No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Does it matter? What makes an Alliance/Horde Pandaren different from one another?

If anything the high elves are a people without a home, exiled and yet still remain proud. Even Elisande managed to make a distinction between blood elves/high elves.(even if said distinction was a disparaging one for both)

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Their storyline is being a race who’s turned its back your country, your people, to instead hold to older morals and older ideals. How do you explore that idea of turning your back on your country and city who you see as traitors to what they once believed in? That’s the story you tell, and a far cry more interesting over the Void Elves rather weak “i dunno void lol” they have going on

I’ve always been a fan of the making HElf stuff a mix between BElves and NElves. The mid-point of the two. Using the HElf models from Classic as a base, as opposed to the BElf models we now have


I love the way you have to shift it to “playable”, and not just playable, but only playable in WoW. If that is the case, then no playable Blood Elf ever had blue eyes before this recent update, while playable Void Elves did. I mean, if we’re going to chase your moving goalposts, it’s still not going to work in your favor.

Thing is this: If Ogres or Forest Trolls were shoved onto the Alliance, they would still count as a Horde race being pushed onto the “wrong” faction, regardless of if they’ve ever been playable in WoW or not.


I think its neat people can play blue eyed blood elves on Horde. It doesn’t effect me and makes people happy.

I see no reason why void elves can’t get some options too. Its a game. Have fun with it! :slight_smile: If your enjoyment hinges on not letting someone else be happy…sad.



Additional ahem


Neutral NPC associated with Ratchet, not Horde aligned

Neutral NPC that sends horde players out to kill Alliance troops.

And Dalaran’s a neutral faction that the Horde attacked during Cataclysm, Syvlannas specifically attacking outlying parts of it to convert the people there to undeath

Neutral’s still neutral

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Indeed, thus not completely friendly with the Alliance nor victims of the Horde.

Just curious. Is this ever stated anywhere?

that happens to be after the burning crusade, therefore, the horde didn’t steal any alliance elves, silver covenant are elves like alleria who abandon their kingdom/where exiled

they just put then in a few places as sideckick just for fanservice, you guys tha read too much.

they own the race because they own majority of the race, 90%+ of the race and their kingdom and lands

all blood elves npcs are high elves npcs my dude

thre is no moving goalpoints just expanding, again, you just had a few npcs, you do now own the race, the race, the people, the kingdom and everything else had left the alliance.

the thing is, the amani currently are not affiliated with the horde, but there is a clan of forest trolls in the horde already, and there is 3 ogre clans in the horde

that is more than a few high elves in a dwarven camp

but blizzard have total power to put the amani in the alliance, but, highly unlikely seeing how they love humans, you can give a go.

I mean, if it was just one expansion, yeah, but Blizzard kept building it and making a difference between High and Blood Elves. Not stealing either in this case, making them seperate individuals

A random one off comment about gnomes having no more kings resulted in mechagnomes being a thing

90% of High Elves side with the Alliance. 75% of Blood Elves side with the Horde. Different groups
(other BElf groups being the Scyers and the various Outland groups we’ve killed)

No they’re not. Like, even game-file wise they’re not. HElf voice files are different from BElf ones. If HElves and BElves were the same thing, this debate wouldn’t have gone on this long


Void Elves have been a copy-paste since their inception. They were LITERALLY added to try and make the “Add High Elves to Alliance please” fanbase shut up and stop bugging Blizzard.

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And instead they poured gasoline on a lukewarm fire and turned it into a raging inferno

Even if that highly dubious number is right, and we just pretend the population of Thalassian elves is 100 to make the math easier. 67.5 is a lot bigger than 9

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We never got numbers on how many went with Kael and that whole mess, but that’s most of the 25% there, along with anyone in the Argents and various other neutrals (Ebon Blade, etc)

That’s because they half-assed it and it did nothing but anger the aforementioned High Elf fanbase. Because they didn’t get High Elves (Silver Covenant). They got Blood Elves turned traitor and slapped with blue paint that can’t look anything like High Elves (Silver Covenant). Rather than just, I dunno I’m just spit-balling ideas here, giving them Silver Covenant Elves and finding a way to differentiate them without just giving them nothing but blue skin textures.


But that’s assuming none returned home, and that no elves that went with Alleria went home etc. I also find the idea that such a massive majority of the non-blood high elves are anything that could be considered loyal to the Alliance, and not just on friendly terms a bit of a stretch.

I have no problem with Nightborne inheriting options from Night Elves >_>

Void elves should look like void elves. They don’t need to look like blood elves.

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