No Viable TBCC US East or West PvP Servers

The data says it all:

WoW TBC Classic Server population (

When I first rolled an alliance toon on Benediction, it was about 60% alliance and 40% horde. Not optimal but playable for world pvp. But no more, now Benediction is 94% alliance and 6% horde.

There is no balance on the TBC US PvP servers now. There is only one marginally balanced server, Grobbulus RP-PvP at 62% alliance and 38% horde. Too many horde and too few alliance or too many alliance and too few horde. For PvP servers, having 90%+ of one faction and less than 10% of the other results in a low quality gaming experience for PvP and PvE players.

The over populated faction can easily grief players from the low pop faction. They can camp meeting stones, dungeon entrances and even capital cities if they choose. Doing so is not a violation of the Terms of Service. Battleground queues can also be long for the overpopulated faction.

Most PvP players like me also want to PvE and we should be able to do both if we so choose. Dont roll on a PvP server unless you can live with being ganked in a contested zone. We can live with being ganked occaisionaly that but not being outnumbered 5 or more to 1.

Neither horde nor alliance are to blame for this. Blizzard is to blame for allowing transfers to an overpopulated faction on any server. I know you can fix this blizzard but will you? Blizzard seems to have prioritized profit from transfer fees over a quality gaming experience for PvP players. If that is the case, that is a very short-sighted approach to server population balance.

Edit: TBCC US PvE servers are almost as bad as US TBCC PvP servers

Population balance is almost as bad on US TBCC PvE servers as it is on PvP servers. Look at the highest population TBCC PvE servers:

WoW TBC Classic Server population (

They are in almost the same shape as far as population balance as the US PvP servers. The two highest pop US PvE servers are 97% horde and 99% alliance respectively. Without both horde and alliance, there is no World of Warcraft. We might as well be playing the World of Monster Hunter.

Edit: Let’s put the War back in Warcraft

The sheep clearly need a shepherd. That shepherd is Blizzard Entertainment. This pop balance issue on US PvP and PvE servers will take time to fix. The sooner Blizz gets started, the sooner we can put the War back in Warcraft.

The following transfers should be immediately halted:

Benediction Alliance
Whitemane Horde
Faerlina Horde

Edit: feel free to add your own TBCC server faction balance proposals.


Broseidons - 40% faction balance threshold.

Rosamoon - end the PVE-PVP transfer restriction.


  • benediction+herod+earthfury
  • ashkandi+pagle
  • atiesh+old blanche
  • westfall+windseeker
  • would be good mergers. Allowing some wpvp and more balanced pops.

Blizzard doesn’t care. They blame us and unless they start losing money they aren’t going to do anything.


I am afraid you may be right.



I’ve posted about this stuff a lot.

One of the big problems is that a lot of people on PVP servers are only there for better raiding guilds and… that’s it. They don’t PVP at all, they don’t want to PVP at all and on top of that they don’t even care about factions and stuff, they don’t even care about or support what the game was built on.

Anyway, so when 80%+ of the player base is like that we get this.

Blizzard could have done things with removing the layers, faction caps for things like transfers, and new character creations at least. Things like that. They didn’t.

So now the solutions are not so good things such as realm connections, CRZ, and war mode. I never would have supported this stuff in the past, at this point, would something make the game better for people who actually like what the game was? Maybe.

I solved my issue by playing a lot of SoM which has exactly the type of experience I want and also I have characters on Grobbulus. I mostly just raid log on this character because I find 99% server boring. I wish there was more choice within TBCC for those of us who want it.


I mean… while I agree that Blizzard having some blame in this… I wouldn’t solely hold them accountable for this situation.

I’ve heard plenty of PvP realm horror stories at this point… Locking down entire cities/FPs/etc…

If you beat the heck out of your brother at Mario Kart every single time you sit down to play… Just grind him into the ground repeatedly… There will come a point where he will stop playing with you. Is he at fault? Or are you just going to blame your parents? Sure they have some blame in the situation, but that does not completely absolve you…

I had my fun the first time around in original BC, and loved playing on a PvP server. This time around… I am sooooo happy I decided to play on a PvE server. I didn’t think it could be more toxic that the original, but man… you guys sure proved me wrong from what I’ve heard.


Personally, I’ve never had a problem with people who have chosen to play on PVE servers. They did the right thing.

The people who hate PVP and rolled on PVP servers are a problem though. Their selfishness has destroyed the game for people who made the right decision. They also tend to be arrogant about how they got their way which makes it even more annoying.


imo they should have one server with faction locks on it. Like if you roll/xfer to this server you AGREE that you’re okay with having a 60/40 faction lock and are okay with being in a queue. That way people who enjoy wpvp can have at least one server where they can go to, and everyone else can go play on their 90/10 “regular” PvP servers.


But that’s the entire point of a pvp realm, you get to grief people on the other faction and they get to grief you. Obviously that only works with relatively balanced factions. And blizzard missed a lot of opportunities to maintain that early on on top actively making things worse like opening up xfers in such a way to further make the problem worse.

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wpvp bla bla bla …

Grobbulus has entered the chat.


Population balance is almost as bad on US TBCC PvE servers as it is on PvP servers. Look at the highest population TBCC PvE servers:

WoW TBC Classic Server population (

They are in even worse shape as far as population balance as the PvP servers. The two highest pop US PvE servers are 97% horde and 99% alliance. Without both horde and alliance, there is no World of Warcraft. We might as well be playing the World of Monster Hunter.

How are things on Grobbulus?

Edit: I would be overjoyed to see horde raiding Stormwind or alliance raiding Oggrimar at least once a week on Benediction.

I could not agree more. A faction pop cap would be a great idea on all PvE and PvP servers.

How does being on a PVP server make a better raiding guild lol. I do agree almost all of these players do not care about pure pvp. I was in a EotS the other day and this paladin was crying because we were taking to long to lose because all he wanted was is mark. He was from a PVP server.

This is why servers are so unbalanced. This is not a PVP game its PVE. Always has been always will be.


WoW is both a PvP and PvE game. Always has been, always will be.


Keep telling yourself that.

back before classic vanilla launched people were fearmongering on the forums/discords/reddit about how everyone who mattered was gonna roll PvP and how all the major big pserver guilds yadda yadda were going there. That paranoia spread and everyone ended up rolling on PvP even if they didnt like PvP just to not “miss out”. Obviously now we know that’s not the case anymore because you can do just fine on a PvE server but that’s hindsight.


The sheep clearly need a shepherd. That shepherd is Blizzard Entertainment. This pop balance issue on US PvP and PvE servers will take time to fix. The sooner Blizz gets started, the sooner we can put the War back in Warcraft.


Grobbulus is awesome. Reminds me of ED from pre WOD days.


I mean, there are MULTIPLE posts from people saying that’s why they rolled on a PVP server specifically for better raiding guilds. I’d name frequent forum posters who say just this but I’m not allowed to.

Your EotS story sounds accurate.

I started playing during open beta in 2004. At the start, there was definitely faction rivalry and PVP in this game. I heard that was even more supposed to be the case from the original developers but they decided to go in a more PVE route. Do I think the primary focus has been PVE overall? Yes, and it has moved further and further in that direction.

I disagree with this comment as a whole. I wouldn’t have started playing this game again just for PVE. For me, just the PVE aspects (esp if it’s all single faction) are not worth the sub or worth wasting time for. They are just not that good.

I came back to Classic and got what I wanted until TBCC was released (so that was totally worth it) and then things started going downhill.

I really try hard not to judge people for liking only PVE but a little respect for both options would be nice. Frankly, a lot of people on these forums are very close-minded and selfish to where they only want to see their own opinion and that’s it. Like you make a flat-out statement and claim to be right, regardless of how this game started. I say it can be either way.