No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

It’s not a matter of their numbers, it’s about the fact that they abandoned their heritage the moment they decided to not return when their people needed them most and to add to that, they’re not even honoring after their deaths. Now they adopted human culture, other than being “gud at magic” that got nothing that makes them stand out as their own people.

Void Elves had some of that… but that’s been ruined…

Because they’re not that important.

I think you got this mixed. No, scratch that, you did get this mixed.

But it’s true than a faction that nowadays works as mostly cannon fodder shouldn’t have influence on the Blood elves, that does make sense.

They can have all the little quests they can have, have them send you to gather bear rears as if that will help the war effort somehow, I don’t care. I will care when the visual identity of both VEs and BEs it’s ruined because some random NPCs happen to exist.


I was wondering if some of the people who don’t seem to understand how losing Blood Elf uniqueness is a thing, could try to imagine how they’d feel if the alliance was given high elves years ago and blizz decided to give them to the Horde also.
Maybe they’d be fine with it or maybe they might understand how some of us feel disappointed.


Why can’t i wear a wig? I have to be bald or wear a hood. That’s my only option to play a core alliance race.

I tried to get the answer to that.

And it was basically “The damage has been done, it doesn’t matter if they make it even worse”.

TIme to give NB some Night Elf skins to balance things out.

But yeah, we all know that’s not happening.

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Then be bald.

Then wear a hood.

They aren’t.

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Void Elves are mutated Blood Elves. If you want to pretend that’s a High Elf…good for you…bud.

Picture this:

Random traitor elf wiping her forehead after casting a portal to a city literally any other mage in the Alliance can cast.

“Phew! It sure is hard work to be this essential to these plebs.”.


I feel like she/he is getting weary of keeping up the charade.

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I hope they come out and say any new Void Elves are also being effected by the Void and just leave it at that and do Void customization moving forward.


If anything it’s making me see that the line between trolling and geniune speech from that one belf paladin that used to speak of “cORe RAce!” it’s thinner than I originally though.

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Can we give my nightborne friends some hair, hair colors, and decent faces too?


Especially the male faces need work


The Alliance was given High Elves years ago (by Blizzard)…then WoW came along and lore and Blood Elves became a thing. THAT was actual loss and Blizzard claimed High Elves even though IN THE GAME existed they wouldn’t be playable.

Blood Elves never lost their “uniqueness”, they are still Blood Elves and ONLY they are still Blood Elves just like they have always been. Only THEY have their history as Blood Elves, THIER politics and THEIR love of the Horde and being a part of it.

And no i have no problem with giving the Nightborne the Night Elf model, i think either major work needs to be done to the Nightborne model or they should just give the Horde the Night Elf model even though cannonically and as shown in ingame cinematics they have changed. I think DI Dwarves would have been MUCH better as Horde AND more interesting as well as a better fit. Have no problem with Manari for the Horde either as i think it has potential.

Except for the High Elves that become Void Elves directly without going through Blood Elf ville.

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Unfortunately that’s not something night elves could help with I’ve heard. The male NE faces apparently aren’t the best either.

The NE women on the other hand are smoking hot.

Poor choice of words…

I call it “That sauce I can’t pronounce” because trying is for losers.


Sethrak please!



Sorry but you didn’t even try.


void elves are exiled blood elves, hence, they ARE blood elves with influence from the void… end of topic

That’s a very subjective argument.

The importance of playable races is entirely dictated by the story. As an example, both Blood elves and Alliance High Elves had a role in the Purge of Dalaran. Both elves featured prominently.

Before that the Blood Elves had not been “important” since Wrath of the Lich King, much like the High Elves.

Are you arguing that the origin of the Blood Elves is not based on the elven part of the elven/human units of the Warcraft RTS games?
That is exactly what the Silver Covenant is all about. The Blood Elves have moved on from that identity, but the Silver Covenant represents such High Elves among the Alliance.

The shade. In my opinion cannon fodder has been the identity of most races in Battle for Azeroth, with very little meat and potatoes.

The visual identity of ‘Blood Elves’ was ‘ruined’ the moment that both High and Blood elf NPCs were introduced at the release of World of Warcraft back in 2004. That is to say, it was and always has been entirely dictated by the color of their clothing. A complete non issue.

The existence of visual representation for one elf does not diminish the identity of the other in the slightest. You could’ve made a case for player character identity, but that ship sailed the moment they released Void Elves.

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