No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Also omg I just saw the new EYE COLORS THEY’RE SO PRETTY

And yet again Belfs and Velfs get customization at the same time, this just further cements my idea that when Velfs get their A.R. passover Belfs will end up inheriting some of their options ^^

I’m glad Belfs have purple eye options now too :smiley: they’d look so good on Arcane mages and the like

Bout time. My Blood Elf mage will finally be able to have arcane eyes.

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In the VE department I think you have more Void options to look forward to, sure.


I’m not being dishonest, I am merely stating that both are allied races that got skin tones that are not unique to them because they share a model with another race. Mechagnomes already had lighter skin tones so obviously those did not need to be ported over

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:smiley: Post pics when they go live we wanna seeee

My Velf Arcane mage will def be rocking these, they look super nice with purple hair especially

I hope so :laughing: I can’t wait for more hairstyles and colors

You’re still doing it.

Other than void elves, all of the races that received the new wider spectrum of human skin colors already had human skin colors. It’s not the models that determined it, it was the fact that they were lacking in skin tones that represent reality.


Seriously salty that Mechagnomes didn’t get some fun gnomish hair colors, if I’m honest.

What about cutting off your limbs requires you to be Dr. Serious about hair dye?

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Why wait?

You have no idea the depths of my unhappiness that mechagnome hair colors didn’t make it to Gnome and gnomes to mechagnomes.


HE LOOKS SO GOOD WOW :heart_eyes:

Pls keep these customizations rolling Blizz

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Since I’m still stuck on Sledgehammer, check out Larye from Wrymrest Accord. He has pretty human-esque color in Stormwind.

Still doing what? I said what I said, there’s no need to make more of it. Whether other allied races feel ripped off because of what void elves got or not, it was not something new made specifically for void elves so there’s no need to be bitter. Allied races will get their own stuff

Mmm with the outcry for additional and “regular” hairstyles and colors, I wouldn’t be too sure, but both would be great.

After all you’re the one haunting every single “regular options for VE” threads, you should know how much more that requests appears.

But I mean i’m sure you prefer the latter so you can fall asleep at night. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I wish I had level 3 so I could post that meme of the guy going "Both? Both. :relieved: "

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You act like they didn’t just update Sylvanas in that same time frame LOL.

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

You act like Sylvanas’ story isn’t actively ongoing and has taken a huge dive this expansion that merrits a model change. LOL

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Well if Alleria doesn’t matter lets just kill her off and let Umbric lead :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Problem solved :heart:

This only works if Void Elves get a comparable amount of exclusive customization.

Otherwise share the BE stuff.

You’re not entitled to Blood Elf stuff regardless.

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Well horde should never have got elves to begin with so the cats out of the bag now