No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

people trying to dumb down the game those numbers and stats were in there for a reason. This is why the War hammer Community is having the same issues. New Players who do not want to learn the game but want easy mode access.
I don’t care who want to use Gen 5 my group does not it doesn’t make them bad people.

I definitely hope that Blizzard is working towards a new second theme in any event, as Blood Elves are definitely due for one.

Undead Elves and assets seem to be the most popular idea, but I’d really like to see Felbloods expanded on as well. Borrow a few assets from Blood Elf Demon Hunters, namely skin tones and tattoos do a couple of recolors and maybe develop a wing option which could be applicable to San’layn as well.

I also wouldn’t be mad at three distinct themes either.


same getting ready to farm more transmogs from raids.

That’s always fun. Good luck on your mogs.

Did HFC last night on my Paladin only 1 pare of boots for transmog.

And sometimes that reason is that people felt every specific action needed a rule rather than having a system that encourages consistent rulings that make it easier to graft on systems from other editions and makes conversion a breeze. And then you accumulate a lot of conflicting rules and extraneous obscurities that aren’t needed and bog things down.

Are you going to defend the grapple rules too?

And no, I don’t think your group is bad for playing older editions, that’s fine. I have a problem when you pretend people who prefer other editions and the playstyles they enable as being lesser than you.

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Sad ugly ballroom dancer will run out of alts soon enough.

Well I hope that too. I’m not as big a fan on Felbloods personally and I dislike Kael for his betrayal so I wouldn’t use the options to be a former Kael loyalist. But I would accept that as a second visual theme that Blizzard tried to work on.

Like on a Horde level my characters are loyal to Sylvanas. On a loyalty to Quel’thalas Lor’themar and Rommath have my respect and I feel like I’d have been in Silvermoon following Rommath, not out with Kael betraying Silvermoon.

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I never said they were lessor. Not sure how you came to that conclusion


idk man he/she might have a lot of characters.

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He’ll have a lot of characters on my ignore list.

I can see it now. The pathetic man running new alts through exiles reach and furiously reloading the forums so he can continue harassing someone by dodging ignore.

What a sad pathetic little man…

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Again, you are just taking things at face value and ignoring the actual lore because it is convenient to your argument.

It wasn’t until Kael’thas sent Rommath and his magisters back that they were able to reclaim Silvermoon from the Scourge and give the Blood Elves a place to build back from. The High Elves who remained in the Alliance had stronger ties to their human allies than with their people, and then some refugees joined after the Scourging when they had nowhere else to go and just settled in.

Quel’thalas was completely annihilated by Arthas. The people were scattered and for some, Stormwind was the only place for them, unless they went to Outland with Kael. Once the people were reunited, all of the injustices that the Alliance had done to the Blood Elves surfaced, and they became an anti-Alliance kingdom.


the only sad thing is how angry you are for no reason…
i’m over here living for the dramaa you are putting out friend. lol

Angry? I’m laughing at how pathetic you are.

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sure jan…
anyway i’m out of alts… FOR NOW!!!

I understand your frustration with BE customization, but some dont care about BE and want what they want which is understandable. Some want both to have stuff, but they dont see eye to eye on what exactly that is and that is understandable, but it doesnt always mean that all players are out to tear down BE just because they want HE customization.

HE will never have the story that BE have. They will always be what most consider the bland or boring option, but some players enjoy that.

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All but a statistically insignificant handful hate Blood Elves and want to punish us because Blizzard put Blood Elves on the Horde 14 years ago.

Some don’t care about a small number of irrelevant NPCs, they just want their race to remain unique, which is understandable.

Oh, man, that was easy to turn around.