No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Her entire argument boils down to

While ignoring the fact that the being entitled part means something to the people demanding more, not the people trying to protect what little they have left.

Still waiting on…

Let us know when you find out what happened to it.

/insert gif to say your aren’t being polite while also saying…

The literally exact same thing can be said for Darkspear Trolls.

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A lighthouse would be jealous of that power of projection.

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You’re not funny, that much is clear. I’d just give it up, hang it up flat screen, move on from trying.

Actually i am very funny but then again maybe it’s just the things you say or in this case say, then don’t answer that make me laugh.

Still waiting on

Find the answer yet?

The what now?

How an independent tribe joining the horde can be compared to the kingdom of the High Elves, Quel’thalas telling the Alliance to get lost can be compared?

Or are you on the same train as Sara and think there’s no difference between trolls and elves because strong magic effects don’t change them?

Are you asking me how a faction within a people can be compared to a faction within another people?

You aren’t.

You didn’t have a point the first time you said this, and still don’t now. Just like you still aren’t funny despite desperately trying to be.

Except that they were not a just faction within a people. Toll tribes are a completely different business and by the time the Horde met the Darkspear, it had been thousands of years after the Gurubashi empire had collapsed.

EDIT: I looked it up, it had been 1,500 years before the Old Horde made its appearance in Azeroth.

It’s almost sad to call people “spoiled brats” and to be on about “entitlement” while saying

As if it’s fair Void Elves have two visual themes, to Blood Elves one visual theme and then not forgetting of course Void Elves second visual theme steals from Blood Elves so…

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I am, that’s why i’m laughing even now.

It was your assertion, not mine. I am just waiting to find out where

Went? If you didn’t have a point…well you didn’t, i am just waiting to hear your answer so i can laugh some more.

Still very funny, still laughing only now it’s not just at you but also Midare…that’s a twofer and i can thank you for that and well of course Midare, but that’s almost always a given except when i had to agree with her ealier.

I think that in my case, what gave away the projection is that she’s talking about “sharing” when not even saying what we could take from the Alliance.

So basically, not sharing, but rather, “give me what I want and get nothing in return, stop being entitled!”.

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I never thought they would give High Elves to the Alliance in any capacity (current form being some RP tools?) without doing something also for the Horde, so I always felt at ease that the balance of fairness would be kept, and it wasn’t. That combined with people still going on about wanting more, meanwhile what’s been done for Blood Elves, really bothers me and is kind of an eye opener.

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I think the time they have been apart of eachother doesn’t really impact the conversation when it comes down to the political affiliation of the elves in WoW.

Evidently it is possible for elves to form their own ‘Tribes’, just like almost every other race within WoW has their own factions seperate from the Horde or the Alliance.

I just don’t see how the existence of Horde ‘high elves’ delegitimizes the existence of all the pre existing Alliance ‘high elves’.

As you know I had my fair share of reasons to be against them in the first place.

One of them however, is that I knew that it would never be good enough.

When you have someone begging for the latest toy that is the “in” thing and you give it to them, they will keep asking, because they now know that if they beg hard enough, they’ll get their way.

That is part of how I view things now.

Right now it’s entitlement to hair, but it’ll move on to wanting every little new thing Blood Elves get.

In another thread their talking about how they want a HE council to take over Void Elves with Umbric, Alleria, the Highvale, the SC, and that will lead to nothing but absolute entitlement to again every little new thing Blood Elves get they’ll want too.

I had my reasons for supporting, originally just feeling bad for people, they really got me with that “We would have loved Void Elves if they had only come from High Elves” line, now here we are Blizzard has given them the RP tools to be the High Elf Wayfarer in the rift, and it’s not good enough.

What should impact is the fact that Troll tribes function in a completely different way. Each tirbe it’s a world of its own, with customs of its own. That’s why the Gurubashi collapsed, because of a civil war.

And it wasn’t just a matter of political affiliation with the high elves, it was a matter of loyalty. The majority chose to follow their king and help one another while and after they faced a major catastrophe, a handful of them, didn’t.

Yet you don’t see Darkspear going to shack up with Gurubashi… it’s almost as if, I don’t know, troll tribes and elves being loyal or traitorous to their own people are not the same.

It doesn’t deligitimize them, it simply means that they’re not relevant enough to warant being playable, because the ones moving the story of the High Elves forward, are the Blood Elves.

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It wasn’t never that deep and their true colors started to truly show when Void Elves were introduced. You saw first person the constant bashing VEs recieved, including from the same people that would later turn and claim that they wouldn’t be so bad if they had came from High Elves.

It was never about the lore, it was never about wanting better RP. It was always about having the good looking elves on the good side.

EDIT: I will add that I’m aware that this was not the case for absolutely everyone, but honestly, I could count those with the fingers of a single hand compared to the many fingers I’d need to count those who would claim to have less shallow interests.


The stories of these races can develop regardless of the size of their factions. We’re discussing this in a thread about Void Elves, a small faction of Alliance ‘High Elves’ whose background has roots in the Horde and Alliance elves.

I do not think the presence of Alliance High Elves has diminished or put the Blood Elves out of their spotlight in the past, and I have not been given reason to believe it will do so in the future.

If anything a faction like the Silver Covenant simply represents where ‘Blood Elves’ came from. The fact that the Alliance High Elves are in eternal story limbo much like for example the tauren, should not hinder the continued development of the Blood Elves.

And for the record, I adore both elves and am aware of Blizzard’s limited spotlight opportunities, but I think the game has moved past equal representation for all playable races, and thus do not mind stories centered around exploring Blood Elves excluding any form of High Elf narrative.

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