It doesn’t need to be a race, just something to keep you moving along at a normal pace and not afk waiting for Bloodlust every pull.
A phobia of time passing
The soft timer being proposed in the interview is different to the deaths per floor mechanic
How would that be the same? That is a limit enforced by me with no tangible in game rewards, not a system rule. My success or failure provides no additional bonuses so I am basically shafting myself. I am not a speed runner or a pro gamer. Yes I enjoy timers, but why would I ever make things harder for myself with no explicit reward other than a minor ego boost? There is literally nothing explicit to be gained.
If there was a rewards system in place for completing content with timers added, then I couldn’t care less if there was a non-timed version. Even if it’s just an achievement or title that’s incentive to attempt it, otherwise why in the world would I just make things harder than for myself for free?
I’ll have to find the cliff notes of it, but I’m assuming it’s going to be waves of adds that spawn or something?
I’d be fine with that. Enrage timers are lazy difficulty and make fights gear-based, rather than skills based.
Well I mean. I sort of wanted Torgast to be like those single player dungeon raids you play in solo rpgs. At least when you are in there by yourself. Like if we can add a pause button in case we have something come up. A pause button would be great for solo play in this regard if the timer isn’t going to be generous.
I Agree !!! I hate timers too, in M+ people are quitting so often that it’s discouraging, and then you can’t get new people into your party because timer is done and you can’t even finish it. Last time we almost finished the last boss but someone left, just because they freaked out because of timer. Please lets remove timers, they destroy all fun.
should really remove it in m+
4 year necro lets gooooooo
Funny cause you seem to have ignored the timer on the thread.
ho-ly frick the necro on this thread! it’s talking about torghast of all things!
this thread’s been dead and buried for so long, it’s not even a skeleton anymore, it’s just a pile of dust that’s sunk into the remains of a coffin!