No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options


I dont want to guilt you into supporting anything, but there is a big difference between supporting something and bickering over something constantly. What I am trying to figure out is if you’re just frustrated because BE got sparse options and no big themes like darkfallen or if you honestly feel like Blood Elves should be the only ones who have High Elf flavor or what. I am attempting to figure out if there is common ground or if this is a waste of my time essentially.

i am a proud void elf sir.
look at my hair!
its been touched by the void.

This has nothing to do with your antagonistic passive aggressive behavior.


Wow races had that too once, they took that stuff out.

Me think you stuck your fingers in the plug in sockets one to many times.

Well, you are definitely NOT alone the DnD group I use to belong too removed 5 members cause they demanded we use the new ones and we only use 2nd Gen DnD only.

says the dead gurl.

Better Dead than VOID…

Blizzard once again isn’t clear with forsaken just like they aren’t clear with BE. Honestly the horde in general.

Example: is it “death to the living!” Or is it “I miss my daughter”?

hmm lets see how the shadowlands story plays out…
cuz at the moment it seems you are gonna need this void to fight off the true evil… death.

Example 2 am a I cow with Horns or am I a race confused cow with antlers

we shall see maybe we can get lucky and erase the void elves and all three Windrunner sisters at the same time.

Lots of unethical people came up with things that turned out to be true. If we discounted every idea because of the ideology of the inventors, we wouldn’t have basic math or running water. I look at the Twitterati and their openly espoused Communist values doing everything in their power to dismantle pop culture and twist it to indoctrinate consumers, and the pride they take in doing so, and I ask “how is this theory wrong?”


Well, they had already done it for almost every playable race at launch, just looks like Kobolds and Orcs were the only ones with a penalty in 5e so that just seems to bring them in line with other pcs

wow… your dreams are so far fetched.
but cute. like the size of your undead brain. SO cute.

It’s not a big deal to me, but it just struck me as an odd thing to take issue with.

Seems to be a part of the whole switching to the more eberron style thing where no race is just evil, and all have the potential to be whatever, and guess they decided to get rid of the two outliers for the stats. I was just surprised that was a thing as I thought they got rid of racial penalties in this or 4th edition

I agree the sheer fact some one came up with this crazy Idea that Orcs are PoC is mind blowing. Tolken had orcs way before anyone else did and before that Orcs were considered a evil race told in ancient stories. How it suddenly went 180 out of the blue has stumped me ever since.

this is why MOST people do not play the newer versions of DnD due to it being removed you had the bad stats but you also received some good bonus stats. Removing that dumb ed down the game aspect.

I’ll be honest I wasn’t expecting literal national socialism apologism in this thread.

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That’s his thing