No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Well,… I have no reply here.

How about the fact that nothing has been stolen. If you’re upset because of a decission by the devs over a few pixels on the screen, please, uninstall, disconnect, and get some fresh air.

Yes, I’m sure that you, the one that just said that void corruption didn’t exist prior to 8.3 is the authority when it comes to advicing others about what they should do when it comes to this game Sara.



I’ll do as I please, maybe to you being upset means you need to

But most people can handle being upset, vocalizing their discontentment and being just fine.

So you do acknowledge them. Game, set, match. Come again please, i always love some good laughs and entertainment. Schooling others on basic logic is never exhausting and always fun.

Still waiting on

However as far as

Ok, you are though. Thanks for the laughs.

Just like how people come to the forums to try and stop others from requesting for anything, as if it is going to ruin there enjoyment?

Yeah, I used to play that game Midare.

Your posts don’t even make sense, I hope you know that as Midare has already pointed that out.

This is a bait thread that has been dishonest with the facts from the very start.

Blood elves and high elves had white eyes in Warcraft 3 and Classic WoW untill Burning Crusade updated all Blood and High elf models to represent their allegiance.

Alleria Windrunner had green eyes in lore according to Tides of Darkness, and she is a High Elf.

The eye color argument has always been an argument of semantics.

High elves have been in the Alliance in the form of numerous NPCs since Classic World of Warcraft, have had their own Alliance friendly Strongholds in Classic WoW and Burning Crusade, and received a named faction in 2008 when WotLK released in the form of the SIlver Covenant.

Alliance should have more “High elf” options, period.


I know you did, and I still remember how quickly you jumped ships when it was convenient to you. I’m amazed that you haven’t hopped the fence again, frankly.

And again, if the enjoyment of the game hinges on ruining the uniqueness of not one, but two races, maybe you should rethink things.

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Blood Elves are High Elves and nothing but lackluster options has been done for Blood Elves so no you don’t get the last parts of Blood Elves main theme.

And yet here I am starting my sentence with a capital letter.

You mean the Horde used to be unique and known as a “Monster Faction”… Yeah, remember:

"One reason for the Blood Elves choice was obviously looks. You’d be amazed how many people will not play the Horde based purely on the fact that they’re monstrous. So by giving an attractive race to the Horde, we feel like we’re opening a whole new part of the game to the people who wouldn’t experience that half of the game."

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Blood elves should have more options too in my opinion. Blood elves are the same elves.

Struggling with something? Not surprised since you proved basic logic escapes you…what else can you be left with?

I mean at least Midare pretends to have an argument before she takes her ball and runs off crying stomping her feet all the while saying laughable things like …

AS SHE runs away not even understanding what validation means. Anything to throw out there like she has a “winning”/“superior” position then claiming she get’s tired and it’s “bait”.

Still waiting on

The problem is when they were busy giving away Blood Elves visual theme, they gave Blood Elves an eye color and some jewelry only one gender can use.

So I don’t subscribe to the “they can do both” arguments anymore because they have shown that they can’t.

And Void Elves are also High Elves as well. Stop being a spoiled brat thinking that only you’re entitled to everything. :anger:

Thread Mute! I got better ways to waste my time than arguing with people who can’t share and play nicely.

You are neither entitled to my time nor anyone else’s, and clearly you thrive on wasting peoples time.

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Yeah, I get it that someone like you would go for the simplisct “b-but the monster faction” but no, the horde was never about people that looked monstrous, the Horde has always been about outliers banding together to find a place in the world.

But yeah, this is not convenient for you to admit because it would ruin your argument now, wouldn’t it?

Remember kids, a few scattered elements unwilling to listen to their king and that ignored while their people were in dire need of help, renders the majority of those people abandoning a side following a royal decree, moot.



No they aren’t :slight_smile:

Fair. But they should at least get white and black hair options and a toggle to turn tentacles on and off on every hairstyle.

Honestly white and black fits the Void theme and I think should have been done instead of sharing the skin tones at this point seeing how people have behaved demanding more.

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Guess what? If prolonged or high magic influence doesn’t really change elves… turns out you always had playable high elves all along with the Night Elves.

And oh no, we’ve had night elves since 2006, since, you know, is not like they evolved because of the Sunwell.

Forget that, both sides have trolls, lots of trolls. Deformed and mutated, but just trolls… because deep magic effects don’t really change them, right?

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