No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

If they can hold on to skin color, hair color would be fine too.

Nah, you just refuse to change the way you think

No one mentioned anything about entitlement, calm down. Those wayfarers have normal hair last I checked, so still waiting for that

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You’re not entitled to the full theme. You’re RP tools are working as intended.

I hope Blizzard updates the few NPCs then!

You probably said the same thing about the skin tones before they got added, keep trying to be negative for no reason though I guess

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Oh you’re really talking to the wrong person lol, you must have me confused.

You replied to me though, my friend

It was rhetorical based on your assumption.

We aren’t friends.

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Did I say something so offensive to deserve the hostility? I’m confused

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No guarantee of that. So far Blizzard has not added them so we can only assume they do not.

Allied races haven’t gotten their pass yet so it is possible. They only got the skin tones because blood elves got new ones and it was an easy copy paste job.


Yes i would like to be a wayfair. One who has mastered the secret truths of the void without but not becoming a void elf like Umbric.

Then why didn’t they get the hair color? That too wouldn’t be much in the way of work. Heck the KT have the same textures. Could have copied those too.

Yet they did not.

Even then I’d rather more Void Elf customization, no more high elf ones. We’ve lost enough of what we were supposed to be already.

Stark White and Void Black hair though? That should at the very least help both groups out as well as tentacle toggles and ear sliders.

While you may not be blue like Umbric you will be a Void Elf. Just like Alleria is a Void Elf.


Wait thats not right…


Blood Elves lost our main theme to Void Elves who now have two visual themes.

So it’s already a skewed compromise and instead of being grateful and letting it be you push for the last bits of things Blood Elf fans have to protect.

We literally got gender restricted jewelry as the bread and butter of our customizations, an AR shouldn’t have had more impactful things done for them than core races during core race customizations.

And you think of all ARs Void Elves are both entitled to more and to more of their secondary theme? Void Elves should get more Void stuff, you know their main theme, as the secondary visual theme amounting to RP tools isn’t your main theme and you aren’t entitled to the entirety of it, that would be Blood Elves.

The new skin tones were a selling point for Shadowlands, I don’t think that’s a secret, and aren’t related to hair. I think it’s possible that when allied races get their new stuff that it wouldn’t be too surprising to see new hair colors for void elves. There’s a void elf npc in Stormwind that has black hair which should’ve been usable, for example.

And I’m not against void options by any means, I’d really like tentacle toggles for and stuff like void limbs for a pseudo-Ethereal look. All I’m saying is that because Alleria was not changed outside of her void form, it’s reasonable to want the same option.

Not the Void Elf ones.

Black is on point for Void options. Blonde is not. Best we should ask for is Stark White.

High Elves can be rped just fine right now.

I don’t want Void Elves sacrificed for useless high elves. We don’t need anything more for them.

While I would have agreed once with you here, I can’t anymore. Its just a bunch of people wanting their pure blue eyed blonde haired pale skinned elves at the expense of Void Elves, and Blood Elves. Most of them want Void elves erased entirely.

Besides, the hair color isn’t stopping anyone from being a high elf.

I’m not saying blood elves shouldn’t get more, I think they’re going to keep adding as the expansion goes on. I’d like to see the face tattoo the blood elf on the TBC box as an option or the runic tattoos that Rommath has on his arms.

But as for void elves getting two themes, the problem was Blizzard not transforming Alleria after she became a void elf. Of course you’ve got the people who wanted high elves and not void elves, too.

The void elf skintones are of course part of it. Mechagnomes got the same new skintones that regular gnomes got. It was just a copy paste job, not specifically new options for these races. I get how you can feel these things might take away from void or blood elves, but I’m in the boat that more options are a good thing.

They are already behind Void Elves, you’re advocating for VEs in the hopes Blood Elves might finally get something unique to them.

There’s already people asking for the jewelry only one gender can use. Every little thing will be a fight to keep Blood Elves unique, it needs to be nipped in the bud now.

And as for you all you’re doing is like what I said above but what’s more even if Blood Elves get something it’ll just be given to Void Elves, you watch and then people will turn around and feel deserving and entitled to it “well you didn’t lose anything these options are for you too”. This is our theme, enjoy your RP tools, and move on.

You seem really bitter. Also I’ve quit the game because I’ve lost interest and said I wouldn’t bother coming back until helves were a thing and much to my surprise they are now, so I’m back to giving blizz money. I remember you back from before I quit too, and I remember you mentioning once that you were done replying to threads like these related to the helf belf discussions.

So for me personally, you appear to be seething. :neutral_face: