No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

One can support added HE customization for VE AND more themes for BE. It doesnt have to be one or the other. Can even support more void options for VE, more HE options, and more BE options. One does not have to outweigh any of the others.


I appreciate that outlook thank you.

I think some of why I come off the way I do is because the second you don’t agree with the entirety of the request you’re labeled an anti, I find it hard to even hypothetically support more in the future even if Blood Elves are brought up to par just because of the way I view people acting, it reminds me of vultures in nature or something.

I frequent the discord and HE circles and I have no ill will, but the very second the VE skin tones were announced, it was like not even a breath had been taken and it was immediately people “Well what about paladins? Does Blizzard expect this to be a compromise without paladins? What about the hair? Why are Blood Elves still getting blue eyes?” also this concept HE options were now the predominant theme for Void Elves bothered me as well.

That was when I was like okay this will never be enough for these people.

We have Blood Elf customization in the state it’s in and people are clamoring for what’s left that they didn’t get in their initial skewed in their favor compromise, and they say things like “Well just ask for both! Support BE’s and VE’s!” and it is already unfair in their favor. Even if both options got stuff you still have the fact VE’s now have two visual themes that puts them ahead, I’m not interested in the laundry list of HE demands anymore because of how people villainize BE fans, and skew it to make it seem like they aren’t self serving. And I personally don’t care what race comes next for attention so long as its a core race because I believe across the board core races are lacking, but here the HE community is making it about them again.

What has the San’layn community gotten? The Kelfin? Ogres? Like but HE fans will have you believe their the ones that have gotten nothing, so its frustrating in that regard for myself anyways.

As for lore bits I agree, but for me I want it solidified about the Wayfarers, I think that is a win for the HE community but it can be a win for the BE fans as well as it would solidify any future requests to the HE theme to be relegated into the context of what a VE can offer as a HE which is the Wayfarer.


No, I also post gifs.

Get him! Get him you crazy otter!

Actually I have some thoughts on that, but its not the point of the thread so.

Those are Alliance!


I agree with the lore for sure. Yes our two peoples share a history and heritage, but it’s time Blizzard let Void Elves forge their own future in the Allaince. I feel like sometimes us helfers get to concerned with the past, and not enough thought about the velves future. I agree that belfs and velfs should both have our own lore separate from each other. We will always have the bits of our History that we share, but it’s time we go our own paths or else both groups will stagnate. This is what I hope to see in the lore.


I like you.


I think this comment illustrates why when what we are seeing is disparity and unfairness, it seems akin to wanting people to ignore the fact you already got a huge deal. So in the context of this situation, I root for Blood Elf options, and I root for Void Elf options. This is just a distracting attempt to make it seem like it’s not unfair but it is.


I’ve enjoyed the conversations we’ve had as well! At the end of the day the thing that I love most in any game, or show or movie is the story and lore it’s what keeps me invested in everything. It makes the world feel alive without good story the game has no purpose.


I agree.

I can sympathize with Helf Pros in wanting what they want, but I cannot condone ignoring the lore to get something they’ve twisted into what it is not.

The Rp options they got were major wins. Yet so many continue to demand more, and sometimes demand Void Elves be removed in favor of their High Elves.

I love High Elves, Blood Elves and Void Elves. I see how the story has evolved and I love it all.

Ultimately though, the future is Blood and Void.


No what is actually unfair is having an entire AR request boiled down to some cosmetics. The least they can do is make it decent. At the same time give BE some stuff to branch out since HE is now muddled, which was handed to the horde from the alliance in my opinion by the way.

Clearly you and I aren’t going to see eye to eye here, so theres not much point in arguing about it.

As someone who is a helfer themselves let me try to explain this. It’s not about supporting or not supporting both. It’s about the fact that we asked for something and it ended up coming at a cost to someone else. We were not made to share anything with Blood Elves, but they were made to share skin tones with us, and on top of that they were not even given the purple eyes which we should have made to share with them as it fits their lore also. So yes Blood Elves should get a lot more. You can’t tell me it would not be awesome for them to get a secondary theme for their race to even things out a bit between us. I don’t even play Horde and think it would be amazing to see San’layn running around in the world. The point is we wanted playable Allaince High Elves we got that. They gave us the tools to have that background to be supported in the lore, and we got the skin and eye colors to match. But it’s wrong to be dismissive to their needs just, because they don’t want us getting some hair colors. We should strive as a player base to make this game better for everyone.


The new purple color will be shared with BEs as of today! (Well it’ll go into effect later)

But that is still an eye color which fits with Blood Elves magic anyways…

However the original purple color you are correct will be Void exclusive, this new purple is diluted to me? Or looks more arcane esque and less bright to me.

But yeah I think you summarized a lot of the sentiment with the loss of exclusivity.


Did we get blonde and white?

I agree as well. Yes their were a limited amount of High Elves in the Allaince, but what some people fail to realize is that when Blizzard put the Wayfarers into the game to allow us to have that background. They were saying to the players that Void Elves are the future of Alliance High Elves. It just seems like some people can’t see that.


You already got the entirety of BE skin tones, why would you get blonde? You’re not entitled to the full theme.

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I’m glad I was able to do that point of view justice. I’m glad that everyone is getting the purple eyes. Now hopefully Blizzard gives you belfs some more stuff, so that by the end of the expansion we will be evened out! Also I hope they work on all the other races who need stuff. I hear Nightbourne are in pretty bad shape as well.


What did they lose? What was the cost exactly? Exclusivity was lost when they made VE in the first place because they literally took from BE to make them. Exclusivity was out the window with pandaren.

HE aren’t a request like asking for orcs on alliance. They’ve been there since the very first day of the game as NPCs (before BE were made playable for horde). They’ve been expanded on as a counter to BE in fact, much like the pandaren are split. It is not absurd to at least let players have their corner.

Actually I’m pretty sure some facial hair from VE made their way to BE. Once upon a time some BE players asked for that, but it’s so much crap now apparently. I’m not saying it’s a swap because I dont look at it in regards to that, but it did happen so let’s be clear.

Pretty sure BE are getting a purple eye color soon along with VE which was a bug on alliance NPCs (not BE). Now they can be holy elves, OG BE, high elves, or “cured” elves with the arcane.

I agree. Darkfallen and sanlayn would be great additions since those are horde exclusives, but share the thalassian model. Some tats like the BE on the box art would be good too. Piercings and new hair and whatever other little tidbits like how NE randomly got some weird orange split eye option that I have no clue about.

I’ve been a sanlayn and darkfallen supporter for a long while.

Pretty sure High Elves don’t have botched hair or turn purple in combat. I know they probably wont let us ditch the racial any time soon, but some hairstyles and colors from alliance races and markings like alleria since she was once a HE is not dire. Every race can probably use more hairstyles.

I’m not dismissing anything, but I wont be told that I cant support additions to VE just because BE exist, or that I am hurting BE or whatever. It already sucks that they went this route to me (it was the one thing I didn’t want them to do).

I dont even care if they go nuts with BE customization and VE wait until the following patch, if that makes everyone feel better.

Yeah, but apparently I’m not doing it right when I ask for the stuff across the board to make it better for everyone and that is where the stink is. Everyone includes HE fans, BE fans, and VE fans along with all the other races, but to me it doesnt include antis.


Yes. They are a core race with major army. It makes sense by the lore.


Real talk, did you pay attention at all to the argus storyline and the unlock scenario?

Because this is a fundamental misunderstanding of their lore and any lore in general


Have you heard of the alliance Silver Covenant? I bet you have. Please do not deny the secret truths.