No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

You have an entire political storyline and faction identity though


People are already invalidating Blood Elves like they have for years on a kick about wanting Quel’thalas.

Still nothing entitles you to two visual themes to Blood Elves one. Hang it up flat screen, the core of your argument is “Ignore the fact we stole everything from you, you still exist” it’s not an argument, Blood Elf players should be considered in this as well hence why this was a compromise one people are moving to etch away at even more.

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It should be interesting how many people use it. I dont’ remember people asking for alot of options many of the races received. Maybe I just missed the requests.

But I’m not asking for additional blood elf themes including the hair. Again-- I’m not the OP

To double down on it, I’m not asking for velf pallys either.

You’re attacking people defending Blood Elves though. That I take issue with.


“Stolen”. Maybe if the main leader of the void elf faction didn’t continue to have blonde hair your point would have some merit.

So ask Blizzard to Void-ify her more. I know I have :slight_smile:

Is it impossible for you to discuss the topic without making personal attacks?

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Lann seems to think Blizz is going to change Alleria’s iconic design and give her blue hair :skull: Without realizing she already got an updated Void design in Legion.

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Someone should let Humans know.

And Dwarfs, and Worgen, and Kul Tirans, and Lightforged, and Undead.

Or maybe hair styles and colors have nothing to do with themes, and that’s more reserved for story. :man_shrugging:

But I mean I wouldn’t know, I don’t spend my days telling people not to ask for customization because I lost exclusivity I never had 2 years ago.


Because Blizzard always lets us look like our racial faction leaders. That’s why half the horde races can choose to be invisible.


I totally used it on my night elf mage, because if you’re going to give me a shiny, I’m going to want to use it.

I’m not sure about how it really looks, though. I’m also using the black hair, and he’s fiercely bearded, so he looks… confusing. If I play him past level 14, he may need a repass on his look.

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Well yes, but it wasn’t over the discussion related to hair, it was an observation made from months if not years worth of posting despite claiming they were done posting on the subject. Not the hair/class stuff. Even the new eyes that elves got aren’t right for me, but I was going to accept it just fine until I saw the new sclera updates for velf and belf and now I’m officially done and happy with the conversation once that comes out.

I would say that I don’t think belfs should get the clear sclera considering they’re only ever about one form of magic or another, but at the same time I don’t care enough to make dozens of counter posts and threads about something the playerbase is gaining

Nevermind. I take that back. It’s clear that helves have decided to also go back home due to the fact that the belfs have blue eyes as well to begin with.

I saw the chart, void elves are still behind maghar, zandalari, kul tiran, etc in terms of customization options even with the skin tones. Mechagnomes also got the skin tones from gnomes that they didn’t have because, like void elves and blood elves, they share the same model. Allied races will get their time, don’t worry. I’m hoping for some Nightborne love myself

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The real lesson from that chart is help worgen and nightborn please.

And that even male orcs, the golden boys, have some things they need. Like better scars and Dragonmaw skins.

Me too. More Void options.

We are Void Elves. Not Blood or High Elves.

Why make this post?

Eh its just a brighter pink. They already had several of those.

More importantly its not the theme at all for Void Elves. So we do not need it.

Now thats what I want to see.

Could just make her hair a nice stark white. Void does things to you. Might as well to her as well.

This hurt… a lot.



Mechagnomes got the same skin tones because like Blood elves, humans of both kinds, dwarves etc. they already had human skin tones and thus were given the full range when that was added. Void elves did not have those colors, and uniquely were given them in addition to what they already had. Pretending that it’s no big deal is pretty dishonest.


This is quite gold coming from the same people who are outright mad at Blizz for making BE and their narrative Horde. Instead of sticking them with the Alliance.
How long has that been? Almost 15 years?.


Yep, yep, yep, and yep! Facts all around



It was cool Mana hands, withered and NPC face options, and different colored tattoos :sob: