No timers, PERIOD

You going to cap every class cd then? That doesn’t sound fun in the least honestly.

You can cap BL obviously, but that doesn’t solve the issue.

So what. Can’t kill it with all CDs, congrats. That’s the end of your run. And if you’re worried about lust, then cap the number of lusts per floor.

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The point is they DON’T want people waiting on CDs. If they have to balance around that it sucks for everyone.

Most major cooldowns are 3 minutes. If it takes a nice average of 2.75 minutes to kill each trash pack I don’t think you will have a issue of waiting on cooldowns.

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I dont want a timer i can see

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No, what they don’t want, is people waiting on CDs for every single pack. I’m saying, make the end-boss much more challenging then the rest of the trash on the floor. You’ll never reach the point where you require CDs for every single trash pack, as you’ll likely have been squashed by the boss on the prior floor.

Edit: And if you can’t kill basic trash packs without everything up… you shouldn’t even have a chance at the end boss.


That’s a big assumption on trash pack kill time though.

I mean, it’s a possible solution, but then I worry about trash becoming nothing but boring fodder.

You also realize that in this ever changing dungeon you will be lost 99% of the time right. Did you see the video with the randomized portal floor that sucks away time. If we have timers that floor will turn people’s hair white.

If raid-level rewards are what panics you, wouldn’t it make more sense to cap those rewards per week? Then you don’t have to worry about people min-maxing the length of their runs, the number of runs, anything.

I’ve been through randomized content, I know how it works.

You can make trash mechanical checks then. But make the boss a hard DPS check. The maze boss from the brawlers guild comes to mind. You HAD to kill him before a certain point, or you were dead. You could execute flawless maze building to extend the fight and optimize your chances at success, but eventually… you lose.

For the trash, just force players to dodge, interrupt, stun, CC, etc. etc. etc. You don’t need every challenge to be about DPS.

All that does is punish people for being better players.

Problem with all that is, not every class has access to all that and this is supposed to be soloable by any role/class

That’s cool.

What parts of the game demand your conformity?

Top end raiding
Top end mythic
Top end PVP, maybe?

What are you suggesting? I can’t quite figure out your point.

The thing is all of these idea’s have already been expressed on how to avoid these timers. However there is a timer on the average memory of these timer lover’s. Give them a half hour and a good shake and like a echa-sketch they have forgotten you said anything at all and reset back on “timers are the only way”.

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So what you’re saying is that currently the tower is just an AoE grind fest? With almost zero mechanics?

How about we get some of those powers to alter classes spells and give them abilities (or alter their own) to handle trash packs better then?

Then if they don’t get them they’re screwed, or you have to force them to take something that is supposed to be an important choice on how they build that run.

If that’s what you want from Torghast, we have a more serious problem than timers.


What I don’t want is “I got to floor 115 and capped my legendary items for the week, let me sit on my other keys i guess”