No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

What’s with the pathetic helf scum dodging blocks today?


I can’t say that I have, but it sounds horrible.

Why are you harassing people on all of your alts?

That right and so do many other people to them nothing was wrong and it just wasn’t the system that was bad it was the fight over ownership over DnD that nearly killed it.
Glad people like the new system I personally think it ruined parts of the game play and some of the interesting parts. But at this stage the game has gone SJW mode and that in itself will harm it. People are right to be mad at the racial changes and to base them on IRL was even worse.

We shall see how War-hammer holds up to the Perpetually offended flooding into it.

Basically it talks about how bad people act reasonable and amicable so that they’ll be accepted because they’re reasonable and amicable despite having bad takes.

Then they bring their friends.

Soon your bar goes from being a decent place to a place full of crappy people will abhorrent beliefs because people fell for the niceness act.

So you’ve got to nip it in the bud and not fall for their trickery, lest they lay down roots.


Don’t bother giving him the attention he craves, let him keep going, it helps to pinpoint him better.

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There is also the group that actively hates Blood Elves.

True but the precedent needs to be set that Void Elves are Void Elves, because the entitlement to hairstyles I truly believe people will be annoying about Silvermoon.

In other news my Vulpera is showing up on the forums now!


I love the hair flowers.

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Thank you, it’s all I got to work with rn, I’ve never played a mail class before seems to be my options are limited until I collect things.

oh its you again

I don’t think it would steal there identity if they came from one of our own like humans for example. This way nothing gets stolen, and Blood would still have completely different tones of those colors. I think the only reason they gave us the puprle eyes was, so that velfs/belfs would have three colors each. I suspect that was Blizzards reasoning, but I don’t know.

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There’s not many good looking mail sets.

That is true. :frowning:


I haven’t looked too much other than I don’t have any options at all like I do with cloth stuff :frowning: , I like some of the shaman stuff I guess though I’ve forgotten which ones already, and the Darkshore stuff looks unique on a little Vulpera too!

A lesson about wolves in sheeps clothing I suppose. I see your point though.

I never trust someone who is superficially nice, or tone policing, or who is using inappropriate terms of endearment.

They’re hiding something.


When you no longer fight for what you like then there is a problem. caving in and saying Orc are PoC based was stupid.

Did they? Or is this just about the whole thing of moving to the Eberron model where all intelligent races are more complex and getting rid of the simplistic idea of evil races?