No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

breaths in

Nah actually I’m good with this one. As long as those hair colors are based on their Void aesthetic.

Stark White and Void Black are great starts.


Because I wanted to know if you’ve completely abandoned what you once wanted in exchange for Saying No. Cause Saying No worked so well in the past obviously.

yeah and did you see the ugly Nightborne the horde received yup it’s jacked up and took no maximum effort to do cause a polished pile of ***** is still a pile.
the model is so broken and we sure did not get any of the Night elves customization’s I wonder why? cause we don’t want those we want our own and to actually look like the NPC not this drugged up Nightelf .

The difference is the HE community has already been catered to.

And there are methods for San’layn that I would find acceptable, like customization with added lore.

Me drawing a line in the sand as a Blood Elf fan after seeing how dirty they’ve done Blood Elves and how High Elf fans are relentless pushing forward, has nothing to do with supporting a Horde request on Horde.

I died laughing.

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Was there a poll or is that just your opinion?

Are you joking?

And people wonder why they describe HE fans as ungrateful?

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Blood elves should have stayed white folk.

Void elves should have been given brown and darker skin tones… and braids and dreadlocks with some void esthetics.

High elves should have been introduced as alliance white people elves. with human hairstyles and a nice Karen look.

meow meow…


So you accept that mutations can occur but you can’t accept that they’re different? That’s some Olympic level mental gymnastics.

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Still bickering about some elves defecting to the Alliance? :wine_glass:
I have one word to canonically explain the customization.



I don’t even know how to proceed with this statement.

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Lore is not the sole concern

Catering would have been the AR the community spent years discussing with the model changes, mounts, racials, etc. Unless there was a vote I am not aware of where the majority of the HE community said “yeah, this is fine” then it was a compromise not catering.

oh please try friend… i cant wait.

Blizzard catering to the HE community isn’t contingent on asking anyone its fairly evident.

You got a huger compromise, and its skewed in your favor and yes it is a compromise, so your entire wish list of demands isn’t met, no one cares more news at 11.

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Well, they do, so get over it.

If you feel so insecure of more player options than you should seek help.

So if BE get darkfallen and sanlayn customization are you going to be satisfied, or continue to argue over VE and hair?

I recall you and we aren’t friends.

I hope you worked on respecting peoples pronouns.

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Yeah that is whole new level of fake racism i have never seen before. Wait take that back since people are now claiming Orcs are a representation of Poc now.
the sheer mental gymnastics for that thinking was gold metal. Sad D&D caved into the SJ group and caved in.

no sir i look so good