No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

What does this have to do with anything?

Blood Elves are already owed decent customizations for what they’ve lost, I’m not bartering, nor am I going to be guilted into continuing to support HE demands in the hopes Blizzard does something for Blood Elves / Horde. The compromise is already skewed.

i’m friends with everyone… even my enemies…

Yeah no thanks I don’t know you and I sure do not need you trying to kiss me that even more creepy than guys doing it IRL.
so back off.


I applaud the diversity implementations.

This I have no idea what was being said or why someone is liking the statement on their alts.


Thank you for doing that.

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I mean green is a colour.

why tho brotha!
you black… your character would still exist.

I cringed, personally.


night elves should have gotten brown skin.

Bad enough people want to cancel J.R. Tolkien due to the fact there was no PoC in any of his works.

I mean when I read this cancel culture on orcs I fell over laughing so hard . I want to know who sits up and thinks of these…



am i being canceled for stating the fact that his character is indeed a black elf? lol y’all are funny.

We shall rise above the troll and if he is war mode kill his character with out mercy.

I would like you to explain why you feel that is a important topic in this thread?
I just wanted blizzard to explain a lore reason where these elves were at and yet I called a racist for asking. I don’t care if he is black brown pink or green give me a good lore to back it up and were golden.

You on the other hand are a prime reason people do not like Void elves.

There were, though. They brought up mutant elephants to attack Gondor in alliance with Sauron’s forces. Middle Earth’s “Asians” were evil, too. But for some reason the cultural Marxists fixate on Orcs. :thinking:

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Tbh as much as I’m a big bleeding heart leftist, the recent discussion around dnd races having stat reductions removed because of racist implications has struck me as odd.

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well i mean people complained about the black elves… so this would give them lore.

alliances players would get high elves which they have been clamoring about for years. but with more human hairstyles and a cute karen lewk.

and blood elves could keep their fancyness all to themselves.

issa optionl

And this kind of antagonistic passive aggression is why people don’t like high elf stans.

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You know that’s a literal NatSoc conspiracy theory right? Like, you’re literally spouting 40s propaganda.


(Query): Where is this from?

(Commentary): For most Forsaken it’s the connection to their former lives that has been a driving factor. Look at the Desolate Council which guided the Forsaken during Legion while Sylvanas was Warchief. Granted she also did things such as burning books and encouraging Forsaken to abandon their pasts, so I can see where you’re coming from with that. Still, it’s hard to forget lines such as, “Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken, now and forever.”

(Observation): It’s a literal joke when anyone in the Horde pretends their faction hasn’t been a hot bed of internal strife and antagonism since day one. That’s kind of their driving story, kind of why they keep getting into these Civil Wars in the middle of wars with the Alliance. I’m sorry, not all the races of the Horde mesh well and are friends. Allies, sure, but it’s not one big happy circle. The Horde has it’s own cliques. Heaven forbid I voice the opinion that Mechagnomes would’ve made a decent addition to the clique that the Blood Elves are a part of.