No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

But boy howdy are they fine erasing void elves in the same breath.


what does the truth hurt? I think if your going to try and join a group with set rules you should follow there rules and play by them. There is nothing wrong with that.

Once again it’s been shown games will collapse when developers keep giving in to every demand. Just cause players want it doesn’t make a right. DnD was fine till they started removing core aspects and the one reason given is people couldn’t do the math.

just igonore the blood elves they are just behaving like the race they chose.
they tend to be overzealous. its just their thing.

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Says the one post alt gaslighting people.

the truth shall reign true!

trollololo yup you know the song.

I’m one of the players who likes the bland options then I guess. I have four max level toons. I main a human, and have two NE, and a VE that are all max level lol.

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Hey! Night elves aren’t bland.

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I actually like the new looks you all picked up I still need to do my 2 alliance toons.

Imo, they weren’t, but then, you guys got to work with humans, and we all know humans ruin everything.


dont be liken the rude post… wench

Amazing, I refreshed the page and that pesky buzzing just disappeared.

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How do you know this though. Most of the ones that I’ve met have been pretty nice, and have wanted normal hair colors that come from one of our Allaince races and not Belfs. True there have been some troll here and there, but keep in mind that this is the internet. Also I agree that there are many options that Belfs and other races still need when it comes to customizations. I think we should share our purple eyes with you, and don’t see any reason why you can’t have them. Belf lore supports it.

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You do know the the edition you’re sticking with nearly killed it? The ridiculous churn of supplements and campaign settings overwhelmed things and basically killed TSR and opened it up for WotC to buy it up. 5e is actually has a much greater playerbase and they’re aware of the problems that 2e and 3e had with too much dross dragging down the line so it’s in a much healthier financial space as well.

Fine, I get you have a ruleset you prefer, but that doesn’t change the fact that 5e is probably the best selling edition out there and still going strong.

I know so refreshing… like a spring breeze!

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Lots of people can act “pretty nice” and reasonable but still be crappy people.

Ever read the Twitter post chain about the bartender and the neo naz?

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buzz buzz wench

I don’t think they are either. I was just saying that, because people keep trying to say that humans, and elves are boring witch I disagree with. I have a Nelf DK, and a Nelf DH. I love them both!

Which is essentially erasing the visual identity of velves… hm, I wonder why…

You mean that those should have been a belf thing to begin with, because that’s more accurate.