No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Entitled? Elf Please

There’s the last bit of it


Pathetic as always :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Downplaying the significance of giving the void elves what they did.

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You act like there’s a lot lol :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

But that would be the main faction of High Elves in Quel’thalas huh.

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Yes we’re aware of the entitled attitudes of High elf Pros who after getting what they claimed they’d settle for only push for more and more.

Some want void elves erased entirely. Some want Blood Elves to lose all that they’ve been these last 15 years.

All in pursuit of their perfect Blue eyed white skinned blonde haired pure elf fantasy that barely exists as it does in their heads anyways.

You claim to like the High Elf story? The one that has come to this point? How do you not see that Void Elves and Blood Elves are its continuation. High Elves are going extinct.


You mean an actual and differentiated AR, yeah, if the answer to that is a few eye colors and ported over skin tones, that very obviously isn’t what was requested, but not like an anti to ever know what they’re talking about. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’m Pro Velf. Not pro Helf. Not Anti.

Further, I meant after Void Elves released. You were never owed or going to get a High Elf AR beyond Void Elves.

Any of you that thought otherwise were just plain wrong about it.

To be fair, I would have preferred it that way. Then at least I wouldn’t have to be here fighting for Void Elves.


If you’re against High Elves, you’re an anti-high elf. Simple.

Says you?

Why do you think the request was as loud as it was? Also what do you think Void Elves were?

They’re literally on record saying Void Elves was their “answer” to High Elves, while using exactly, 0 from High Elves to make them happen, and everything Void Elves are, was against every reason anyone gave to not have High Elves in the game.

And now they’ve done this, and Void Elves are the vector for it, sorry. :man_shrugging:

So you do admit to claiming feeling entitled based on how loud you have been?

Don’t be too precious.

There’s room for all shades of opinion on appropriate customization for pretendy funtime internet elves without needing to go, “if you’re not with us, you’re against us!”


Awww, its so adorable toxic how you get when you’re upset.

Claiming a majority is a fact, not a sense of entitlement, if the High Elf request was smaller than the Void elf customization request, they wouldn’t even considered giving Void Elves “regular” options.

So try again in trying to twist everyones words to make them the bad guys.

Hmm, and here I thought you were the pinnacle of behavior.

So you’re just now meeting Cezol?

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Rich coming from you.

(Commentary): The pot calls the kettle black. You’re far too wound up right now. I suggest taking a break, walk away from the computer for a little bit. Maybe take a hot shower, make a snack, watch some TV, etc… You’re coming off as unnecessarily hostile.


I don’t know what you want me to say, man. Void elves didn’t get anything new specifically for them. I never said it wasn’t a big deal. Just saying other allied races shouldn’t feel neglected over it.

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They got a second visual theme.

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Sorry, titles matter in what sense?

It’s at most a description of where his opinions come from, putting a negative spin on it is on them. :man_shrugging:

Against Lann, nah, this is a weekday night for us, but i’m not keen on letting lying slide as easily as everyone else is. :man_shrugging:

I’m just saying that the void elves are unique in being gifted the human skin colors that were not part of their original appearance, it gives them a broader range of options and for some people it feels like a superior version of the core race due to that.


They are not the only race with more than one theme, so this is a non-argument.

Void elf NPCs have black hair, and white fits void elf aesthetic too.