No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

This wasn’t cancer, but a pretty serious brain disorder that they decided they could treat with fermented foods instead of giving in to the evil pharmaceutical companies. I’m not doubting that there’s some medical benefit, this is just one of those where I’ve run into the extremes so I get wary.

Ugh, my father used to make, grow? kombucha, and from what I understand didn’t do everything you were supposed to so the basement stank, so I’ve never had a desire to try that stuff

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I mean, the top secret steps only known to the Sacred Order of Kombucha Makers…

Is to give it sugar, tea, and ignore it.

Drink it when it doesn’t taste awful, repeat.

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I figure I eat enough foods people think are weird and gross as it is, I’m allowed to have a few I miss out on

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So, never?

Sour beers are a thing now.

You kids and your IPAs are going to have to broaden your palettes.


that reminds me that after the plague is over, I’m not far from Dogfish Head now, I’ll have to go there sometime. But I’m more a fan of their ancient ales stuff than the IPAs


This rant brought to you by “The Time I Tried To Find A Decent Rye Beer And No It Was IPAS All The Way Down.”

And also still elves.


IPAs are literally pineapple fizzy drink in a different can, prove me wrong. Protip, you can’t.

If it murders your tastebuds and sense of smell, it must have been good after all.

… so you’re an advocate for stealing basically. Got it.

What an absolute joke. You were never entitled to High Elves, they aren’t a core race to the Alliance, they are a core race to Horde.

Awe poor you, well they aren’t a core race to your faction identity so makes sense.

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They aren’t core to Alliance identity so why would they be?



That’s not how theft works…so still a hard no.

Correction, Blood Elves are a core Horde Race.

And yet here we are with you crying and me pointing out reality…

And the BEST part is…i play both Void Elves and Blood Elves. Toodles. Good luck with that victim mentality.

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<--------personally would prefer stealing the draenei hairstyles. The ponytail/braided hairstyles the women have would look marvelous on an elf lady (of both the blood and void variety to be fair…elves deserve more braids period). Also…

(runs to character creation screen to check something)

draenei have the silver/white and black hair colors too.


Well considering you don’t know how lore works and Blood Elves are High Elves it makes sense you don’t understand how theft works too.

LOL, good luck with that victim mentality…still enjoying my Void Elves and Blood Elves (take note: it’s not High Elves and High Elves, it’s not Void Elves and High Elves, it’s not High Elves and Blood Elves, it’s Void Elves and Blood Elves because…lore) while you cry about something that never happened and i laugh at you.

Keep trying hard, you are going places (in your own mind) and i am laughing at you, so it’s win win.

One doesn’t need to be a lore expert to know facts when people say them. Blood Elves are High Elves. Like one doesn’t need to be a scientist to say the sky is blue, because it is.

Void Elves at best can be Wayfarers, its why more was needed to be done to even get them to that level and its a secondary visual theme, where as Blood Elves just got an extra eye color.

The people who matter aren’t.


But what if…the color you see as blue looks green to me but i call it blue because that’s what i have been told blue is?

Self explanatory.

But i still am, and now i am laughing at you more. However lastly…

And yet they go by Blood Elves and that is what you create and quest as.

Just because they might have perfected the process, and if, that doesn’t mean they should look close to blood elves, because they’re no longer that no matter how well the process goes.

And again, note that you’re still searching for justifications for them to look less as their own people and more like blood elves. Why are you so against their uniqueness being preserved?

Why are people so dead set on blurring the factions even more…

Options = Good thing.

Uniqueness = Also a good thing.

Homogenization = Not a good thing.

I’ll warn you, you’re arguing with a guy that couldn’t see he contradicted himself on his own post and then declared victory after claiming it didn’t happen even if I pointed it out twice.

You’re wasting your time with him.


You’ve said this twice now so I can only come to the conclusion that you are just so used to being laughed at you’re desperate to make the point you’re doing it to someone else, but that in and of itself is funny to me.

Yeah you don’t understand how in your long post about nothing you had 0 too say for or in benefit of Blood Elves.

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