No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

UGH…as much as it physically pains me to write this, i have to agree with this.

Good, i am glad i could bring some joy and happiness and laughter to you even if you come to ridiculous conclusions that mean nothing to anyone but you.

Thanks for sharing your POV.

Waiting for you to pout and run away as usual…

Nope, not taking your bait this time Motorz, I know you too well to be bothered with your bad arguments only to claim you “won” when you annoy people enough.


Clearly indeed, as he both denies Blood Elves having lost anything, won’t answer why he isn’t advocating for Blood Elf things, and the main talking points consist of him announcing he’s laughing which is weak at best but says more about him.

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Dam, that is like RECORD time…literally as i posted it and you followed in like under 5 seconds.

That’s what he does, he says something completely out there, gets countered, gets snarky, then when he finally got a rise from you, he declares himself the victor.

It’s like he’s desperate for validation.

EDIT: See? He even skipped steps this time.

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Pssst. Hey, Bud.

Void Elves are also High Elves.


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I got that sense when he kept saying he was laughing at me, like obviously that’s projecting / something that’s been said to him and he’s trying to recreate that for validation purposes but with him not being laughed at.

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He craves the feeling of superiority that can only come from “winning” arguments on the internet.

The saddest part is that he’s not even winning, every time people just gets tired of his circular arguments.

Now, if only we hadn’t seen in the past how serious corruption affects elves which tends to bump them into yet another branch of their evolutionary tree, you’d have something, but, alas…

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Midare, Void Elves aren’t corrupted. N’zoth is.

Big difference.

If that’s your take then I suggest you do their scenario.

Because boy, you sure are making up some headcanon.

Also… N’zoth is corrupted?

That’s one take so hot it could rival the sun itself.


Well, during 8.3, didn’t we have “corruption” because of N’Zoth?

We didn’t have corruption when Void Elves came into play?

What are you talking about? Void Elves were near turned into Ethereals.

What did they lose?

Blood Elves just got a bunch of things, what do you want me to advocate for that they haven’t already just got? But to answer THIS SPECIFIC point, because my “long” answer was not about Blood Elves, it was about Void Elves.

That’s not a talking point, it’s just a fact, i like win win situations.

Others trying hard to tell me “important” people aren’t…is QUITE hilarious and DOES say a lot about them.

Yet you choose to focus on it.

Well of course, it says i’m laughing.

You try so DESPERATELY hard every time and that in itself provides me with many laughs.

You found me out, i need validation because i laugh at you…do you even know what validation means? I know you have linked definitions before and then don’t understand them. You have even implied you are “older and wiser” then me…as you ran off and

What they get tired of (well you mostly but others too) is getting schooled and then they run off because they get upset…it’s very funny.

Or you going to make some headcannon to say that the Void is the one that changed the void elves with some fanfiction now?

Their visual theme.

Do tell us Motorz what they got, that Void Elves didn’t also steal.

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That’s… not how it works…

N’zoth is the source of corruption itself. It’s like saying that the virus that causes the common cold caught a cold.

Yes Sara, the corrupting Void is something that didn’t exist until 8.3 and the corruption system…

It’s 8 am and I already need a drink…

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LOL. Where did it go?

Void Elves didn’t steal…Blizzard gave them.

Don’t have the time to list the new customizations…however your inability to even acknowledge them makes me laugh at you.

And hopefully Blizzard gives no more.

A joke argument, noted.

My critique of your joke is that you’re not funny.