No timers, PERIOD

NO TIMERS, PERIOD… pretty sure they cycle once a month but whatever

Roster boss issue tends to come from “mythic” guilds, not mythic guilds. IE heroic guilds trying to do some mythic.

Or the alliance

A 15 year old version that is ridiculously easy compared to the current version. I’ll take a challenge over steamrolled content anyday.

And this is why you should never pre-order.

I have to agree with OP here, I’m sick and tired of timers everywhere in modern gaming.

Beating the clock is not a challenge, it’s simply a race a boring and overused race at this point. Precisely why games have also been going downhill for a while now, there’s no creativity to creating mechanics anymore.

Whenever you want to put a challenging mechanic and don’t know what to do you slap a timer on it and call it a day because that will for sure make most ppl happy for a while but what about after? After you know the tools and path to take to win the race it becomes boring. Which is why I find M+ boring now, you do it once you feel good about it but then you do it hundreds of times the same stuff with the same strategies with only a few changes to it, what’s fun about that anymore you’re already numb of doing the same stuff over and over.

So no, I also hope the devs don’t slap another timer on it like they already did it twich with M+ and now visions. Be a little bit more creative this time and think of something else. Many players are tired of races agaist the clock everywhere nowadays.

This is the ESport bull I want gone from World of Warcraft. Not everything in WoW needs to be a competition designed so only the best players with great strats succeed. We have Mythic plus and raiding for that. One day Blizz will move WoW back to being more of an MMORPG, where people explore and delve to explore and delve.

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The tower itself is designed to reward better play though, the better you are the father you get, the more rewards you receive. It was always designed this way.

But perfectly achievable without being one of the best. ESport design promotes competition, that player A has better strats and is a better player, but not quite as good as player C, so C can get to floor 180, A can get to floor 160, B to floor 100, but none of them can move on till they hit the top 5% of gamers. That’s where the real rewards are at, work hard and improve and you too can be a great sports player.

MMORPG design does have difficulty but isn’t a competition. You delve and work together and overcome obstacles and leave making friends and being social.

The idea that people are punished for using great strats is such ESport bull. I’m tired of that aspect of WoW. I also won’t be playing Torghast if there’s soft timers. New World looks good, I’ll have to check that game out :slight_smile:

can’t wait until blizz decide to balance torgast with tougher affix, more overlap and punishing mechanic.

I’m sure all the anti-timer crowd will love it… cause as we all know… the main problem with people depleting keys in M+ is the timer… and not them wiping 10 time to mechanics in their +10.

yup… that’s gonna go really well.

Give it that rising difficulty timer that Risk of Rain 2 has.

Poked along a few floors ago for some popcorn?

WoW has always been about competition, world firsts, realm firsts, hell even just competing within your own guild.

Esports crap can go yea, but wow has always been a competition.

And I have yet to see ppl that care about what the rewards will be as much as ppl that just care for how replayable is that content.

Like seriously most ppl don’t care at all for that stuff here, myself included. If some others want to slap the gogogo mentality in it let them do it by themselves, just don’t put us all in the same boat is what we’re asking here.

The content is looking good for once and I really don’t want another race agaist the clock type of content, because the devs lately seem to have this sick obsession of wanting to control every aspect of how players play the game.

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There was some competitiveness in WoW, raiders were competitive and top PvPers were competitive, but the nice thing about it being a partial sandbox was the players often dictated how they played. And it was often very laid back. People would sit around and chat just to chat and wait, then team up to complete content, exchange contact details and leave. It was often social and relaxed … when you weren’t being ganked.

In modern WoW everything is rushed. Also we have raids, Mythic plus, PvP all of which have rankings, we don’t need another mechanic and thing to do in WoW devolve into another competition.

WoW has never been all about the competiton. It’s just recently that’s been the case


If you don’t think most people play for rewards, i have a REALLY nice bridge to sell you.

Don’t be dense, I never said they don’t. What I said is that rewards are not the focus nor the issue here, stop playing dumb.

Having rewards is entirely causing the issue.

If there was no power reward no one would care if you spent 10 hrs in there waiting for BL to get 20 floors over the next guy.

But it would also mean participation would be super low.

No, rewards are not the issue here and ppl already gave plenty of suggestions before of how to fix that, like limitting how much materials you can get per week/day/whatever.

Putting keys or a timer on it is just the laziest way of doing it as blizz have been doing it a lot lately with their, at this point, obsession of controling every aspect of how players play the game.

Limiting materials just punishes you for getting further, it is not a good answer.

We already know there is keys, so if you get your limit on the first run of the week you just bank all the rest until you’re what? Sitting on 400+ keys at the end of the expansion?

And your idea is also simply punishing ppl that just want to play the content for the content.

The difference is that ppl that want to do for the rewards obviously need a limit, you can’t just sit in there getting everything you need doing that 1 type of content over and over, while ppl that just want to do it for what it is don’t.

What do you want to control how ppl spend their god damn time for? If you want a race agaist the clock with top tier rewards M+ is there waiting for you, this is clearly not your cup of tea.

There isn’t one. You get 2 wipes+1 death aka three deaths per floor if you’re solo before you start getting chased. Don’t die and you won’t have a problem. It’s a “soft timer” that prevents you from waiting on CDs, blowing up one mob in a pack, dying to the rest of the mobs, waiting for CDs again, blowing up a second mob in the pack, etc etc, to cheese your way up.