more or less feeling protective of the BE theme because nothing has been done to bring us up to that level. And people are already asking for more additions to their second visual theme which threatens what Blood Elves have left, with no guarantee of other developments for our customization. I mean for all we know they get the last bits, and we get more jewelry pieces.

Oh neat!!

Sorry, i haven’t read that 2000 post long script y’all wrote. :grimacing:

That would fit the Void Elf main theme and I think that should be in there especially black.


Lmao I don’t blame you, this thread is one of many

The official one had so many posts it got auto-locked for post limit reached!!

I think this would be a great compromise. It would fit the void theme while also allowing people who like the second visual theme to have that completed as well. At the end of the day the greatest thing I think Void elves need is more developed lore. I have enjoyed hearing your opinion. We still disagree about some things, but I’m glad to have found some common ground.

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The alliance needs those hair.

Well I was very openly vocal before about wanting the HE community to have some win, whether a new AR, this compromise was one concept, or even just explicitly saying the Wayfarers are now joining the VEs (to satisfy the old argument that VEs were unacceptable because they were former BEs) and basically the last two were sort of done and now exist in RP tools.

So on one hand I can be happy for people who are content. On the other I never in a million years thought Blood Elves would lose exclusivity with nothing being done in return, so I’m not interested in and have no patience for any attempts at or from people interested in etching this compromise even more so in their favor then it already is.

So I do have a newfound appreciation for protecting the exclusivity we have left.

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I’m not going to lie I got in some debates with people due to my own ignorance, because I thought at the time they were just upset that our side(the helfers) won a victory. However after taking the time to actually read your post and understand the reason y’all were mad I realized that y’all had a valid point. I agree that Blood Elves should have gotten way more out of this in return for what we got. Anyway I’m glad to understand now, and fully support Blood Elves being able to get way more stuff then what they currently have. I also now understand that some people on my side take certain request way too far.


One can support added HE customization for VE AND more themes for BE. It doesnt have to be one or the other. Can even support more void options for VE, more HE options, and more BE options. One does not have to outweigh any of the others.


I appreciate that outlook thank you.

I think some of why I come off the way I do is because the second you don’t agree with the entirety of the request you’re labeled an anti, I find it hard to even hypothetically support more in the future even if Blood Elves are brought up to par just because of the way I view people acting, it reminds me of vultures in nature or something.

I frequent the discord and HE circles and I have no ill will, but the very second the VE skin tones were announced, it was like not even a breath had been taken and it was immediately people “Well what about paladins? Does Blizzard expect this to be a compromise without paladins? What about the hair? Why are Blood Elves still getting blue eyes?” also this concept HE options were now the predominant theme for Void Elves bothered me as well.

That was when I was like okay this will never be enough for these people.

We have Blood Elf customization in the state it’s in and people are clamoring for what’s left that they didn’t get in their initial skewed in their favor compromise, and they say things like “Well just ask for both! Support BE’s and VE’s!” and it is already unfair in their favor. Even if both options got stuff you still have the fact VE’s now have two visual themes that puts them ahead, I’m not interested in the laundry list of HE demands anymore because of how people villainize BE fans, and skew it to make it seem like they aren’t self serving. And I personally don’t care what race comes next for attention so long as its a core race because I believe across the board core races are lacking, but here the HE community is making it about them again.

What has the San’layn community gotten? The Kelfin? Ogres? Like but HE fans will have you believe their the ones that have gotten nothing, so its frustrating in that regard for myself anyways.

As for lore bits I agree, but for me I want it solidified about the Wayfarers, I think that is a win for the HE community but it can be a win for the BE fans as well as it would solidify any future requests to the HE theme to be relegated into the context of what a VE can offer as a HE which is the Wayfarer.