No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

You know what though, we shouldn’t have got blue eyes but we did. I think it’s fine to just let it be. Give them their bright white hair and leave it at that.

I don’t want your hair options though and I don’t want to share ours. I went to make a void elf and they have plenty of options without void features in their hair. Blood elves definitely need new hair options, but void elves only need a bright white tone. No other tone really makes sense. Maybe green hair because if you mix blue with blonde that’s what you get.

“Void elves are also another flavor of high elf.” Ion ‘Just Play Horde’ Hazzikostas.


I’d like a deep void black as it were as well. Stark White and a Void Black (mostly cause actual Void Elf npc’s have it already anyways and it looks real on brand) would really help expand our options alone.

I’m also a fan of a tentacle toggle both to give more options to those who aren’t so into the tentacle thing (I dont have tentacles on either my two Blueberries) and simultaneously give the few non-tentacle hair options tentacle options.

Also maybe some arm/leg wraps for the Voidy ethereal look?

Edit: forgot voidy n’zoth eye color and heritage armor gem starry eye color.

Beyond that just some tattoos, ear slider, and scars options would be nice I think. But those I see as more QoL overall. Every race should have something along those lines.

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the high elves are a core horde race and its delusional to think that a change of adjective means they arent(this a broad statement not just aimed at you and im still not saying this is your stance. but it probably is)

the blue eye option has been provided, along with a purple eye option. if you want to play that model with blonde/white/black/red/brown hair, play a blood elf

I think berriwood is on your side of the fence from what I remember.

To be fair to the void elves, white and black are space/void themed colours. I don’t agree with any actual pigmentation aside from blue/violet on void elves. I think that there would be nothing else to ask for though if they were given void tattoos + white/black hair.

I have no interest in playing a void elf though. I just think it would be appropriate, and it would bring peace to the issue kinda. “We gave you black and white hair, that’s all”

I suspect that is wishful thinking.

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Idunno, when all you have is some 12 year old repeating themselves for “blonde hair” it’s pretty peaceful.

Heaven forbid people want to look like Alleria, the leader of the void elves. Also Elisande addresses high elves and blood elves separately in Legion, so it’s not delusional to think there’s some differences there

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Elisande also spent longer in isolation from the world than the high elves or blood elves existed so I wouldn’t exactly look to her as the beacon of knowledge when it comes to them.

May I ask myself. What Elf are you? Because I haven’t seen your true icon face yet on here?

It’ll start up again. It always does.

Right now though, I suppose it is.

You can look like her right now. Hair color ain’t that important apparently.

You can half look like her, which isn’t what was asked for.

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Considering her thing is time magic, I’m sure she could’ve scryed into things given she seemed to know more than she should’ve

You’re not entitled to the entirety of the ask. And a compromise was given again and now your VE can have RP tools to be the Wayfarers which was always the thing about “Void Elves would be so much better if they hadn’t been former Blood Elves and were former Alliance High Elves instead”.

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Plenty of elves looking like her running round now.

Ya’ll keep claiming Belves shouldn’t hold onto their hair colors cause hair color isn’t important.

So you do not need blonde to complete the look. Its not important.

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That’s a big leap.

I am void elf with bald hair style. With this style i look like a blood elf which is same race with no difference but cannot have blonde and white hair for reasons.


(insert spray gif here.)

I haven’t lost my powers yet… I just thought this would be funny.

I think this one is called for for that poster