No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Void Elves shouldn’t exist.


While some might disagree, I don’t think it’s necessary for Void Elves to get a copy/paste of Blood Elf hair colors and hairstyles. Not when there are alternatives that can be shared from other Alliance races that answers calls for additional hair colors and styles.

I’d much prefer if Void Elves got additional hair colors from Kul Tirans and hairstyles from Humans. I’d also like the hair tentacles to be turned into a toggle like the Night Elf hair vines. That way I could add tentacles to any and every hair style if I desire to.

This would keep some level of distinction between Void Elves and Blood Elves while avoiding another copy/paste situation.


i see different, they just appear in 3 instances, one was retconed, and all of then are mere sideckicks staying around for look, you remove then and things would go the same.

hum? not the same at all

blood elves are high elves

therefore, majority of then are in the horde

your proof is “game file” about voices? for real?

they are literally, the same race.


I can’t be bothered reposting my entire thing on the importance of the HElves being used in the Purge of Dalaran scenario as compared to any other race, but I’ll just refer to that. HElves reoccurred more than other Alliance races, especially Draenei and Worgen

Blood Elves were High Elves. Now they’re Blood Elves. This was a whole thing in WC3

And mechagnomes and gnomes are the same race. And void elves are the same race as blood elves. Same goes for Lightforged and regular draenei. Yet these are all separate playable options

The storyline was pointing towards High Elves being playable, and as such, I will continue banging the “Void Elves were a mistake” drum until the Void Elf identity is eroded to nothing, or High Elves become playable and overtaken the Void Elf numbers

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the only importance in the purge was a symbolism to the blood elves, you can change that for humans and things would go literally the same, because the purge it was not about elves but about Jaina, a human

they aren’t, draeneis and worgens actually did something, they are not just sidekick, by example, if you remove worgens from Ashenvale night elves would never win over the horde, if you remove draeneis from Legion you don’t go to argus neither have velen massive help

if you remove elves from isle of thunder you have the same story of blood elves x kirin tor, if you remove high elves from cataclysm, wait they already did, it was retconed, if you remove high elves from suramar you have the same thing of blood elves and night elves helping the nightborne

they are the same race*, as always.

no they aren’t, you don’t come here with this false equivalence all over again.

all those races, all allied races, are either different subraces or massive changed by something like magic

blood elves are high elves, they are the same race, they just changed name

it never was, especially when the devs said it was not happening, not just once but three times, the ship sailed in TBC, again, you guys were just reading too much.

It was about the Elves? How wasn’t it about them? The Purge of Dalaran was asking the question “Why are the Blood Elves still on the Horde?” and it happened on the backend storyline side of things to put that into words. Why are the Blood Elves still with the Horde? By creating that big inciting incident, you then explored why they are with the Horde. Remember, those quests flat out said later that the Blood Elves were going to join the Alliance before that happened

I get the feeling you didn’t play Mists as Alliance, because… Mists as Alliance was not the best of times in story stuff. Because every second bloody quest we got was Varian or Anduin stuff and nothing about the other races in the Alliance. The NElves barely showed up, people rightfully asked ‘why is Tyrande of all people following these not great ideas and just sitting by while things are going awful?’

Warlords of Draenor had to include other races getting more spotlight as a result of Mists being two race focused. That’s why a lot of changes happened at the backend of it

This is going to be one of those debates on what precisely the term ‘race’ means, isn’t it?

Well, let’s go with the closet thing then: High Elves are as different from Blood Elves as Mag’har are from regular orcs. Because… That’s basically what Blizzard said. Same fel corruption thing going on.

High Elves have been presented as an ideological separate group for so long, it was when Suramar’s elves weren’t just “Night Elves” that we were surprised

Please understand my position in this debate is “My dream is having Void Elves removed from the game and replaced with literately anything else”. I know that’s not possible. So I throw my support behind the next best thing to at least lower their numbers.

And from the number of people using the BElf skin tones on VElf? It proves me right. Every VElf going for those skin tones is showing that there is a fanbase for High Elves, that they’re a separate enough group people identify it, and that, if they were playable, Void Elf numbers would utterly plummet overnight


Give Void Elves white and black hair colors, a few more styles, tattoo options, and third eyeballs. Tada! They now have more race specific customization without stealing from the Blood Elves. :heart:


And they could get away with one of those with no work, as when the hair doesn’t have a texture applied it’s actually a pretty neat looking bright white

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yeah, its about the horde elves, the alliance elves were there for dramatic effect, again, pointless.

what all of this have anything to do with what i said? they are still meaningful members of the alliance that driven narrative forward one way or another, more or less, they are not just literally token sidekicks completely irrelevant to the plot.

this is going to be one of those things where you are trying to go against the canon? cause blood elves changed name not Race

no they aren’t.

thats literally not what blizzard said, Ion literally said blood elves are high elves.

you are again, doing a false equivalence, you don’t even need go furher in the canon to see how maghar and orcs are different in skin color and blood elves and high elves are litrally the same

maghar orcs are separated by 35 years in another dimension/timeline and were not corrupted, green orcs were corrupted for years that even their children are mutated, their racials changed affected the demon influence.

Elves just change name, because the eye thing was irrelevant since it was reversible(like it happened) and there was always people who were not affected

nobody cares about ideological bullcrap division, ideology don’t change their race.

and your solution is another allied race exactly like then, but with another name? :rofl:

its show they just care about the lotr elf look, they care crap about lore, they just want the white and blonde elf.

Alleria Windrunner still has the blood elf skin color… you know the FIRST void elf.

Plus for people like me who want the Alliance High Elf option this is pretty much the closest to perfect solution we were ever going to get.

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They were there to press the point more. But, they were reused from earlier. They’re something set up in the game to exist, unlike Void Elves

Because that’s one of the reasons why there’s support for High Elves: Because they showed up a lot during expansions. To us long term players, they feel like part of the Alliance simply because we see them show up so often. More High Elf NPCs showed up during Mists than Draenei or Worgen ones. People play races they see do stuff ingame, and your race just never showing up? Folks don’t like that

Fel corruption’s one hell of a thing

Mag’har orcs exist in both dimensions, the playable ones are just the other dimension one. But… We know from cutscenes, the only difference is ‘take a drink of this blood and blappo, you’re now a green orc’

High Elves actually technically do have different racials to Blood Elves as mana tapping was a BElf developed thing and absent in HElf culture, per the BElf starter quests

If people didn’t care, would have this debate been going on so long?

Anything to lower Void Elf numbers.

90% of requests for these are wanting the WC2 elf appearance. They want the blue tattoos, hooded cowls, all that. This is not the LotR elf look. That’s nostalgia for an older video game and respect for a game’s history. Things the Void Elves lack


Well they do, so bl bro.

you think someone used for the blood elves count as development for the alliance someway somehow? cause again, change then by humans, same thing

they have support because they, unlike night elves or void elves, are white and blonde.

good thing they didn’t get corrupted, corruption don’t go away with time, you know what elves are corrupted? felblood elves with kael, those with red skin.

because those are the ones different

even the ones in our timeline are different, maghar are bigger and not corrupted.

because demon blood is saturated fel energy that corrupt you and link your body and mind to a demon, even the ones who didn’t drink got corrupted by extension, orcs had that for years until they got lethargic by it, but the corruption was already done, even their children born green.

thats not true at all, since high elves learned that technique, they just used in arcane artifacts instead of mana wyrms.

because they care only about their skin color

wc2 appearance you mean white and blonde

point still stands.

that is farstrider look, they are in horde. they lack because that is horde elves fantasy.

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You keep saying that and you still don’t tell me what Blood elves wanted and you come up short every time.

No one cares about your main

I think 15 years of storyline development should be worth something. Blizzard could have done away with High Elves in Vanilla. But… They didn’t. They could have not brought them back in any expansion, but they kept coming back

This may surprise you, but, people do care for the story of the game. We’re not all bitter and skipping every single quest text, yet.

Blood Elves got it in their eyes. And, yeah, those are fel corrupted, but know what else are? Fel orcs!

Our mag’har are the same size as regular orcs, head out to Garadar and give 'em a look. They just reused the our-universe name for the AU-verse orcs

And that’s what happened to Blood Elves, except less ‘green skin’ and more ‘green eyes’. And that was less ‘drinking demon blood’ and more ‘some of us used demons as batteries and it sort of radiated to everyone’

Oldschool stuff from the time makes mana tapping a purely BElf thing, with HElves getting regular stuff

They have the skin colour. Why then, is the debate still going on? Almost as if… It wasn’t the skin colour all along but instead the 15+ years of history the High Elves had?

More of a brown than a blonde if I remember right. And, they looked a fair bit wilder than they ended up looking in WC3

Show me one elf on the Horde tattooed like that. There are none, the only one ingame is Alleria


“Magic is the birthright of every citizen. We are all embraced by the Sunwell”

So quick people are to forget that magic of all kinds have been an integral part of blood elves. The Sunwell is holy AND arcane, I’d wager that any blood elf, especially a mage could have blue eyes due to that connection.

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they have 0 storyline development my dude, in all those years, they are completely stagnated and forever doomed to be token sideckicks from some other race, mop they got the kirin tor/humans, legion they got night elves, its all the same.

and everyone who actually care about the story of the game knows that high elves would not be playable, the race is on horde, they left the alliance because what they did to then and change name in honor of the fallen from the scourge

don’t tell me, people care about elf lore when they literally dismiss their genocide by the scourge and the tentative of genocide by the alliance.

people care about a high elven fanfic based on lotr wet dreams

what blood elves have in their eyes is a taint of fel energy, that goes away with time or with the addition of other energies that taint would have being gone when the sunwell got cleaned, it just take more time because devs are lazy.

im talking about our maghar from the MU timeline, go on outland with you orc and you will se.

when did blood elves drink demon blood? never? then it was never going to happen with then.

being around a few few crystals for a few time, is different from drinking demon blood and staying around heavy fel energies unleash by warlocks in your planet for years my dude, again, this is a false equivalence

you are comparing someone who got affected when Chernobyl exploded(orcs) by someone who do a X-ray exam(elves)


no, is stated that high elves in dalaran lived by sucking mana from artifacts

because they now want the blonde hair, later, they will ask to change the name and racials, people are sick.

you are remembering wrong.

that is a void elf, not a high elf?

that just mean they should give the tattoos for blood elves next update

All the way from TBC until WoD, Draenei had no storyline development and they were a playable race

Folks want those random allied races we play with to be playable, that’s why they’re called Allied races.

World of Warcraft has done a massive effort to basically rewrite the end of how TFT was perceived by the High Elven people, basically now presenting them as integrated with humans entirely. A certain Nighthold Boss calls them out on this

Quel’thalas left the Alliance, but even in Warcraft 3 there were mentioned elves who didn’t agree with that decision and stayed around to help the Alliance. And we’ve seen plenty of them through the game

As for those genocides, well, why should the High Elves want to join back up with the Horde when the Horde were the ones who attacked Quel’thalas and sided with their ancient enemy the forest trolls, not too long ago in the grand scheme of things?

Orrr because they keep making High and Blood elves separate groups on each faction

Mag’har are just normal sized orcs. Don’t look for quest NPCs, they’re always taller (See: Jaina)

Later stuff (Well, WoD) has shown the green skin stuff is pretty quick, alongside the movie

This was back in the day when lore was in the RPG books (If you’ve never picked up the Kalimdor/Northrend one I recommend, its basically a Wrath design document released 3 years before Wrath would come out) and they specifically called out the HElf/BElf difference multiple times

I mean, if the Void Elf identity is this weak that people are asking for it to be removed, almost as if they weren’t a strong enough idea to be an allied race slot and we should have gotten something that could hold the spot like, I dunno, the Krokul

Alleria’s a Void Using High Elf, she didn’t have the whole VElf experience happen to her. She’s just, y’know, absorbed the power of a Naaru.


I don’t think there any there’s a difference between high elves or blood elves. And void elves are just high elves other than being touched by the void