No Unarmored Mounts in Classic?

Every thread has that. The fact that they only close out certain threads is whats telling. The 1.12 av thread has been way worse then anything in the mount thread.


Not blindly agreeing with your desires does not equate to trolling.


Unarmored mounts were not intended to be kept in the game to begin with. The only reason they still exist is that taking things away from people incites a ton of rage. Here, no one has them so blizzard has the ability to just not put them in to begin with and avoid the entire situation. It happens to coincide with the availability of them from vendors not being in the game and just works to resolve it in a way that does not punish people for not speeding through the content. I hope they stick to their guns.


It’s not about agreeing. It’s when you say your piece and you continue to repeat the same thing over 50 times in the thread just to trigger people until the thread gets locked or the game releases.

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What happened to the mega thread?

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Most likely deleted thanks to our “troll” friends.

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/sigh what a shame people have to ruin things :frowning:


I will admit that I don’t have a dog in this fight, because I personally don’t care…I just want an epic mount.

That being said, I would make an argument to those who praise the exclusivity of these mounts, that the exclusivity should be continued…in retail. Players in retail who have had these mounts for nearly 15 years should be the ones who have the right to say “look at this super cool rare mount that I have” Just because we play Classic doesn’t give us a right to say “OOOH give me another shot at this rare as all hell mount that I couldn’t get in retail but I can get here, when I know exactly the most efficient way to get it”. That makes these mounts in Classic and in WoW as a whole not mean as much.

I see the side of the argument in favor of putting them in, especially for those that want them because they generally like the looks of that mount more for whatever reason, and honestly I’m not against it either really (again, I don’t really care). And if Blizz decides to, it won’t matter to me. I’m not gonna bull rush my way to 60 to have a chance to get one.

But just keep that in mind when you make the argument for the exclusivity/rarity of these mounts.

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Not to mention that every other rare, unobtainable thing is available again in classic. People are getting a second shot at pvp ranks, old raids, gears, events, etc. Since we have phased content that should apply to the mounts, too.


Posting for my friend Shimy!

Hello everyone, the thread was in fact closed BECAUSE of the petition and the petition link. Please continue to talk about this subject, I will be back on June 25th and if a new thread has not been created than I will create a new one. Someone who feels just as passionate about this could also make a new thread which I completely support.

Blizzard Please implement the Original Epic Mounts that were removed in patch 1.4, keep them in the game forever and remove the “non blizzlike” race to 60 that you are so afraid of.

Like I said, I don’t really agree or disagree. I honestly think that leaving exclusivity alone should be the goal.

As far as old raids and gear…for the most part, most of that is still available in retail (hence exclusivity is not really a concern there). GM/HWL pvp ranks if I’m not mistaken you can still purchase that gear in retail via the random marks of honor thing that you occasionally get from the crates for winning BG’s (I think). The only thing you can’t get anymore in retail is the title as far as that is concerned.

Now I will say that given the fact that we should mostly know how to play better than we did back in Vanilla that GM/HWL should be much harder and more competitive to get this time around. So because it will likely be harder than in Vanilla to get those, then the title should go into Classic. But the mounts were just a purchase thing. If you got the level and money requirement in time, you got the unarmored mount back in Vanilla. I think that exclusivity should stay in retail because it lessens the exclusivity of the mount to the people that earned it when it was harder to do so (because we didn’t know as much about the game back then as we do now). Now everyone has a plan to get to 60 ASAP and get the money they need and can pretty much map EVERYTHING out. Back in Vanilla that was not the case.

Edit: I hope I’m getting my point across. I’m not really trying to upset anyone, I’m just trying to apply some logic here of reasons why 1 exclusive thing might be included in Classic but one might not be.

I get your point and thanks for continuing the discussion so calmly. I just don’t agree with you. Since the games are completely separate exclusivity shouldn’t factor into it. PvP Ranks don’t necessarily involve any skill or talent either, just time committed. People will be more prepared for the AQ mount grind this time, too, and the raids/gear that has been removed from the current game will be much easier to obtain with the information and addons that are available to us now.

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I’m genuinely pissed off they deleted that thread. It was exactly the sort of player feedback regarding what we want from Classic that Blizzard should be taking as gospel, and they used a petition link as a technicality to blow it up?

The only people not in support of this are forum trolls who spew meaningless semantics to try and justify an arbitrary, non-classic change that helps no one and harms the experience of many!


Seems really odd to nuke a thread like that about a legitimate topic, regardless of your opinion on the matter, while we’ve got a 40 bazillion post thread on the retail forums that’s been nothing but parroting and trolling for the past year. (We won’t justify it with a call out.) Yep, that one thrives.

They don’t have to DO it, but deleting an entire thread (we know you can delete single posts or even edit them, blues) seems a bit much.

For the record, I couldn’t care less if they add them or not personally, but come on. Just because my kid asks for an ice cream before dinner doesn’t mean I’m going to toss the whole box in the garbage.


But It’s ok for those that agree with you to repeat the same thing(s) over 50 times and continually bump the thread while adding nothing new?

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Posting on an alt to circumvent your forum vacation? You know that is against the COC, right?

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I’m always down for a reasonable discussion, even if I don’t 100% agree with the topic. Like I said, I come from a completely neutral party here. I’m not gonna shed any tears whether they put the unarmored mounts in or not. I’m mostly just trying to see things from different angles entirely.

But I will say that I am a fan of exclusivity as a whole. (I don’t have anything exclusive but I’ve always thought it was cool to see people who have the rare stuff). My main point about putting the unarmored mounts in Classic is that while yes Classic is its own game (which is why I’m OK with them putting the unarmored mounts in if they decide to), I also understand that there is exclusivity in those mounts that were obtained back when Vanilla was retail and it was hard as hell to do. Now, the game is so mapped out and everyone knows everything about it, so part of me thinks that a lot of the exclusivity stuff shouldn’t be in Classic…and as much as I will lose points for this…that includes the AQ mount too. (Again nerds, I’m not saying I really care if they include it or not, I’m just making a point), but by my own logic, I also feel that the AQ mount shouldn’t be included. (personally I kind of think that the opening of the AQ gates shouldn’t be part of it because it was an exclusive event).

The exclusive one of a kind stuff should stay in retail…where it belongs. Unless in Classic it could potentially be harder to get than it was when Vanilla was retail (hence my argument about why I think the GM/HWL titles should exist in Classic because I think it will be harder to get this time around).

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They are making the game around patch 1.12 witch is way further down the line then 1.4 . That is the reason why they won’t be in. I really do understand what you are talking about but at least we still get the game.

And heck that does not stop them to add them back later on down the line if the community really wants them.

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My personal opinion, outside of why I think Blizzard is doing this, is pretty mixed. On the one hand as an RPer, I like the idea of having a fast mount without armor. I mean… armor should make you go slower right? I also prefer the random adventurer feel of wearing nondescript armor and riding a normal mount for long traveling away from a warzone. More choice == better RPG for the most part.

On the other hand, I definitely hate - HATE - limited time rewards and think they ruined retail. If you’re a brand new player in retail you have literally 15 years of great WoW content that Blizzard has invalidated 99% of through progression and removing rewards. New players should always have a path to a reward as long as it’s still as arduous as it was when it was released. It’s that OCD in me; when I buy a game on steam and I have to pre-order to get content, I just hate it. I want to know I can unlock everything in the game, even if I’m not actually going to.


I no-lifed WoW from like Jan. '05 to mid-WotLK, and the first I heard of unarmored mounts was in the earlier thread on here. I guess I just never noticed them.

Doesn’t seem like a priority to me, and seems like a silly thing to get all worked up over. The armored mount goes the exact same speed. But if Blizzard wants to add them, it doesn’t matter to me, since they apparently did exist in vanilla.