No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Yeah he got permaed on Varsinax so now he’s Varsnax.

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the option to play as a pure thalassian elf with white, blonde and red hair colors is called blood elf


How? Adding to VE doesnt erase either. Erasing them erases them. You wanna play a BE? Play a BE. Wanna play a voidy VE? Play a voidy VE.

Imo, it sounds like a brand of anxiety medication to me.


I’m just saying the varsnax looks like it would be pronounced bar snacks (or close enough)

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Because they’ve done nothing to add to Blood Elves for compensation, and you simply aren’t entitled to the main theme of Blood Elves, full stop end of sentence.

Stop with this “Just because we get everything we want, and have two visual themes and want even more options, and also occasionally many of us will also move to keep Blood Elves from their Farstrider tattoos, that doesn’t mean you lose anything!” like enough of that argument thanks.

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And here the problem VOID elves are a diffrent color for a REASON tampering with the VOID they should NOT look like blood elves at all. sorry sucking purple go go juice messed them up and now they are a Violet Beauregarde clone.

That’s another one for bingo. “Alleria Tatoos.”


Yeah it definitely has a medication sound to it.


I was between that or a laxative, it’s really a coin toss.


Okay this has nothing to do with what I said. Again. No one is getting erased. If they removed BE then they would be erased.

It’s actually VarsNax.

rotflmao more like the latter.

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It does because you want us to look past the fact you have two visual themes.

Nobody want to steal hair Colors… when the High elves are blood elves and the Void elves are Blood elves … Than the void elves should have the hair colors of the High/Blood elves as option. Logic …
an by the way it’s not your race or your character- everything in this game belong to Blizzard

sounds like something you get a Asda discount medication isle.

That still sounds like Bar Snacks to me

They’re mutants not Blood Elves you silly goose.


There is no logic here. The logic is gone. I cant discuss something if there is no logic.

Do you even want sanlayn or darkfallen anymore by the way?


Honestly… I don’t know what I’m expecting anymore. So few are willing to have VEs being their own people… it’s depressing.