No Viable TBCC US East or West PvP Servers

Ok, so there’s not enough people who wanted to stay off mega servers to fill a single raid roster. Yes, in that case, not everyone wanted to be on a mega server. My bad.

Do you not understand the concept of choosing the lesser of two evils?

Although, considering the Classic Ironforge snapshot basically only counts raiders, using that site refutes your own point there…

How’s that?

You could have said any change here, because the forum users lose their god damn minds over every little pebble they stumble on. Alliance players lost literally nothing with the implementation of HvH, and you’d think they were losing access to raids for how they reacted.

It was definitely not limited to the forums. Whether or not there was actually an effect doesn’t matter, a lot of people felt there would be no incentive to play alliance anymore and that their server imbalances would stay the same or become worse. That was common sentiment I heard just about everywhere. Whether or not it was true, partially true, or not doesn’t matter; feeling that way probably influenced a lot of decisions to xfer.

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No, I did not.

^ This was you starting it.

Anyway, overall it seems like you came here to pick a fight. You started by posting that comment for no reason whatsoever. You’ve done that on here before too. What you said could have been said in a respectful way but it was not. Every post you make is more of an attack. You are someone who claims to hate random PVP but seems to very much enjoy forum PVP and attacking other people for having a difference of opinion. So that’s all that really needs to be said.

I’ve done it a few times in classic, started on Stalagg → DD → Atiesh → Bene (currently). Atiesh is a top 4 Alliance server in population but compared to Bene, it makes that server look like a low pop server.

It’s why people flocked to Sargeras, Area 52, Thrall and among a few others in retail the past 8 years. The more people on a server for you faction = easier to do content in retail or tbcc/classic vanilla or som. Majority of the WoW player base don’t care about faction balance or wpvp. The only people who care about faction/server balance are the ones who want cross faction content enabled in retail or the laughable minority crying constantly here in the classic forums thinking they are gonna get server balance.

I’m not sure what the horde population was on Benediction when I transferred in August, but there wasn’t really any world pvp passed the summoning stones. TBCC just seems to be very PVE based, even on PVP servers.

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Yea you did

Hmmmmm throwing insults that have nothing to do with the topic at hand, proves how not high and mighty you are.

Saying no one cares is not picking a fight, it’s a fact. But HEY IGNORE ALL server population and faction populations that prove your crap statement wrong. Hell retail further proves HOW GARBAGE wpvp has been for the better part of a decade to the point they made every server basically pve.

You really want to look at the server population/faction pop for pvp servers in tbcc LITERALLY backs up my point, no one gives a damn. It even took the same amount of time in vanilla classic cause after the camping from which ever faction had the bigger population during phase 1-3 people started to form faction one sided servers cause they dont give a damn about wpvp.

But I guess I’m wrong when 9 NA pvp servers swing one faction and EU has 11 pvp servers swinging to one faction.

Facts don’t lie

What is the fact here? That the servers are imbalanced? I think we all agree to that.

People like you keep putting forward the simpletons argument that because people chose to transfer that necessarily means that is their ideal choice and situation. That’s not a fact.

Instead of agreeing to disagree, you just keep going on this tirade of snide comments and insults.

Give yourself a break, I see the caps lock coming out. Stand up and go take a breath.


Sure and IMO Retail is a boring collection and lobby game and therefore I don’t play it.

Now people do like Retail and that part is fine. Choice is great and if they like Retail that is good.

No, the MAJORITY does not give a damn. Not nobody, based on these forum responses on this thread alone. That’s the part that I find you being disrespectful on. That you can’t acknowledge that the majority isn’t everybody. You aren’t the first to not acknowledge this of course.

I know that the majority want these servers as they are today (just so they can have better raiding guilds) and I have said so before.

Then on top of that Trashedmom is correct, just because somebody is on a server doesn’t mean it’s optimal for them. They may just be there for their guild or may have just settled.

The big difference between us is this:

  • I say if you like these really large mega servers, that’s ok. it’s your preference, IMO if you don’t like PVP you shouldn’t be on a PVP server but this is what we have, so cool, have your Bene. People like myself and others like me would just like choice, that is all.
  • YOU say “The majority wants these servers and only these servers, therefore deal with it, your wants are irrelevant” and then proceeds to be nasty to people who like wpvp because ??? So I called it out as looking like a troll post, sorry if that insulted you but you weren’t exactly being nice, to begin with.

Which one of those looks more reasonable? The person who says choices are good or the person who said no choice is good?

Anyway, I have my choice and I’ve been in WPL on my pally PVPing like crazy while we’ve been talking. In SoM. So everything is fine and I have what I want. You have what you want too right?

It would just be nice if some people were a little more accepting of others instead of trying to fit them into a “meta mold”.

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Yet you still are trying to find issues on the matter, therefor you don’t agree

The reasons why have already been stated numerous times in this thread and others, it’s your choice to ignore them.

Says you, the irony

The 23k Alliance population not even including other servers prove you wrong kid.

Hell if people had the same notion as you there wouldn’t be mass server and faction balance issues in EVERY FRAKING VERSION OF WOW.

So I’ll repeat myself yet again cause you cant grab this simple concept in your little bubble of a version of WoW you want, if people gave a damn as in the majority we wouldn’t be in this mess. You wouldn’t have this massive flux of Bene sitting at 23k Alliance or Faerlina at almost 17k Horde.

Almost every pvp server has a faction swing of 30%+…so if the majority of people had the same crappy opinion as you, guess what there would be no fubard balances in the game.

You know whats funny, do you know how many of the top 20 servers in retail WoW swing to one faction with a 90% or more in that faction? I’ll give you the answer for free its 15 out of those 20 servers. So this isn’t a tbcc, som or vanilla issue, it’s been going on for yeaaaaaaaars cause people will flock to one side.

You haven’t even proved me wrong all you can do is say “you are a mean person and wrong”…the stuff I’ve been saying you can look up on any damn server or faction status site on the web

Here’s another freebie, look up Herd Mentality

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23k alliance proves that I am wrong for stating that some people (not the majority) like world PVP? LOL, what? So if I say I like bananas and 9 other people in the room like oranges that means that I like oranges too?

You haven’t proven one single thing but that people who hate PVP roll on PVP servers and wreck what those servers were about. That is already obvious.

I have. THAT’S what you’re supporting, everyone being a boring part of a herd. No one thinking for themselves. The game turning into the most boring, dry, and stale version of itself to the point where it isn’t even fun for some of us - exactly like Retail. I personally didn’t come back to Classic to play a boring Retail clone and I’ve been close to quitting but my sub still has a few options left.

You seem to be completely oblivious to differences of opinion existing.

All I’m saying is to be more open-minded, it is clear that you can’t wrap your head around that. To you, everyone’s got to be a sheep.


I appreciate your thoughtful, courteous and polite posts and in this case I agree with you.

No one speaks for everyone. We can only speak for ourselves.


Don’t be condescending. you are obviously a smart person. You can make your point without being rude.

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It was the same deal on Retail before CRZ was introduced. After it was, plenty of raiders on PvP servers complained. “I rolled here to raid, not PvP!”

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose

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I have Alliance characters there, two of them in a really fun dwarf guild. Good peeps.


They won’t balance servers long as people continue to pay for transfers.

And Grobbulus is awesome, we need more Horde for our WPVP.

Dwarf guilds are the best on this server. Theres a clip on Reddit of them spitting on Horrigan before he got permabanned.


I had a second account for awhile. Some folks I knew wanted to remake their Horde RP guild on Grobb, so I rolled Horde on that account. Life got in the way, they stopped playing, I let the second account lapse.

Horrigan…Horrigan…why does that name sound familiar?

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He led The Enclave. That one that caused a hot mess during Classic Vanilla with the inappropriate halloween costumes, making it on the news.

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just bit the bullet and sent my horde priest alt to grobb…really just want one toon that can experience a proper world. Worst case scenario server implodes to alliance side only and I still have my raidlogger toons on my main server. Hoping for a good experience


I understand what you are trying to do by transferring to Grobbulus.
Unfortunately, there are too many players who want to play on a balanced population PvP server to fit on one server.

More paid character transfers unbalancing yet another PvP server, in this case, the only viable TBCC PvP server, Grobbulus is not the answer.


Fix the server population balance issue by putting a 60/40 pop cap on every server, then allow free transfers people from transferring away from an overpopulated faction on an unbalanced server. There should also be an absolute pop cap on every server. No one should be allowed to transfer to an overpopulated faction on a full server.

If a server is already unbalanced, let the people who are there stay but dont allow more to transfer into the overpopulated faction which is what is happening now. The imbalance will eventually correct itself. Transfers to low and medium servers should always be free.

The following transfers should be immediately halted:

Benediction Alliance
Whitemane Horde
Faerlina Horde


atiesh+old blanche
would be good mergers. Allowing some wpvp and more balanced pops.