No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

I just need ten more entries for a bingo card.


That was easy.

Oh you’re of the same opinion as above yikes.

No you’re not entitled to BE hairstyles you’re Void Elves, you have RP tools to be a Wayfarer, congratulations you’re still a Void Elf :slight_smile:

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I can only disagree with you . :slight_smile:

I know right they still want the lame fellowship of the ring fantasy dream when that door closed long ago now it’s we will kick scream and act like petulant 2 year old tossing all the toys out of pram then scream even more when there is nothing left to toss out.

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Can you answer my question?

If Void Elves are Blood Elves then why don’t Blood Elves have blue skin and tentacles?

Because they’re mutants and are no longer the same race.

You’ve gone past full potato and straight to hash brown status. Yikes. :kissing_heart:

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They did answer it you just refuse to accept it as it is.

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It was sitting in the Twisting Nether… Shattered like all Legion Worlds become. The whole thing was permeated with fel. Some far worse than others. Any High Elf who spent any time there should have had their eyes change to green.

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I think all races should have access to Elves options!
Just rename every races to XXX Elves

  • Orcish Elves
  • Taurish Elves
  • Vulperal Elves
  • Trollolol Elves
  • Etc.

Also, all classes and races should be the same.
When everything is homogenized, there will be no problems!

For the Horde people without problem, filled with love and kindness, who only want peace and friendship!

You are all nothing!


Bye Felicia.

Excuse me … it’s called evolution… ^^ that’s why… other questions ?

Tarrok has already pointed out how you ignore lore and call it facts.

You also ignored my answer to your question because you felt it wasn’t an answer, but this isn’t a math class, it’s more like a debate and that was my answer, and you just made me repeat myself twice and asked a third time for an answer, I guess I won the debate? It’s a little fuzzy since I did this but I do recall it being on the other person at some point to understand if I’ve made myself clear?

I dont see a “yes, I want darkfallen and sanlayn” or “no, I dont want darkfallen and sanlayn”.

What he tried to say but made almost unreadable was the fact that in Allerian Stronghold the local high elves had Draenei arcane wards that they scavenged from nearby ruins that kept the fel energies at bay. Still makes no sense, but Blizzard made an attempt.

First off Darkfalled and Sanlayn should have there own distinct model not another copy and past job that is allowing blizzard to get even more lazier than they are now.

Void elves should have more hair colors.


And what does Darkfallen have to do with anything?

Don’t try to link a decent community and honest request with this conversation.

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go troll else where someone spray it again

Good luck. It worked out so well for High Elves.

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