No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

claps hands I do believe in fairies, I do

Did it work?


Let us pray to the Light.


Oh light, take them away

Hmm… That might be hypocritical of me.


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Truth is that basic Bland Elves are not going to save The Alliance.

Blizzard is going to have to do something real to change that, like buff Alliance racials even more than they already have.


And thus for my plan to coat all Void and night elves in Cayenne pepper.


I completely agree.

If this idea that void elf customisation could single handedly increase the Alliance population were true would we not have seen an increase with the addition of the skin tones? Where are the thousands of people who’d quit for want of elves that we were told existed?

Not at all.

A race like Sethrak though… Maybe? Am I biased. Yes.

Seriously though, you’re right, no standard race will save the alliance… Racials and the min/max meta might.

Edit: personally I don’t think it needs saving though.

Oh jeez please do not. Cayenne makes me sneeze so very very badly.

Splash of worchestershire?

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That I’ll take… The whole bottle actually… In fact how many you got?

I… Tend to drink it out of the bottle…

Oh don’t worry, the one I use in cooking and with guests isn’t the drinking one.

I have never heard an American pronounce Worcestershire right.


Carry on then citizen, you are sufficiently flavorful

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And you never will.

My father knows and speaks German fluently. Even he mispronounces it.

It’s not German, it’s named for a region in England.

Even better! Lol

Edit: why did I think German…

I’ve literally been to Worcestershire…

It might save Alliance on WrA. It might attract some more RPers to Alliance side who would prefer to play Alliance high elves.

It will also further shift the imbalance on MG.

I don’t think non-rpers care that much.

Sneks. I support them.

I think part of the problem was all the streamers switching Horde and their sheep following them.

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