Not really. You could offer multiple methods in which to alter their abilities. You could gain them access to stuns, or alter ST abilities to turn them into AoE’s, etc.
Or at the end of the day… those specs may just be SoL, and just won’t be optimal for clearing the tower. I’d rather that then the next 2 years be focused around another content form that is virtually similar to M+.
This is part of the problem with most of Blizz’s systems:
Torghast is the ONLY way to get Legendaries. Not that it’s much slower if you don’t do Torghast, it’s the ONLY way. Tangent to that, the Devs will think they’ve got a hit on their hand due to player engagement with Torghast. And that’s not why people will be doing the content for the most part.
Hey, I’m not saying that’s what I want. But I am saying… I’d rather they think of some other options to improve those specs to counter the content.
Are those specs currently optimal for the content? Is the entirety of the tower just an AoE grindfest right now? Do any of the mobs have mechanics that require countering? If so… those specs already aren’t optimal for it…
And if the ONLY way to counter those mechanics is: Do more damage…
Wow… this is really going to be a crap experience.
It sucks because I say it sucks and even if the data doesn’t back me up, it still sucks because that data is obviously wrong, or it would just be a chart that says, “It Sucks”.
Your concern is players waiting to come off of cooldowns. If Blizzard blacks out all cooldowns over 2 minutes then everyone would be playing with their classes standard tool kit. Thus the tower will not extend any longer due to waiting on this to come off of cooldowns and you will effectively get what your asked for.
But I doubt you like this idea, so becareful what you ask for in the future.
The powers the tower give’s you may throw a huge wrench in the cooldowns to begin with if they do it on the higher floors. They could add powers that make you sacrifice your cooldowns for a nice flat damage buff. Thus making the waiting on cooldowns on the higher floors thing a non-issue.
Yeah, as I said, we have a more serious problem. Roguelike content, by its basic RNG-heavy nature is not going to be fair. It’s not going to be balanced. There is going to be wild variance in how well you do from run to run.
If you’re imagining gameplay that is tightly tuned around rewarding thin variations in dps output like just another raid or dungeon, your suggestions are not going to stop until you’ve sucked all the fun out of the content.
Your guild kicks a core raider because he got his legendary 1 week after someone else?
Do you also kick raiders if they can’t make a raid due to being on vacation?
I mean what kind of nonsense is this.
And having Torghast timed is NOTHING like a boss enrage timer stop using that example. It’s like saying raid boss enrage timers and mythic+ timers are exactly the same.
Just re-watched a bit of preach’s content. Sounds like there’s a “see-saw” point where you get obscenely powerful. But until that point… you’re building your powers to synergize and super charge your character.
I’d still land on… put in a hard enrage on the final boss of the floor. That way if you didn’t build your char well (via powers acquired) or aren’t strong enough on a base level… you’re hard stopped from progression. Put in mechanical checks to allow for optimization in the fights to allow better players to progress further.
In other words, put a mini-raid style boss into the floors as the check to progression. Not a timer. Sorta funny too… people in his comments are saying things like “will be glad to not have to worry about a timer going through these.” Sigh… There’s clearly a base of players interested in not being timed on every bit of content.