No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Then you’re severely colorblind. The truth though is still the truth.

You should go review the recruitment scenario…

Ain’t that the truth.

More its an Asterix.

Void elves are the race and you can already play a high elf. We don’t really need more.

You sure seem to want it though.

There is a fundamental difference between blood/high elves and void elves.

They are not 1:1 comparisons.

Stark white and void black yes. Tentacle toggle sure, even I admit I want that for my blueberry elves.

Ear slider, scars and tattoos. All good things that don’t “need” to steal from belfs.

(I recognize the ear sliders would be the same but… That’s more just QoL.)

I don’t see why your high elves have to erase my void elves.

I still do not see why the SC or other high elf factions would join the void elves outright.

If void elves turn The Rift into a home with buildings, then Alleria, Umbric and Locus-Walker are all the leaders the Void Elves need.

Yes please!


Except I’m not bent on anything. I simply welcome more customizations and I think it would make sense for forsaken to not necessarily look like rotting corpses.

I just don’t see the point in making a fuss over void elves not being blue.
Instead you should perhaps put that energy into requesting more options that you’d like to see.

This is completely seperate from the fact that alliance basically got blood elves at the end of Legion.
But that’s Blizzard just putting their foot in their mouth, they could have simply flipped the switch and made high elves that are already part of the alliance playable instead of having mutated blood elves join the alliance.


I also say Carmel.

Like Car-mul but apparently it’s caramel, I read it’s a west coast / Midwest thing but varies and isn’t always true but a lot of people say Carmel too.

I just call it mine.



I actually hate it anyways to be honest, I don’t have a sweet tooth, I don’t hate sweets I just don’t like them most times either.

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I’ll just leave this here on something Byucknah said when the customisations were first announced:

Never have I seen such a generation of pettiness on these forums as what the Allied Races have seemingly brought out. So many people who seem to come to these forums with their only mission being to try and make sure people don’t get the things they want to see or like in the game, people who will make up absurd accusations and logical fallacies, constantly move their argument goal posts, and then devolve into kicking and screaming when inevitably they didn’t get their way and couldn’t stop those people from getting the things they have passionately asked for.

EDIT: GGWP Good bye level 120 :sob:

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Yeah like I said it isn’t my favorite idea for Blood Elves to get a second visual theme, but I respect it and acknowledge it as one if we got it.

In this case / scenario all I’d have to look forward to is them doing Rommath tattoos and that is fine, and opening up the jewelry to both genders.

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Pause. Did we casually forget like Old God corruption from literally every expansion bar maybe TBC?

EDIT: Actually it was in TBC, because of the black dragons.


You know sometimes I ask myself what’s really going on within the WoW Community like the Antis for example. They keep going back and forth of “NO! You can’t have High Elves! They are Blood Elves! Play Horde!” To “No! Play Ether Void Elves and Blood Elves because Void Elves are High Elves.” Yet going back to… “No! Void Elves are not High Elves. You may have gotten Skin Tones but you are not entitled to have normal hair colors and etc! They are Blood Elves who are High Elves! If you want a Normal High Elf? Play Blood Elves which are Horde because they are waiting for you.”

It’s just when the heck are you people going to make up your minds. All I just ask for is just some and I mean some Hairstyles from Blood Elves that the Silver Covenant has along with the Kirin Tor. Same with Hair Colors too.

Now am I kind of jealous over the newer Blood Elf Hairstyles and would want to have them on Void Elves with Weird or cool looking Voidy Tendril Hair? Yes. But I doubt any of us Pro High Elf Alliance Fans will get it. Is it wrong of me to hope for stuff that may or may not happen. Am I entitled? What’s Entitled about asking for Hair Colors like White, Blonde, Brown, and Red, Silver Covenant and Kirin Tor High Elf Hairstyles of older outdated hair models on the Thalassian Model with Short Ears.

All that most of us want is to have all the High Elf Stuff for Void Elves complete. Void Elves won’t be forsaken or changed because they aren’t going to be Blue Void Blood Elves anymore. You guys are making it out like we still hate Void Elves still when clearly we already gotten over it and don’t mind them being Alliance.

What’s wrong with a Void Elf with Red Hair but her or his Skin is Blue or Void Black with tentacle hair option? Same with having Blonde and etc. So no. The Blood Elf Identity hasn’t been stolen or anything else. No spellbreakers or Blood Knights were into the Void Elf Society since all i see is Void Elf Ranger like Hunters, Priests, Rogues, Swordsmen, Mages, and even Death Knights.

Plus I don’t want just only High Elf Stuff since I want the Void Elves to be expanded on like having different Void Skin Tones, like Grey, Black, and mix of Darker Blue or Pinkberry, Corruptions, and etc.

You guys really need to chill out. You think I have a unhealthy need of things. Well I don’t play one single race you know. I happen to play other races that I don’t have time for because of two things. One I moved to a New House and Second I don’t have my computer. When I get my Computer back I wouldn’t be just on the Alliance for 3 races of Dwarves, Humans, and White Blonde High Elves Potential. I would be playing Worgens, Gnomes, Draeneis, Orcs, Trolls, and etc.

Besides I just want to talk about Customization Options for Void Elves. If I and others can’t have Newer Blood Elf Hairstyles and etc then fair enough. Overall relax. Alliance hasn’t taken Quel’thalas, They haven’t gotten the Spellbreaker Heritage Armor, and everything else. So relax.

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I’ll eat your share!

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You can claim all the Nutella flavored things too I can’t stand that flavor in desserts.

I’m trying to think of something I like and I keep coming back to Taro crepe cake I like because it’s really plain to me, or vanilla honestly.

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Actually, Midare got me really into this stuff from Argentina called dulce de leche, it’s way better than caramel. Don’t tell her I said that though, it would be embarrassing.


Funny, I keep thinking the same about helf pros.

Maybe you are maybe not.

It’s the ones who pretend it’s their right, or that they are owed it that are certainly entitled.

In either case your RP high elf options shouldn’t come at the expense of Void Elves.

Or blood elves for that matter.

I will say many don’t seem to mind anyone asking for Ear Sliders… That’s really more QoL.

Maybe you don’t, but sure as I am dark skinned, others are very much doing this.

Erasing void elves seems to be their dream, or taking back blood elves from the Horde, ignoring every bit of lore and story along the way to get their beautiful blue eyed blonde haired pure helf.

What’s wrong with a high elf with wine red hair?

Good on you.

Good, do that. High elves are already here.

Again, maybe that’s not your deal, but it sure is many others. We’re tired of it.

In the pursuit of high elves some would see two races erased.


Very much this, a QOL thing and can be a RP tool for people who want Half Elves, but I think all Elves should have it Nightborne too.


Heck anything with longish ears should.


I’ll take all of that too!

I’m greedy.

I think they all need more ear options than just the short, medium, and long. Give them scars, give them ears where one is shorter because part of it was cut off in battle, etc.


100% this.

See it done blizzard! Lol

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Night elves got a bit more variety than belves in that respect (sorry belf friends) but I hope they all get more.

I want the gender restriction on accessories to go away too.

Night Elf males might use necklaces, if they are Highborne?

Same with Blood Elves I might use it on my Blood Elf, not everyone would but it’s already there so why not let both use it.

I can pierce my ears on my Vulpera? But not on my Blood Elf?