Fresh Server Transfers / Boosts

It has been 90 Days since the release of the fresh realms. Can we get an update on when / if Transfers and boosts are going to be avaliable for these Realms?

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Good question, I suppose! Has it already been 90 days?

Well, they stated:

And clarified with:


They have recently opened transfers from Angerforge to Skyfury. Angerforge was opened when people were complaining about queues on Skyfury, and was also a fresh start realm, so that seems to just be consolidating the population back to Skyfury.

Do the realms seem to be healthy? Skyfury has a decent population and 2 factions, so I’d say yes.

I wouldn’t hold my breath on transfers or boosts for fresh start realms for the foreseeable future, but it’s up to you to read the information given and come to your own conclusions, I suppose.


appreciate the response and all the info. Ive got a priest id love to transfer to my new home of Maladath but yeah not holding my breath.

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Just FYI if you go to the shop in game maladath and skyfury have been added to the transfer realm list, but when you hit continue its still locked, people are speculating transfers and boosts will be allowed tomorrow after maintenance

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i did notice that, fingers crossed

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