No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Yes. Because no one plays the most popular edition of the game because they believe in your silly culture war. Yeeeeep

I mean, do you believe in global warming? That came out of an expedition by a Soviet scientist. Is that “Stalin apologism?”

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Sorry that bothers you but I don’t mean too. But my old group only used up to 3rd gen DnD 4th gen was a joke and 5th made it silly.

What is it with HE fans randomly declaring they don’t believe in climate change. This is the second time someone’s randomly pushed some weird conspiracy theory.

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Can we drop some reports on the “communist values” troll?

I’m not bothered, but I’m not the one ranting that no one plays the game anymore because of whatever right wing claptrap you’re spouting

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You’re being canceled for saying belves and helves should only be white, which is odd and arbitrary.




You called?

well people were fighting about it. i just offered a solution so everyone is happy…

Wow you just lost your argument totally with your statement. Many people did NOT support the changes even before he died Gary Gygax was working on a replacement version of DnD cause he did not like how WotC screwed up the game.

That wouldn’t make everyone happy.

You kind of have to wonder which ones.

Thats not a love song immortalizing their former lives, thats feeling territorial and holding their lands in death.

Blowing out of proportion the internal conflicts that Warchiefs have caused isn’t the same as the idea you tried to push that mechagnomes would “give” Blood Elves a real friend, as if they don’t fit in Horde and need an Alliance savior complex to make sense Horde.

I always felt EK Horde, and Kalimdor Horde were cliquish, that doesn’t mean Blood Elves don’t also fit in with the greater Horde, they have ambassadors in Orgrimmar just like they did Undercity, and help Horde efforts throughout Kalimdor.

how are you tonight Avarie.

Really, you’re really trying to claim that because some grognards aren’t happy that THAC0 isn’t a thing anymore or whatever that with 5ed that dnd hasn’t had a surge in popularity due to the speedier game play allowing game streaming to be feasible and introducing a ton of people into the hobby?

Of course I am frustrated about this, I am more frustrated that in the midst of it all HE fans push for the last bits of the Blood Elf main theme, knowing full well the status of BE customizations.

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Silly trolls conflating socialized medicine with communism while being totally fine with a country that has socialism for corporations and the rich.


I am alive mostly, you?


well its justs a suggestion dont be mean to me for it. jeez.