No updates from Blizzard? Wotlk player base left in the dark?

What’s the anticipated timeline for Ulduar?

No additional details on PTR?

Nothing regarding Server Transfers?

Som Characters not allowed to Transfer to Skyfury?

Are Boost coming to Skyfury?

What’s going on with the botting problem?

Are we going to get Cross Realm Arena Queueing? It’s clear there’s a major problem with Arena participation, especially on lower population realms.


Is this your first time in classic?


You really should be setting your expectations lower. The lack of inaction has been their strongest problem since classic launched. 90% of classics problems are a direct result of blizzard acting too little or too late. Don’t expect things to change, it’s been like this for years


At least with regards to this, Skyfury’s population seems to be healthy, so…

Remember how the world buff meta was a massive issue up until the very last couple of months in Classic?

That should have been the biggest indicator of how much the Classic dev team works on Classic.


You must be new. Otherwise you’d have been born in darkness, molded by it. You would have never seen light until you were already a man.

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Skyfury is a new realm they have boosting locked on it to perserve the market.

Ulduar will be in january ptr should open right before xmas to gove the hatdcore peeps all xmas break to have it down and complain a week after its launched they need phase 3.

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Classic wow is merely a tool for blizzard to fund retail.


Umm I thought skyfury was past the 90 days at the end of November? Or am I mistaken? I honestly don’t know for sure, but I had heard we passed that 90 day mark already.

wotlk is dead for me, arena participation dead. everyone just raid logs. same will happen when ulduar comes out. why people main wrath is beyond me.


When has blizzard ever given such a time line?

this is an blizzard automated reply.

we are sorry we can’t come to the phone right now. retail keeps on finding new exploits daily so we stole the classic devs to help fix. we wiil get back to you as soon as we can or when we have 3 day banned half the player base for code we didn’t fix in beta.

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